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This document is contained within the Fire Management Toolbox on Since other related resources found in this toolbox may be of interest,

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Presentation on theme: "This document is contained within the Fire Management Toolbox on Since other related resources found in this toolbox may be of interest,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This document is contained within the Fire Management Toolbox on Since other related resources found in this toolbox may be of interest, you can visit this toolbox by visiting the following URL: toolboxes&sec=fire. All toolboxes are products of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center.


3 These training materials were prepared by an interagency cadre of fire and wilderness managers for use in Wilderness Resource Advisor Training sessions. This presentation should be reviewed and modified as needed to fit the local situation and agency requirements. This topic is divided into major sub-topics shown on the ‘Organization’ slide using a black slide for transition. The sub- topics can be used or not used to fit the training needs.

4 Resource Protection for Wilderness Fire Resource Advisors Wilderness Fire Resource Advisor Trainers Workshop Boise, ID - April 1-3, 2008

5 1.Review need for protection based on law and agency policy 2. Overview potential effects of fire and fire management activities on natural and cultural resources and wilderness 3. Identify strategies, guidelines, and techniques for protection of natural and cultural resources 4. Describe wilderness considerations and practices 5. Highlight tips and lessons learned for the READ Objectives:

6 A partial list of laws that may be relevant in the management of fire on federal lands: Agency organic acts The Endangered Species Act The Clean Air Act The Clean Water Act Cultural and Heritage Resources protection laws The Wilderness Act - and subsequent wilderness legislation Typically no federal law trumps another but the most restrictive provisions of all relevant laws must be followed. Need for protection Basis in law and policy

7 Federal Wildland Fire Policy Fire Management Toolbox at: The Federal Wildland Fire Policy sets overall fire management direction for the federal agencies.

8 The policies of the four federal agencies that manage wilderness are slightly different. The overall objectives for management of fire are the same. Agency Policy Fire Management in Wilderness Fire Management Toolbox at:

9 Agency policy provides specific guidance for management of fire and other resources: Cultural and heritage resources Natural and physical resources Air Fish and wildlife Soil and water Vegetation Wilderness resource Need for protection Basis in agency policy Fire Management Toolbox at:

10 READ Role in Resource Protection Law and Agency Policy Understand the basic guidance from law and policy for resource and wilderness protection Learn basics and critical protection needs from local resource specialists Useful for times when the resource specialist is unavailable


12 Resource Protection Effects of Fire and Fire Management Roles and Duties for the READ

13 Resource Protection Effects of Fire and Fire Management Potential Effects of FIRE Fire may have a natural role in the ecosystem Fire will alter short and long term conditions and processes Fire may cause adverse effects to critical habitat, water quality, soil productivity, archaeological resources, etc. Fire may change visitor opportunities and damage or destroy facilities (i.e. trails, bridges, etc.)

14 Resource Protection Effects of Fire and Fire Management Potential Effects of FIRE MANAGEMENT Restoration of natural role of fire in the ecosystem Protection of natural, cultural, and wilderness resources from fire. Potential adverse effects on natural, cultural, and wilderness resources due to fireline and helispot construction, retardant use, spike camps, etc. critical habitat, water quality, soil productivity, archaeological resources, etc. visitor opportunities on trails or at campsites

15 READ Roles in Resource Protection Fire and Fire Management Effects READ Responsibilities: Understand the potential beneficial and adverse effects of fire in the local ecosystem Learn from the local fire and resource management specialists Be aware of the potential for adverse effects from fire management activities Identify areas of concern (critical habitat, cultural resources, visitor facilities, etc.) Know where to go and whom to contact for specific resource information

16 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines READ Responsibilities: Fire management planning pres-season Fire Management Plan revisions Project planning for prescribed fires Participate in a local interdisciplinary fire planning and management team

17 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Manti La Sal NF Example Wildland Fire Use Resource Specialist Team –Historic Resource Specialist – Bruce Ellis, Donald Irwin –Range Management Specialist – Edward Schoppe, John Healy, Karlton Moss, Lannce Sudweeks – North Zone; Maggie Marston – South Zone –Fire Ecologist – Mike Crawley –Recreation Management Specialist – Bill Broadbear – North Zone; Shannon Skibeness – South Zone –Soil and Water – Katherine Foster –Timber – Rodney Player –Ecosystem Management – Rodney Player –Fisheries and Aquatic Resources – Pamela Jewkes –Wilderness Specialist – Shannon Skibeness

18 READ Roles in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines To get it done during the fire Be involved and provide information at the appropriate time in the process WFIP/WFSA/AMR implementation Provide information to Plans ahead of incident planning meetings strategies planned 1-3 days out Provide information in time for IAP production and briefings Prepared during the previous shift

19 READ Roles in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines To get it done during the fire Interdisciplinary involvement with THSPs as needed Identify local resource specific concerns and threats Resource and facility protection needs Non-native invasive plant species threats Describe local fire management opportunities Benefits of fire in local ecosystem Resource and wilderness management objectives

20 READ Role in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines To get it done during the fire Provide local mitigation guidelines and practices Utilize feasible practices Develop alternatives Describe understandable standards Use simple measurements Provide clear information and instructions Provide graphics suitable for the IAP

21 READ Roles in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines During the fire Identify potential threats to resources and wilderness from management activities: Fire Water dipping and pumping Line construction Habitat for listed or sensitive species Listed or sensitive plant populations Snag falling Habitat Spike camp location and sanitation practices Retardant Helispots

22 READ Roles in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines During the fire Identify mitigation measures for threats to resources and wilderness: Manage fire away from critical watersheds Identify and avoid critical habitat areas and listed or sensitive plant species Use Leave No Trace practices for spike camps Minimize snag falling Use alternative tactics for crew safety

23 READ Roles in Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines To get it done during the fire: Work with resource specialists and assistant READs: Request resource specialists as assistant READs or THSPs early Or get what’s needed from subject matter experts at the local office


25 Wilderness Considerations and Practices

26 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Wilderness is: A challenging place to manage fire Where we can’t use chainsaws or helicopters Another layer of restrictions Another barrier to fire suppression

27 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines “…managed to preserve natural conditions…” “…affected primarily by the forces of nature…” “…man’s work substantially unnoticeable…” “…outstanding opportunities for solitude or primitive recreation…” Wilderness considerations Wilderness is different by law The Wilderness Act Section 2(c) Definition:

28 Wilderness Fire Management is a Balancing Act

29 Necessary fire management activities Wilderness resource protection needs Wilderness Fire Management is a Balancing Act

30 Wilderness and Fire Management Goals are the same. What are they? Allow fire to play a natural role in the ecosystem to the greatest extent possible. Manage natural fire in wilderness to minimize risk to resources outside wilderness Minimize the adverse impacts of fire management activities

31 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Wilderness is different by law The Wilderness Act Section 4(d): “…such measures may be taken as may be necessary in the control of fire … subject to such conditions as the Secretary deems desirable.”  The managing agencies have discretion for how fire in wilderness is managed; suppression of all fires is not required

32 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Wilderness is different by law The Wilderness Act Section 4(b): “ Except as otherwise provided in this Act, each agency administering any area designated as wilderness shall be responsible for preserving the wilderness character of the area and shall so administer such area for such other purposes for which it may have been established as also to preserve its wilderness character ”  This over-riding mandate of wilderness law applies to management of fire

33 Wilderness Considerations The four statutory qualities of wilderness character for fire management: 1) Natural 2) Untrammeled 3) Undeveloped 4) Opportunities for solitude or primitive recreation

34 FOUR STATUTORY QUALITIES OF WILDERNESS CHARACTER “Natural” Wilderness ecological systems are substantially free from the unintentional effects and consequences of modern civilization Wilderness setting Potential threats to this setting Suppression and suppression activities

35 The fire and the effects of the fire are a natural event Fire and Wilderness – Natural role Smoke-air quality Erosion-sedimentation

36 Preventing the Introduction of Non-native Invasive Plants Fire and Wilderness – Natural Keeping wilderness free from human impacts

37 Power wash equipmentPower wash equipment Check tents, clothing, cargo nets & stockCheck tents, clothing, cargo nets & stock Preventing the Introduction of Noxious Weeds & Invasive Plants

38 “Untrammeled” Wilderness is generally unhindered and free from intentional modern human control or manipulation FOUR STATUTORY QUALITIES OF WILDERNESS CHARACTER Wilderness setting Threats to this setting Suppression and prescribed fire

39 Untrammeled = Unhindered Untrammeled = Unhindered “Not being subject to human controls and manipulations that hamper the free play of natural forces.” -Howard Zahniser Principal author of The Wilderness Act

40 Reducing fuels to restore natural fire regimes and fire effects EXAMPLES OF MANIPULATION (TRAMMELING) TO RESTORE NATURAL CONDITIONS IN WILDERNESS

41 FOUR STATUTORY QUALITIES OF WILDERNESS CHARACTER “Undeveloped” and “does not occupy and modify” Undeveloped Use of non-motorized tools and skills Developed Use of motorized equipment or landing of aircraft Wilderness has minimal evidence of modern human occupation or modification

42 Fire and Wilderness - Undeveloped – Assess the need for the use of motorized equipment or landing of aircraft - Minimize the evidence of management activities.

43 Fire and Wilderness - Undeveloped What’s the difference in this example? Packing out a motorized pump on a wilderness fire Why not just fly it in or out? Why not just fly it in or out? Because that would not be the minimum necessary action There is a safe and feasible non-mechanical transport option There is a safe and feasible non-mechanical transport option

44 FOUR STATUTORY QUALITIES OF WILDERNESS CHARACTER “Outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation” Wilderness provides opportunities for wilderness experiences, allowing people to experience remoteness, natural quiet, solitude, freedom, challenge, and the physical and emotional challenges of self-discovery and self-reliance

45 FOUR STATUTORY QUALITIES OF WILDERNESS CHARACTER “Outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation” Wilderness setting Threats to the opportunities

46 Wilderness Considerations - Review The four statutory qualities of wilderness character: 1) Natural - The natural effects of fire are neither good nor bad - Minimize adverse human caused effects 2) Untrammeled - Management of fire outside its natural range, either by suppression or prescribed fire, is minimized 3) Undeveloped - No new developments - No use of motorized equipment, landing of aircraft, etc. unless they are the minimum requirement 4) Opportunities for solitude or primitive recreation - The effects of fire may alter opportunities - The adverse effects of fire should be minimized

47 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations - The Minimum Requirement The Wilderness Act Section 4(c): “…except as necessary to meet the minimum requirements for the administration of the area for the purpose of this Act…” This is the ‘minimum requirements’ or ‘minimum tool’ provision of the Act. Applies to fire management activities.

48 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines The minimum requirement The Wilderness Act Section 4(c): no temporary road no use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment or motorboats no landing of aircraft no form of mechanical transport no structure or installation These are the ‘prohibited uses’

49 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Applying the minimum requirement direction: The minimum requirement analysis is a two step process *

50 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Step 1: Is administrative action needed? Is it necessary to take any action in wilderness ? Could another strategy avoid the need for unnecessary effects to wilderness

51 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Step 2: What is the minimum necessary management action? If it is necessary to take action: what is the minimum necessary tool or method that will have the least impact on wilderness resources and values?

52 Wilderness Fire Management Determining the Minimum Requirement Example - Method of transport Utilize non-motorized alternatives whenever possible

53 Wilderness Fire Management Determining the Minimum Requirement During the incident: A lengthy analysis is not possible or desirable in fire emergency situations. The Minimum Requirements Decision Guide (MRDG) is not designed for use in emergency situations

54 Wilderness Fire Management Determining the Minimum Requirement Pre-season planning: Incorporate wilderness management objectives and the minimum requirements decision process into programmatic fire management planning Develop GO/NO GO checklists and decision trees that will aid in the emergency decision making and documantation. Identify line officer objectives, authorities, constraints and documentation needs

55 Wilderness Fire Management Determining the Minimum Requirement Examples of motorized equipment and bulldozer need assessment forms: 1) Assessment of Need and Approval for Motorized Equipment or Mechanical Transport in Wilderness in Support of Fire Management Activities (7/12/07) 2) Sample Process and Guidelines for use of Heavy Equipment (dozers, tractors, etc.) in Fire Emergency Situations Fire Management Toolbox at:

56 The Minimum Tool vs. the Minimum Requirement What really matters? Water drops: Short term disturbance Minimal adverse effects on resources Dozer lines: Long term disturbance of natural conditions Significant restoration needs

57 Preferences for Limiting Impacts Long term impacts vs. short term disturbances Aircraft use (if necessary) Preferred: Helicopter flights Rappelers Helicopter landings and/or sling loads in natural openings Least acceptable: New constructed helispots

58 Wilderness Management Determining the Minimum Requirement Example - Suppression activities

59 Preferences for Limiting Impacts Long term impacts vs. short term disturbances Suppression activities (if necessary) Preferred: Natural fuel breaks Cold trailing Burnouts and backfires Wetlines and pumps Less acceptable: Constructed fireline

60 Wilderness Management Determining the Minimum Requirement Example – Spike and coyote camps 1) Is the camp necessary in wilderness ? 2) What is the minimum necessary development ?

61 Risk is a factor that influences minimum requirements decisions Risk and benefit analysis can help recognize threats and provide information for decision making. Threats from Natural Events are Challenges for Fire Use Other Concerns for Wilderness Fire Management Evaluating Risks research framework : 78&searchType=category&show=1

62 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Suppression Restoration - What is the READ Role? 1) Minimize need for restoration by minimizing causes 2) Insure post-fire resource protection through restoration guidelines and standards for: Line construction New helispot construction Water source impacts New or expanded spike camps Non-native invasive plant species introduction

63 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Burned Area Emergency Restoration (BAER) Minimize restoration of the natural effects of fire unless necessary to protect other values: Threats to lives and property outside wilderness

64 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness considerations Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) When BAER is necessary use only the minimum necessary Non-motorized tools and transportation methods Native, biodegradable and weed-free materials

65 Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Other Wilderness READ Roles Local issues, constraints, and resources: Each wilderness is unique and provides unique values, and benefits Wilderness constraints may vary depending on proximity to lives and property, size, and season Wilderness managers often have additional expertise and knowledge of resources available locally: Pack strings Cross-cut saw skills

66 WildernessInformation and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

67  The effects of fire in wilderness should be considered neither good nor bad.  In fire dependent ecosystems, fire is a critically important part of the natural process. WildernessInformation and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

68 The Authority of the Resource*  The Authority of the Resource (ART) is a communication technique that allows the message to be delivered as ‘the right thing to do for the wilderness resource.’  The communication is not focused on law and policy as the primary reason for strategy or tactics. * Education Planning Toolbox at: WildernessInformation and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

69 MIST began as:  Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques MIST is evolving to:  Minimum Impact Strategies and Tactics MIST is actually:  Most Intelligent Sensible Tactics Use ART to implement MIST: WildernessInformation and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

70 During the fire: 1.Explain why the use of MIST are needed based on wilderness resource issues; explain the reasons why it matters based on actual effects (“The Authority of the Resource”) 2.Provide feasible alternatives to meet both wilderness and fire goals 3.Capitalize on a ‘teachable moment’ for wilderness Use information and education: Wilderness Information and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

71 During the fire: Emphasize clear goals and objectives for what needs to be done:  Allow crews to use their expertise and determine how to achieve Use information and education: Wilderness Information and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education

72 In the community: Explain the natural role of fire in wilderness  Short term effects of smoke, closed trails, etc.  Long term benefits Use information and education: Wilderness Information and Education Resource Protection Strategies and Guidelines Wilderness Information and Education


74 READ Role in Wilderness and Resource Protection Tips and Lessons Learned

75 Remember that the essential principle of fire management is always the top priority in wilderness too. “Do not compromise firefighter or public safety”

76 Resource Protection Review of Key Points The need for protection is based on law and agency policy 1. The need for protection is based on law and agency policy Fire is managed within constraints for resource benefitsFire is managed within constraints for resource benefits READs must have general working knowledgeREADs must have general working knowledge 2. Fire and fire management activities may cause adverse effects to natural and cultural resources and wilderness READs understand potential effects of fire and effects of fire managementREADs understand potential effects of fire and effects of fire management

77 Resource Protection Review of Key Points 3. READs use strategies, guidelines, and techniques for protection of natural and cultural resources and wilderness Pre-season and prescribed fire planningPre-season and prescribed fire planning On the fire with the IMTOn the fire with the IMT

78 Resource Protection Review of Key Points 4. READs understand and communicate wilderness considerations and practices: Wilderness fire management is different Preserve wilderness characterPreserve wilderness character Use only the minimum requiredUse only the minimum required

79 The End


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