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OWCP Interagency Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions SHARE FY2005 Performance  OSHA  OWCP DFEC FY2005 Overview  Statistics  iFECS  ACS.

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Presentation on theme: "OWCP Interagency Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions SHARE FY2005 Performance  OSHA  OWCP DFEC FY2005 Overview  Statistics  iFECS  ACS."— Presentation transcript:

1 OWCP Interagency Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions SHARE FY2005 Performance  OSHA  OWCP DFEC FY2005 Overview  Statistics  iFECS  ACS

2 Jonathan L. Snare Acting Assistant Secretary Occupational Safety and Health Administration Interagency Meeting – March 21, 2006 Safety, Health, and Return-to-Employment (SHARE) Initiative

3 SHARE Initiative  Federal Executive Branch initiative announced in Presidential memo dated January 9, 2004  Emphasis on return-to-work programs  Runs FY 2004 – FY 2006  Establishes 4 goals--2 OSHA and 2 OWCP

4 SHARE Goals 1)To reduce Total Case Rates by at least 3% per year 2)To reduce Lost Time Case Rates by at least 3% per year 3)To improve the timely filing of injury and illness notices by at least 5% per year 4)To reduce the rates of lost production days due to injuries and illnesses by at least 1% per year

5 SHARE Goals Align With:  President’s Management Agenda (PMA) goal on human capital  DOL’s strategic goals:  To foster quality workplaces that are safe, healthy, and fair  To minimize the impact of work-related injuries  OSHA’s mission to promote and assure workplace safety and health and reduce workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses

6 SHARE – DOL’s Role  Lead the Initiative  Provide assistance to agencies  Measure the performance of each department and agency against their goals  Report annually to the President

7 AgencyTCRLTCR Department of Defense4%4% (05/06) Department of Treasury6%6% (all) Armed Forces Retirement Home Board5%5% (all) Farm Credit Administration100%N/A (04) FDIC5%5% (all) Federal Mediation/Conciliation Service100%N/A (04) International Trade Commission100%N/A (04) SEC4%4% (04) Selective Service System75%N/A (04) OPM22% 15% (05) S-T-R-E-T-C-H Goals

8 Total Case Rate (TCR)

9 Lost Time Case Rate (LTCR)

10 SHARE – Goals Tracked by OSHA  Reduce TCRs by at least 3% per year  Reduce LTCRs by at least 3% per year

11 SHARE Agency Progress Towards Meeting OSHA Goals

12 Total Case Rates -- Goal #1 Federal Government (less USPS)

13 Total Case Rates -- Goal #1 by Major Agency (FY 2005)

14 Total Case Rates -- Goal #1 by Major Agency (1 st Quarter FY 2006)

15 Lost Time Case Rates -- Goal #2 Federal Government (less USPS)

16 Lost Time Case Rates -- Goal #2 by Major Agency (FY 2005)

17 Lost Time Case Rates -- Goal #2 by Major Agency (1 st Quarter FY 2006)

18 OSHA Resources How We Are Helping Agencies  Training  Outreach materials  OSHA Training Institute  Councils  Agency Technical Assistance Requests (ATARs)  Cooperative Programs  Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP)  Partnerships  Alliances  Web Resources  Performance data for all SHARE goals on the DOL website

19 Special Recognition Achieved > 10% Reduction in Case Rates  Department of Agriculture  Department of Commerce  Department of Labor  Department of Navy  Department of Transportation  Department of Treasury  Agency for International Development  Armed Forces Retirement Home Board  Consumer Product Safety Commission  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission  Federal Election Commission  Federal Housing Finance Board  Federal Labor Relations Authority Success!

20 Special Recognition Achieved > 10% Reduction in Case Rates  General Services Administration  International Boundary & Water Commission  International Broadcasting Bureau – Board of Governors  National Aeronautics and Space Admin.  National Credit Union Admin.  National Endowment for the Humanities  National Gallery of Art  National Science Foundation  Occupational Safety &Health Review Commission  Securities & Exchange Commission  Social Security Administration  Tennessee Valley Authority Success!

21 Special Recognition Achieved/Maintained Case Rates of Zero  American Battle Monuments Commission  Export/Import Bank  Federal Maritime Commission  National Mediation Board Success!


23 OWCP Interagency Meeting March 21, 2006

24 Safety Health and Return to Employment (SHARE) Update Shelby Hallmark Director, OWCP

25 SHARE Two years of initiative are complete Government timeliness goal met and exceeded by almost 30% Government LPD goal missed by 2.2%  56.1 days for FY05 represents improvement over 62 days for FY04

26 FY05 Performance on Goals 3 and 4

27 Goal 3 - CA-1/CA-2 Timeliness (filed in 14 calendar days) No Goal

28 Goal 3 - CA-1/CA-2 Timeliness Major Agency

29 Goal 3 - CA-1/CA-2 Timeliness Major Agency – FY06 Goal vs. Actual

30 Goal 4 - Lost Production Days No Goal

31 Goal 4 - Lost Production Days Major Agency

32 Goal 4 - Lost Production Days Major Agency – FY06 Goal vs. Actual

33 Lost Production Days in QCM Cases Nationwide Averages Measured w/in 1st Year from the Date Wage Loss Began

34 Exceptional Achievements in Timeliness for FY05 “Gold Star” Agencies  met their goals and exceeded 80% timeliness Commodity Futures Trading Commission – 100% Labor – 93.2% Veterans Affairs – 85.5%

35 Exceptional Achievements in Lost Production Days for FY05 Gold Star” Agencies  met their goals and had fewer than 45 LPD Air Force – 30.5 Army – 35.6 Defense – 33.1 Education – 12.1 Environmental Protection Agency – 9.7 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission – 35.1 Executive Office of the President – 0.2 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -6.1

36 Exceptional Achievements in Lost Production Days for FY05 Gold Star” Agencies (continued)  met their goals and had fewer than 45 LPD Federal Labor Relations Authority - 0 Federal Trade Commission – 3.9 General Services Administration 31.7 Health & Human Services – 19.8 Holocaust Memorial Council - 0.7 International Broadcasting Bureau – 8.6 Labor – 32.2

37 Exceptional Achievements in Lost Production Days for FY05 “Gold Star” Agencies (continued)  met their goals and had fewer than 45 LPD NASA – 4.7 National Credit Union Administration – 48.3 National Endowment for the Arts – 14.8 National Science Foundation -2.9 National Transportation Safety Board – 0 Nuclear Regulatory Commission – 3.8 Office of Navajo & Hopi Indian Relocation - 1.9

38 Exceptional Achievements in Lost Production Days for FY05 Gold Star” Agencies (continued)  met their goals and had fewer than 45 LPD Office of Personnel Management - 10.8 Railroad Retirement Board - 3.7 Securities and Exchange Commission - 7.7 Selective Service System – 3.4 Social Security Administration – 27.6 The Kennedy Center - 20.7 Transportation – 35.9

39 Where do we go from here?

40 What is OWCP doing? Employee Express – Claimant Query System rolled out to EEX users District Office targeting of agencies Improvements to the SHARE website Training sessions and seminars

41 For SHARE to succeed, we must do both: Reduce the number of serious injuries Get people back to work  It’s a joint Safety and Workers’ Comp. activity, and agencies have to get both right

42 LPD “Musts” Government as a whole can’t meet SHARE LPD goal if ALL AGENCIES DON’T COMMIT AND IMPROVE Minor injures that aren’t accommodated become “SERIOUS” – RTW is key Goal 4 of SHARE can be met in 2006 but requires intense effort now

43 FECA Reform (Redux) Applies to new claims only. Strengthens the program while still maintaining generous benefits. Projected savings of $591.6 million over the next 10 years.

44 FECA Reform Incentives  “Conversion benefit” for retirement aged claimants  Setting compensation at 70% for all claimants  Change the schedule award to allow for payment during the wage loss period, eliminate FECA/OPM shuffle  Retirement “Bonus” (Allen bill)

45 FECA Reform Equity and Fixes  Restore waiting period  Allow for subrogation of COP for Third Party Claims  Update disfigurement and burial payments  Pay all schedule awards at average salary rate (GS-11 step 3)

46 Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation FY 2005 – The Year In Review Douglas Fitzgerald Director, DFEC

47 * FY 1996 includes one-time accounting adjustment of +$85 million. * FECA Benefit Obligations Fiscal Years 1995 - 2005

48 FECA Claims Filed

49 CA-7 Timeliness (filed in 7 calendar days)

50 CA-7 Timeliness (by major agency)

51 Lost Production Days in QCM Cases Nationwide Averages Measured w/in 1st Year from the Date Wage Loss Began

52 Program Performance Internal Measurements Workload Processing for 2005 151,690 new cases created 125,571 decisions issued 21,455 initial claims for wage loss received

53 Program Performance Internal Measurements Workload Processing for 2005 93.2 % of 129,528 traumatic cases adjudicated within 45 days. 87.8% of 15,793 basic occupational disease cases adjudicated within 90 days. 76.7% of 5,403 extended occupational disease cases adjudicated within 180 days.  99.3% of extended occupational disease cases adjudicated within 365 days.

54 Program Performance Internal Measurements Communications Performance for 2005 86.6% of general written inquiries answered within 30 days  97.4% met courtesy standards  93.8% met knowledge and accuracy standards  95.4% met clear language standards Less than 2.55 minutes average hold time for telephone inquiries to district offices

55 Agency Query System Claimant Query System Claimants can use Employee Express to access their claim information Other Agencies’ systems can now be addressed as a result of successful integration with Employee Express AQS now refreshed daily

56 ACS

57 Treatment Suite Viewer CA-16 Process Medical Provider Outreach ICD-9 ACS Update


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