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DO NOW!! Name three things you must do when drawing a biological drawing What are some rules of using a microscope Name two differences between a plant.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW!! Name three things you must do when drawing a biological drawing What are some rules of using a microscope Name two differences between a plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW!! Name three things you must do when drawing a biological drawing What are some rules of using a microscope Name two differences between a plant and animal cell MAH 2011

2 DO NOW- Finish the following Palisade cells in leaves are packed with chloroplasts..... Root hair cells have long extensions for.... Muscle cells are packed with mitochondria..... Intestinal cells have many extensions..... MAH 2011

3 Cells in focus??? ALWAYS in pencil Quarter page in size Keep it simple No hashed lines No colour No shading Labels Write the magnification MAH 2011

4 HOMEWORK What is the difference between a light microscope, transmission electron microscope, and scanning electron microscope?? MAH 2011

5 AIMS FOR TODAY I need to know what you know Animal vs Plant Cells (hand out/cut out/ stick in) What are organelles? Functions of organelles MAH 2011


7 CELLS 12 Bio – MAH 2010 MAH 2011



10 CELLS... Occur universally and are the basic units of living organisms 201 different cell types MAH 2011

11 Cells – What are they? Brainstorm – what do you know about cells already?? MAH 2011

12 Cells are the basic building blocks of life. All living things consist of at least one or more cells. MAH 2011

13 Some organisms have many cells… MAH 2011


15 …and some organisms are made from only one cell. MAH 2011

16 Living things Prokaryotes “Before the nucleus” No nucleus Single, circular chromosome No membrane bound organelles Small cells Eukaryotes “True nucleus” Contain a nucleus Linear chromosomes Contain organelles Larger cells Viruses Bacteria Protists Plants Animals Fungal cells

17 Biozone - Types of living things is an excellent representation of living things and how they are separated into prokaryotes and eukaryotes MAH 2011



20 ORGANELLES - STRUCTURES Organelles are “little organs” – structures with particular functions within cells You need to know the function of the organelles and differences in what organelles there are in plant cells, animal cells, and unicellular orgs (e.g. Paramecium) MAH 2011

21 Make a Cell Plant cell we will make and copy into your notes Copy animal cell into your notes and label Leave two full pages in your notes for functions ◦Cell membrane, mitochondria, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum (smooth and rough), Golgi bodies, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, cell wall, vacuole, cilia, flagella, lysosomes, ribosomes, centrioles, contractile vacuoles, eyespot, anal pore, oral groove MAH 2011

22 To Do: Using the handout from Mrs H you need to fill this out In pairs or groups of three to speed the process up Then copy into your books the graphic organiser from the next slide MAH 2011

23 Organelles Organelles are “little organs” – structures with particular functions within cells Organelles common to all eukaryotic cells : ◦ Nucleus ◦ Ribosomes ◦ Cell membrane ◦ Cytoplasm ◦ Mitochondria Use the text to find the function of each of these organelles. Include a sketch of the organelle to help you identify it later

24 MAH 2011

25 Nucleus Contains genetic material Controls the functioning of the cell Has pores so that things can enter and exit

26 DO NOW!! What did the pink/red lollies represent? What is another name for cell membrane? What is the function of the cilia? What is the function of the ribosomes? What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum smooth and rough? MAH 2011

27 To Do!! 10 minutes draw some pictures for your table If finished do Biozone Rest of the lesson on cell types and unicellular organisms MAH 2011

28 Mitochondria Site of aerobic respiration Produces much of the ATP (energy) for the cell Two membranes

29 MAH 2011 Plasma Membrane 1. Regulates the flow of materials in and out of the cell 2. Receives signals from outside the cell and relays them to the inside 3. Separates the cell and its contents from the environment

30 MAH 2011 Ribosomes The site of protein synthesis Often found associated with the endoplasmic reticulum

31 MAH 2011 Golgi Apparatus Modifies, packages and distributes proteins

32 MAH 2011 Cell Wall Specific to plants Made of cellulose Provides support and strength

33 MAH 2011 Structure of plasma membranes Contains lipids called phospholipids in two layers (a lipid bilayer) Contains cholesterol Contains integral membrane proteins: ◦ receptors for hormones ◦ transport proteins (ion channels etc.) ◦ structural proteins Forms a semi-permeable barrier for the transport of materials due to the nature of the phospholipids in the membranephospholipidsmembrane

34 MAH 2011 Structure of a plasma membrane

35 MAH 2011 Structure of a plasma membrane

36 Plasma Membrane Important for cell processes MAH 2011

37 Cell Specialities MAH 2011

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