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Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon Textbook Review Ch 1. PA in Interdependence (Ch 2. “Market failure” part) Ch 4. Policy-making.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon Textbook Review Ch 1. PA in Interdependence (Ch 2. “Market failure” part) Ch 4. Policy-making."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon Textbook Review Ch 1. PA in Interdependence (Ch 2. “Market failure” part) Ch 4. Policy-making Organization Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon

2 Overview - PA Politics-Administration Dichotomy (Wilson) Scientific Management (Taylor) Weberian (Weber) “Principle” (Gulick and Urwick) Systems Approach (Barnard, Simon) New Public Administration (Waldo) New Public Management (Hood) Reinventing Government (Osborne and Gaebler) Governance, New Governance (Peters and Pierre) PA dialogues

3 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon Review – Ch 2 Rationales for government intervention Market Failure vs. Government Failure Chapter 2

4 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon What are the major influences on the public administration in the 21C? 1. Globalization 2. Decentralization 3. International Political Environment Why are they important? How do they influence PA? Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

5 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 1. Todays’ major influences on PA 1-1. Globalization a. “Economic distance” i.Integrated world economy vs. Un-integrated political system b. The impact of decisions i.Impact on the outside and the blowback from it ii.New constraints on efficient economic policies; Implementation of government’s independent social policies and redistribution goals c. Distribution of benefits vs. Distribution of costs i.Concentrated economic power between and within countries Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

6 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 1. Todays’ major influences on PA 1-2. Decentralization a. Loss in effective national autonomy b. Information → increased citizens & civil society participation c. Centralization and Decentralization i.External (global) challenges need “centralization” of state power – e.g. post 9/11 ii.Functional differences → decision of decentralization d. Benefits and costs distribution e. Shrinking intermediate administration Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

7 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 1. Todays’ major influences on PA 1-3. International Politics a.The end of cold war, China, Southeast Asia → Transition to market economy b.Ethnic conflicts, Minority groups c.Peace and military spending Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

8 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon We reviewed the major influences on Public Administration in the 21C. So, how should government act upon these influences? 1. Governance context 2. Institutional & Cultural perspective Why? Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

9 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 2. How should gov’t act? 2-1. Governance context a.Accountability is the very key Effective accountability: (1) answerability (2) consequences (predictable) a.Transparency b.Rule of Law c.Participation Note: 4 factors are interdependent Recall “governance” from last week (Rothstein and Fukuyama debate) - Is Democracy necessary for good governance? - Corruption and effectiveness - Impartiality, Capacity, (Output), Autonomy Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

10 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 2. How should gov’t act? 2-2. Institutional context What is institution? - Institution ≠ formal, organization - Institution includes rules, norms, culture, laws, organization Institutions matter Durable institutional change takes long “transaction cost” – New Institutional Economics How much “culture” explain? Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

11 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon We learned (1) The major influences on PA (2) How a government should act – Governance and Institutions So, how do we know if we are doing (2) right and how we can improve PA 1. Get rid of false dichotomies 2. From 3E to 4E (Efficiency, Effectiveness, Economy, Equity) Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

12 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 3. Assessing and Improving PA 3-1. Beyond (false) Dichotomy a. Public vs. Private b. Efficiency vs. Control c. Results vs. Process d. Public Administration vs. Public Management 3-2. Administrative effectiveness: 4E with Equity Ch 1. PA in Interdependency

13 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon PA support is essential for good policy making. What makes good policy decisions? a. Disciplineb. Stability c. Transparencyd. Selectivity So, what does policy-making support mechanism do exactly? And, what international practices are being observed? Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

14 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 1. Policymaking support mechanisms 1-1. The Tasks of Policymaking support mechanism a. Early provision of relevant information b. Adequate consultation (ownership) c. Contestability (danger of group thinking) d. Recording and Dissemination of decisions e. Monitoring Policy Implementation Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

15 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 1. Policymaking support mechanisms 1-2. International Practice in Policy Support Mechanism a.Weak Secretariat (logistics + facilitation) e.g. Singapore Cabinet Office b. Strong Secretariat (gatekeeper) e.g. UK Cabinet Office c.Watchdog secretariat (even legal responsibility) e.g. France, General Secretariat of Government d.Top cop office (the strongest) e.g. US, The Office of the President Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

16 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 2. Org Structure of Central Gov’t 2-1. Organization Structure a.Ministry b.Department c.Agency 2-2. Principles for Distributing the Work of Government a.Area (e.g. Tennessee Valley Authority) b.Client (e.g. Veterans Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs in the US Interior Department) c.Process (e.g. Ministry of Information and Technology) d.Function (e.g. Ministry of Education) Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

17 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 2. Org Structure of Central Gov’t 2-3. International practice a.The number and designation of ministries vary across countries b.The number of ministers - political consideration c.Proliferation of central government organizations sometimes mean “confusion” for the public and complexity for the political executives d.How does the number of ministries matter? e.Ideal central government structure? Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

18 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 3-1. What are the common problems and issues in coordination? 3-2. So, implications? a.Coordination, Cooperation, Collaboration b.Appropriate mechanisms for cooperation (technology) c.Staffing and Recruiting d.Elite agencies (“Gang of four”, “Super-ministry”) Ch 4. Policymaking Organization 3. Coordination & Management issues

19 Public Administration (PIA 2020) Sep. 17, Katherine Yoon 4. The general direction of improvement 4-1. “takeaway” Policy support mechanism and organization are influenced by politics and country characteristics. 4-2. So, how to improve? a.Technical mechanism for the principle of discipline b.Developing countries – principles of area & client c.Trade-off between accountability and coordination d.Be aware of “creating” new ministries e.Be aware of illusionary “reorganization” Ch 4. Policymaking Organization

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