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Lecture 18 Markets, Fault Analysis Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 18 Markets, Fault Analysis Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 18 Markets, Fault Analysis Professor Tom Overbye Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE 476 POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS

2 1 Announcements Be reading Chapter 7 HW 7 is 12.26, 12.28, 12.29, 7.1 due October 27 in class. Correct case for 12.29 was emailed out; demo of OPF during class US citizens and permanent residents should consider applying for a Grainger Power Engineering Awards. Due Nov 1. See for details. The Design Project, which is worth three regular homeworks, is assigned today; it is due on Nov 17 in class. It is Design Project 2 from Chapter 6 (fifth edition of course). For tower configuration assume a symmetric conductor spacing, with the distance in feet given by the following formula: (Last two digits of your EIN+50)/9. Example student A has an UIN of xxx65. Then his/her spacing is (65+50)/9 = 12.78 ft.

3 2 Why not pay as bid? Two options for paying market participants – Pay as bid – Pay last accepted offer What would be potential advantages/disadvantages of both? Talk about supply and demand curves, scarcity, withholding, market power

4 3 In the News: Electricity Price Caps Texas (ERCOT) is considering raising the maximum wholesale price cap from $3000/MWh to $6000/MWh to encourage more electric supply. Average price in 2010 was $40/MWh, down from $86/Mwh in 2008. ERCOT is not subject to most federal regulations Source: Wall Street Journal, Oct 3, 2011

5 4 Market Experiments

6 5 Fault Analysis The cause of electric power system faults is insulation breakdown This breakdown can be due to a variety of different factors – lightning – wires blowing together in the wind – animals or plants coming in contact with the wires – salt spray or pollution on insulators

7 6 Fault Types There are two main types of faults – symmetric faults: system remains balanced; these faults are relatively rare, but are the easiest to analyze so we’ll consider them first. – unsymmetric faults: system is no longer balanced; very common, but more difficult to analyze Most common type of fault on a three phase system by far is the single line-to-ground (SLG), followed by the line-to-line faults (LL), double line-to-ground (DLG) faults, and balanced three phase faults On very high voltage lines faults are practically always single line to ground due to large conductor spacing

8 7 Worldwide Lightning Strike Density Source: Units are Lightning Flashes per square km per year; Florida is top location in the US; very few on the West Coast, or HI, AK. This is an important consideration when talking about electric reliability!

9 8 Lightning Strike Event Sequence 1. Lighting hits line, setting up an ionized path to ground Tens of millions of lightning strikes per year in US! a single typical stroke might have 25,000 amps, with a rise time of 10  s, dissipated in 200  s. multiple strokes can occur in a single flash, causing the lightning to appear to flicker, with the total event lasting up to a second. 2. Conduction path is maintained by ionized air after lightning stroke energy has dissipated, resulting in high fault currents (often > 25,000 amps!)

10 9 Lightning Strike Sequence, cont’d 3. Within one to two cycles (16 ms) relays at both ends of line detect high currents, signaling circuit breakers to open the line nearby locations see decreased voltages 4. Circuit breakers open to de-energize line in an additional one to two cycles breaking tens of thousands of amps of fault current is no small feat! with line removed voltages usually return to near normal 5. Circuit breakers may reclose after several seconds, trying to restore faulted line to service

11 10 Fault Analysis Fault currents cause equipment damage due to both thermal and mechanical processes Goal of fault analysis is to determine the magnitudes of the currents present during the fault – need to determine the maximum current to insure devices can survive the fault – need to determine the maximum current the circuit breakers (CBs) need to interrupt to correctly size the CBs

12 11 RL Circuit Analysis To understand fault analysis we need to review the behavior of an RL circuit Before the switch is closed obviously i(t) = 0. When the switch is closed at t=0 the current will have two components: 1) a steady-state value 2) a transient value

13 12 RL Circuit Analysis, cont’d

14 13 RL Circuit Analysis, cont’d

15 14 Time varying current

16 15 RL Circuit Analysis, cont’d

17 16 RMS for Fault Current

18 17 Generator Modeling During Faults During a fault the only devices that can contribute fault current are those with energy storage Thus the models of generators (and other rotating machines) are very important since they contribute the bulk of the fault current. Generators can be approximated as a constant voltage behind a time-varying reactance

19 18 Generator Modeling, cont’d

20 19 Generator Modeling, cont’d

21 20 Generator Modeling, cont'd

22 21 Generator Short Circuit Currents

23 22 Generator Short Circuit Currents

24 23 Generator Short Circuit Example A 500 MVA, 20 kV, 3  is operated with an internal voltage of 1.05 pu. Assume a solid 3  fault occurs on the generator's terminal and that the circuit breaker operates after three cycles. Determine the fault current. Assume

25 24 Generator S.C. Example, cont'd

26 25 Generator S.C. Example, cont'd

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