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October 15, 20151 THE CELL. October 15, 20152 Animal Cell Structure Animal Cell cell wall chloroplasts central vacuole 4.has centrioles.

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Presentation on theme: "October 15, 20151 THE CELL. October 15, 20152 Animal Cell Structure Animal Cell cell wall chloroplasts central vacuole 4.has centrioles."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 15, 20151 THE CELL

2 October 15, 20152 Animal Cell Structure Animal Cell cell wall chloroplasts central vacuole 4.has centrioles cytoplasm mitochondria cell membrane SER exocytosis cytoskeleton golgi apparatus RER (ribosomes) vacuole nuclear membrane nucleolus nuclear pore chromosomes lysosome flagella centrioles

3 October 15, 20153 Plant Cell Structure Plant Cell 1.cell wall 2.chloroplasts 3.a large central vacuole centrioles cytoplasm mitochondria cell membrane SER cell wall cytoskeleton golgi apparatus RER (ribosomes) vacuole nuclear membrane nucleolus nuclear pore chromosomes chloroplast

4 Structures of a Cell How many do you remember? Close all books and notes : ) October 15, 20154 nucleolus nucleoplasm (chromosomes) nuclear pores nuclear membrane small vacuole secretory vesicles Golgi apparatus mitochondria smooth endoplasmic reticulum rough endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes cytoskeleton cell membrane cell wall centrioles large vacuole lysosome chloroplast cilia / flagellum cytoplasm


6 Switch with a partner! Place a small checkmark next to the correct answers. Put their score out of 20 in the right hand corner. 1. 11. 2. 12. 3.13. 4.14. 5.15. 6.16. 7.17. 8.18. 9. 19. 10.20. nucleolus nucleoplasm (chromosomes) nuclear pores nuclear membrane small vacuole secretory vesicles Golgi apparatus mitochondria smooth endoplasmic reticulum rough endoplasmic reticulum ribosomes cytoskeleton cell membrane cell wall centrioles large vacuole lysosome chloroplast cilia / flagellum cytoplasm

7 VIDEO October 15, 20157

8 8 Plasma Membrane Also called the cell membrane The plasma membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell.

9 Fluid Mosaic Model of Cell Membrane 9 protein channel tunnels that allow water or specific small ions in/out of cell October 15, 2015

10 PLASMA MEMBRANE carbohydrate globular protein phospholipid fatty acid tails (hydrophobic) phosphate head (hydrophilic) protein channel Fluid Mosaic Model

11 October 15, 201511 Plasma Membrane - Proteins

12 Cytoskeleton microtubules microfilaments mitochondrion Functions of microfilaments and microtubules: 1. support the cell 2. make up centrioles 3. make up cilia & flagella

13 October 15, 201513 General Structure of a Cell Cells are the basic structural and functional units of life. Cells are bathed in an aqueous solution called extracellular fluid. There are many different kinds of cells, which are specialized to carry out particular functions. In spite of this, cells have many common features.

14 TEXTBOOKS Please go take a textbook and return to your seat. ( stretch while you are standing) Start by reading Page 8… The Transmission Electron Microscope The Scanning Electron Microscope Make Jot Notes on those two sections. (3 points about each) Page # 9 complete # 4, 5 October 15, 201514

15 General Structure of a Cell Cell Part Plant, animal or both Function cell membranesemi-permeable controls what enters/leaves composed of phospholipid bilayer, proteins, carbohydrates (fluid mosaic model) cell walltough rigid outer boundary protection cytoplasmbothCytosol (aqueous solution) and cell organelles outside the nucleus. make proteins both plant ribosomes both

16 General Structure of a Cell Cell Part Plant, animal or both Function smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) bothcanals throughout cytoplasm to transport materials make fats canals with ribosomes attached (area for protein synthesis) Golgi apparatusstacks of membranes which modify protein for secretion (export) packages them into vesicles lysosomesanimalcontain enzymes (proteins) that can break down molecules (food, bacteria, wastes, the cell itself) rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) both

17 General Structure of a Cell Cell Part Plant, animal or both Function Mitochondria (write at the bottom) bothpowerhouse of the cell produces energy (cellular respiration) animala pair of cylinders that aid in cell division plastidsplantfree-floating membrane-bound sac for storage example:chloroplast  photosynthesis bothlarge (plants), small (animals) membrane-bound sacs filled with water Turgor pressure centrioles vacuoles

18 General Structure of a Cell Cell Part Plant, animal or both Function control centre of the cell directs all of the cell’s activities nuclear membrane both porous double membrane separates nucleus from cytoplasm nucleoplasmA mixture of chemicals that stores information rich in nucleic acids nucleolusdense body in the centre of the nucleus thought to make ribosomes both nucleus both

19 General Structure of a Cell Cell Part Plant, animal or both Function genetic material contains instruction for what proteins to make DNA occurs in two forms: 1.chromatin – long & thin (when cell is not dividing) 2. chromosomes – short & thick (during cell division) Both DNA CHLOROPLAST Do on your own!

20 PRE-LAB: OBSERVING CELLS Recall: Microscope usage Proper Biological Diagrams Preparing Slides Your Task: Prepare a slide and draw a proper biological diagram of each of the following cells. TOTAL 4 DIAGRAMS Type of CellStain Used cheek cellmethylene blue potato celliodine tomato cellno stain red onion cellno stain

21 PROPER BIOLOGICAL DIAGRAMS Name Date Type of Cell (stain used) label 1 label 2 label 3 Total Magnification i.e. 400 X Note: Use blank white paper Use pencil Use a ruler No colouring No shading No arrows Labels must line up vertically Label lines are parallel (Label lines do NOT cross)

22 LAB: OBSERVING CELLS Your Task: Write a Formal Lab Report. Note: Discussion questions (1 – 3) are as follows. 1. What cell organelles were stained by methylene blue in cheek cells? 2. What cell organelles were you unable to find? Suggest two possible reasons for this. 3. Summarize in chart form the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells based on what you examined in this lab. Include differences in cell sizes in your answer.

23 FORMAL LAB REPORT All formal lab reports must include the following: Title Page Title of the Lab SBI 3C Your Name Partner’s Name Ms. Kerr Date centred on the page in the bottom right-hand corner

24 FORMAL LAB REPORT All formal lab reports must include the following: Purpose: One sentence stating the reason for doing the lab. Materials: A list of what you used during the lab. Procedure: A set of numbered steps. (Instructions) Observations: Biological diagrams and/or a chart with written observations. Discussion Questions: Answer all discussion questions using complete sentences. Conclusion: Briefly comment on the results of the lab (Make sure it relates to the purpose specifically.)

25 Lab # 1 Observing Cells DUE : February 9, 2010 October 15, 201525

26 General Structure of a Cell Homework Page 15 # 2, 3, 4, 5 ( we can do these together) Finish work from Tuesday: The microscope lab – hand in up until Friday Page 8 jot notes SEM and TEM Page 9 # 4 & 5

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