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四川省教育出版社五年级英语下册 Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture No.1 Primary School of Bazhou Ma Huaying.

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2 四川省教育出版社五年级英语下册 Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture No.1 Primary School of Bazhou Ma Huaying

3 seasons summer autumn winter spring

4 Let’s enjoy some pictures about festivals.

5 Spring: _ _ _ _ Summer: _ _ Auturmn: _ _ _ Winter: _ _ A BC D E F GH I JK

6 Easter

7 ·When is Easter? It always on a Sunday in late March or early April.( 三月末四月初的某个星 期天 )

8 Easter is a spring holiday( 节日 ). It used to celebrate the rebirth of Jesus. ( 复活节是庆祝耶稣的复活 。 )

9 Christians say Jesus died on Good Friday.( 基督教说耶稣在星期五死去。 ) On the third day,Jesus rose from the dead.He become alive again. (第三天, 耶稣又复活了。)

10 Symbols 象征 eggs chicks rabbit flowers

11 Old tradition: chicken eggs Now: Easter eggs are made of chocolate and plastic( 软糖 ) 。 old now Easter eggs Tip: “ are made of” 用 …… 做成

12 Easter chicks They are symbols of birth ( 重生 ) and hope ( 希望 ).

13 Easter rabbit As messengres to send eggs,rabbits are popular with children.In America,that is, Easter Bunny.

14 Easter flowers (lilies): Lilies blooming near the Easter seem to tell us the good news that Jesus has resurrected from the death( 耶稣复活 ).

15 Go to the church pray( 祷告 )

16 Parade ( 游行活动 )



19 Today,Easter is a national hoiday.Children do not go to school at Easter.Banks and shops are closed.People give Easter eggs and cards to their friends.Eater eggs are usually made do chocolate. Easter is a very old festival. It used to celebrate the start of spring and “new life”. Eggs and chicks are the symbols of Easter.They are symbols of birth.

20 ◆ Easter eggs are usually made of ____. ◆ and are symbols of Easter.

21 Read the text and answer these questions. 1.Is Easter a new festival 2.What did it use to do 3.Do children go to school at Easter 4.Are banks closed at Easter 5.Are shops open at Easter ? ? ? ? ?

22 Today,Easter is a holiday in Britain.Children __ go to school at Easter.Banks and shops are.People give and __ to their friends.Easter eggs are usually made of. Easter is a very _ festival.It _ celebrate the and “ ”.Eggs and chicks are of Easter.They are symbols of. old new life start of spring symbols used to Easter closedcards national do not chocolate Easter eggs

23 Today, is national holiday __ _.Children __ at Easter. and __ are.People give and __ to. are usually of. is a _ festival.It __ _ celebrate _ and “ ”. _ and are _ of Easter. are _ _ of. new life very old the start of spring Easter birth Eggs used to symbolschicksThey symbols

24 Read the text and circle T(true) or F(false). 1.Easter is a new festival. ( ) 2.Eggs and chicks are the symbols of new life. ( ) 3.In Britain,children have to go to school at Easter. ( ) 4.People give chocolates and eggs to their friends.( )

25 Let’s enjoy some more about Easter. Egg Rolling(In Britain): Find a hill.Everybody has a painted egg.Roll the eggs down the hill.The last egg to break is the winner.

26 Egg Rolling(In America):the White House to play this game every year,but is rolling eggs on the lawn( 草坪 ). Let’s enjoy some more about Easter. ml?ptag=vsogou&st=1_9_4_1& ml?ptag=vsogou&st=1_9_4_1&nr=1

27 Homework Try to make Easter eggs at home(You can do it follow P42).

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