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NICE Evidence Search workshop Revised reference slide set August 21 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "NICE Evidence Search workshop Revised reference slide set August 21 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 NICE Evidence Search workshop Revised reference slide set August 21 2015 1

2 NICE Evidence Search Learning outcomes By the end of the session you will be able to: Use Evidence Search more effectively and understand its scope identify some of the more useful filters to refine your search results Search and browse CKS, NICE Pathways and the BNF /BNFc 2

3 What is NICE Evidence Search ? Part of NICE Evidence Services, with clear links to other NICE services and resources A password free web portal linking to high quality medicine, health and social care information sources Aims to cover the commonly searched conditions Relates to the care of patients and clients It does not contain all records from CINAHL, PubMed / Medline… links to the underlying science of healthcare. 3

4 More on NICE Evidence Search: Separate from, but complements, bibliographic databases such as BNI, CINAHL, and PubMed /Medline, Easily accessible - no need for registration For health and social care professionals A developing resource – It brings together selected content from multiple high quality web sources 4

5 Evidence Search Sources of information Over 300,000 selected resources from over 600 sources 5

6 Evidence Search sources continued… Information from a wide range of trusted, high quality health and social care sources Selected information for the public Current lists of included sources services/evidence-search/evidence-search-content services/evidence-search/evidence-search-content Sources are searched by an automated and/or manual process The NICE Accreditation Mark is displayed next to the name of guidance producers whose processes have been accredited 6

7 whenever you want to find high quality consolidated sources of evidence relating directly to patient or client care These include: guidelines, care pathways, systematic reviews and medicines information when you need a quick answer: it can be a short-cut to a range of high quality, mostly full- text resources NB Evidence Search is not the place to search for primary research articles Consider using Evidence Search first: 7

8 Evidence search 8

9 How NICE Evidence search works + searching tips 9

10 Simple searching Problem or population e.g. dementia Review 3 sections of results screen 10

11 Results screen 11 Filters Centre Main results Key NICE produced or procured resources

12 How Evidence Search works Mostly searching the full text of selected web resources Results are ranked according to relevancy –how frequently the search terms appear, and where they appear in the documents –the quality of the documents, based on the relative hierarchy of evidence –the date of publication of the document 12

13 Search using the terms you consider to be most relevant – terms are automatically combined with AND Try a range of terms if you don’t find what you want first time. You can use “OR” to search for synonyms eg. ( poverty or deprivation) mental health Truncation may be useful –e.g. pregnan* retrieves all terms with the stem pregnan* including pregnancy, pregnancies, pregnant How to use Evidence Search - some search tips: 13

14 How to use Evidence Search some more tips: For exact phrases use inverted commas –e.g. “expert patient” - all results will include the exact phrase “expert patient”, rather documents with the word expert unrelated to the word patient Try using fewer terms: select only terms that are key Use the filter by tool to narrow your search by type of information e.g. * Guidance * Evidence Summaries * Systematic Reviews * Patient information 14

15 Filtering medicines Key filters include: Current awareness Drug Best Practice Guidance Drug prescribing and safety Patient Information 15

16 Medicines search results “roll-up/roll- down” feature 16 This feature works for: SPCs (summaries of product characteristics) and patient information leaflets from the electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC). Public Assessment Reports from the MHRA

17 Example search #1 How should Crohn’s disease be managed? 17

18 Simple search on Crohn’s 18

19 Filters 19

20 Example search #2 What guidance should asthmatics be given on scuba diving? 20

21 Asthma scuba diving – prioritised results 21

22 The Recommendations 22

23 Browsing and searching key NICE sources Browsing key 23

24 Browsing and searching CKS A-Z 24

25 What are Clinical Knowledge Summaries? Primary care in focus Structured information inc. Background information, Goals, Diagnosis, Management, Prescribing information Evidence, References Procured by NICE Searchable via NICE Evidence Search and as an individual resource Browsable as an individual resource 25

26 Generic example health and social care: goals 26

27 Browsing and searching NICE Pathways 27

28 What are NICE pathways? Graphical presentation of NICE guidance Bring together related guidance, between and within topics Link other products – Quality Standards and implementation resources Provide a useful format for multiple audiences – a network of NICE information Produced by NICE Searchable via NICE Evidence Search and as an individual resource Browsable separately 28

29 29

30 Domestic violence and abuse 30

31 Domestic violence and abuse 31

32 Browsing and searching the BNF and BNFc 32

33 What is the BNF/ BNFc? Key medicine prescribing source Structured information resource Updated every month Procured by NICE Searchable via NICE Evidence Search and as an individual resource Browsable by chapter and appendices 33

34 34

35 35

36 Journals and databases links 36

37 37

38 38 Options for Evidence awareness bulletins and alerts

39 39

40 BNF BNFc Apps for android smartphone, tablet, iPhone and iPad 40

41 NICE Guidance FREE App Offline access to all of NICE's guidance products, organised by clinical or public health topic. ut/What-we-do/NICE-apps- for-smartphones-and- tablets NHS Athens user ID not required 41

42 Whenever you want to find high quality sources especially guidelines, care pathways, systematic reviews and medicines information When you need a quick answer. It can be a short-cut to high quality, mostly full text resources. So, consider using Evidence Search first: 42

43 Let us know if you have an enquiry or suggestion about Evidence Search 0300 323 0140 Contacting Evidence Search 43

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