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The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 4 Part 1 (stems 76-90)

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Presentation on theme: "The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 4 Part 1 (stems 76-90)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Word Within the Word Stem Lesson 4 Part 1 (stems 76-90)

2 76. morph meaning: shape Sentence example: The magic crystal dissolved into a lumpy, amorphous mass.

3 Clue Words: amorphous, morphology, polymorph, protomorphic, Morpheus

4 Amorphous Shapeless

5 77. vest meaning: clothes Sentence example: The silk vestments were hanging on pegs.

6 Clue Words: vestry, vestment, vest, divest

7 Vestment An official or ceremonial robe

8 78. bene meaning: good Sentence example: He never knew the name of his generous benefactor.

9 Clue Words: benefit, benevolent, beneficial, benediction, benefactor, benign

10 Benevolent kind

11 79. pond meaning: weight Sentence example: The ponderous burden was nearly impossible to lift.

12 Clue Words: ponderous, ponder, pound, imponderable, compound

13 Imponderable Unable to be understood

14 80. corp meaning: body Sentence example: His corpulent body was result of his love of sweets.

15 Clue Words: corpulent, corporation, corporeal, corporal, corpse

16 Corporeal Real, tangible

17 81. dorm meaning: sleep Sentence example: The evil creature lay harmlessly dormant for centuries.

18 Clue Words: dormitory, dormant, dormer, dormancy

19 Dormant Inactive, asleep

20 82. pater meaning: father Sentence example: There was an annual birthday party for the family patriarch.

21 Clue Words: paternalistic, patronize, paternity, patriarch, expatriate

22 Patronize To talk down to someone

23 83. nov meaning: new Sentence example: The recently invented laser toothbrush is a novel idea.

24 Clue Words: novel, nova, novice, innovation, renovate

25 Novice A beginner

26 84. punct meaning: point Sentence example: Her punctilious attention to small details was impressive.

27 Clue Words: punctuate, punctilious, puncture, punctual, acupuncture

28 Puncture To pierce

29 85. ject meaning: throw Sentence example: He felt miserably dejected when the expedition left without him.

30 Clue Words: eject, reject, conjecture, dejected, inject, subject, projection, interject

31 Interject To interrupt

32 86. tion meaning: act or state Sentence example: The devastation intensified our need for creation.

33 Clue Words: completion, reaction, devastation, production, creation, transition

34 Devastation Completely destroyed

35 87. loco meaning: place Sentence example: Self-motivated people have an internal locus of control.

36 Clue Words: locomotive, location, local, locus, relocate, dislocate, localize, locomotion

37 Locomotion The act of moving from one place to another

38 88. dox meaning: opinion Sentence example: The many-cultured United States is a heterodox nation.

39 Clue Words: orthodox, heterodox, indoctrinate, paradox

40 Paradox A statement that seems contradictory but is true

41 89. amphi meaning: both Sentence example: The Martian amphibians emerging from the water had gray, impenetrable skins.

42 Clue Words: amphibious, amphitheater, amphibian

43 Amphibian An animal that lives on water and land

44 90. magn meaning: great Sentence example: His magnanimous victory speech was inspiring in its generosity.

45 Clue Words: Magna Carta, magnanimous, magnate, magnificent, magnum opus

46 Magnanimous Generous with forgiveness, not petty

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