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"Use of antibiotics - groundbreaking analysis from the new electronic prescription system." Kim Moylan HSC-BSO & Fiona Johnston NILS-RSU.

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Presentation on theme: ""Use of antibiotics - groundbreaking analysis from the new electronic prescription system." Kim Moylan HSC-BSO & Fiona Johnston NILS-RSU."— Presentation transcript:

1 "Use of antibiotics - groundbreaking analysis from the new electronic prescription system." Kim Moylan HSC-BSO & Fiona Johnston NILS-RSU

2 Seminar Outline  Introduction to the HSC BSO: Data Available  Enhanced Prescribing Data: Antibiotics  Introduction to the NILS: Data Available  Distinct Linkage Project using the NILS &BSO  Preliminary Results  Next Steps

3 Medical Dental Pharmaceutical Information & Registration Unit Ophthalmic Family Practitioner Unit (FPS) Business Services Organisation

4 Data Available Registration Data: -Patient Level information -Registered population -Immigration/Emigration -Internal Movement -GP Payments Pharmaceutical Data: -Prescription Cost analysis -Drug information -NEW Enhanced Prescription Information Dental Data: -Dentists & Associates -Patient Registrations & Treatments -Dental Payments Ophthalmic Data: -Vouchers for Eye tests & Glasses -Opticians, Ophthalmic Surgeons & -Ophthalmic Payments

5 Enhanced Prescribing Data 2-D barcode captures all information printed on the prescription, including prescribed drug data, plus some data not visible on the prescription Second 2-D barcode pre-printed on prescription gives GP information

6 Unique individuals using/accessing Family Practitioner Services in 2009-10

7 Current Data Examples

8 Current Information Percentage People in receipt of drugs for treatment of bacterial infections

9 Body Invaders Virus Fungus ParasiteBacteria

10 Antibiotics

11 Clostridium difficile (C Diff) THE 'NORMAL' GUT BACTERIA Lactobacilli Streptococci Clostridia Coliform Bacteriodes

12 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

13 Publicity on Inappropriate Antibiotic Prescribing

14 Prescribing Patterns


16 Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study

17 Distinct Linkage Projects (DLPs)  Potential to link to health and social services data for specially defined one-off studies; so far successfully linked to: Breast Screening Dental Activity Prescribing  Legal and ethical scrutiny and privacy protection protocols  Database Linkage & Encryption Methodology

18 Personal identifiers Health & Care Number Removed xyzb Prescribing data at HSC BSO NILS data at NISRA Health & Care Number NILS xyzb One-way encryption EPD NILS One-way encryption xyzb NILS EPD NILS EPD Researcher access Matching Removed

19 NILS-EPD Distinct Linkage Project Study Aims  Identify current antibiotic prescribing patterns by demographic & area characteristics.  Inform health policy & health research on management of antibiotics prescribing. Study Design  NILS members linked to antibiotic prescription data held on EPD, based on the 12 months ending May 2010  Relationship between antibiotic prescriptions (incl. number of prescription items received) and: (1)individual demographic & socio-economic characteristics (2)area attributes (3)indicator for high (70% and over) and low coverage rates for scanned prescriptions  Descriptive analysis to look at patterns of prescription & regression analysis to test the relative importance of variables on usage.

20 Prelim results: Descriptive Analysis – Population Distribution Prescriptions by Sex & Age

21 Prelim results: Multinomial Logistic Regression – Relative Risks Demographic Factors: Age & Sex Sex1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items Male1.00 Female1.69 ***2.36 ***2.48 *** Age1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items 0-41.00 5-151.18 ***1.78 ***1.85 *** 16-441.09 ***1.76 ***2.60 *** 45-641.36 ***3.21 ***8.20 *** 65+0.81 ***2.45 ***8.96 ***

22 Prelim results: Multinomial Logistic Regression – Relative Risks Demographic Factors: Community Background & Marital Status Models adjusted for Age & Sex Community Background1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items Catholic1.00 Protestant0.95 ***0.94 ***0.85 *** Other/None - - - Marital (16+)1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items Single1.00 Married/Re-married1.21 ***1.27 ***1.31 *** Sep/Div/Widowed1.09 ***1.29 ***1.46 ***

23 Prelim results: Multinomial Logistic Regression – Relative Risks Socio-Economic Factors: Education & Tenure/Capital Value Models adjusted for Age & Sex Education (25+)1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items Degree+1.00 2+ A’Levels1.10 ***1.16 ** (0.002)1.22 GCSEs1.21 ***1.30 ***1.49 *** No Qualifications1.39 ***1.95 ***2.66 *** Tenure & CV (excl. private renting) 1 to 2 Items3 to 5 Items6+ Items Own Occ 200K+1.00 Own Occ 150 - 199,999+1.11 ***1.22 ***1.23 ** (0.004) Own Occ 100 - 149,999+1.19 ***1.32 ***1.39 *** Own Occ 75 - 99,999+1.30 ***1.47 ***1.57 *** Own Occ less than 751.33 ***1.60 ***1.92 *** Social Rented1.34 ***1.81 ***2.26 ***

24 Preliminary analysis only! Next steps for analysis:  more risk factors – variables to include family structure, self- reported health, socio-economic status (NSSEC and employment activity)  comparison of high and low scan rates  further analysis on impact of sex and older age groups  area based analysis – settlement band, deprivation, sub-region  establish optimal regression models  establish optimal frequencies for antibiotic item groupings Desk research: over-prescribing & antimicrobial resistance lit. review Dissemination activities Next Steps

25  The help provided by the staff of the Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study and the Northern Ireland Mortality Study (NILS and NIMS) and the NILS Research Support Unit is acknowledged.  The NILS and NIMS are funded by the Health and Social Care Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency (HSC R&D Division) and NISRA. The NILS-RSU is funded by the ESRC and Northern Ireland Government.  The authors alone are responsible for the interpretation of the data. Acknowledgements

26 HSC BSO Family Practitioner Services Website: NILS Research Support Unit Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency McAuley House Tel: 028 90 348138 Email: Website:

27 01 to 23 to 56+ agemalefemalemalefemalemalefemalemalefemaleTotal 0 to 412,21410,8813,0133,387306419285630,304 3 to 530304248697773101301219184115721176,504 16 to 4470,61460,52114,84725,1051,9665,413321941179,728 45 to 6435,64330,07910,38814,3832,2304,4116141,35199,099 65+19,47525,2933,8676,6371,1312,6054511,13360,592 Total168,250151,64339,88859,6426,85214,6891,5713,692446,227 Frequencies Table

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