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Poverty Alleviation through Cleaner Energy from Agro-industries In Africa - PACEAA - Introduction to the project 09 November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Poverty Alleviation through Cleaner Energy from Agro-industries In Africa - PACEAA - Introduction to the project 09 November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poverty Alleviation through Cleaner Energy from Agro-industries In Africa - PACEAA - Introduction to the project 09 November 2007

2 Objectives of PACEAA identify policy, commercial and regulatory barriers that restrict the use of cleaner energy from agro-industries; for rurql electrification, in selected countries, and propose ways of overcoming these barriers; develop detailed policy and regulatory guidelines and incentives for adoption of cleaner energy from agro-industries into rural electrification programmes as well as incorporate the packages into local rural electrification plans. enhance local and regional capacity of public institutions, private sector (financial institutions, agro-industries, rural stakeholders) for the effective utilisation of cogeneration and other cleaner energy systems from agro-industries in the rural electrification process;

3 Context The PACEAA initiative will provide support to the Rural Electrification Components of the “Greening the Tea Industry in East Africa (GTIEA)” implemented by the East Africa Tea Trade Association (EATTA) and “Cogen for Africa” implemented by AFREPREN/FWD PACEAA has been approved by the European Commission as part of the COOPENER programme, for a 3 year period. The support will be in the form of technical expertise provided by UNEP Risoe Centre (Denmark) and IED (France).

4 Work Programme

5 Key tasks (1/2) Review of institutional frameworks, rural electrification targets and poverty reduction strategies in the 11 countries and world-wide experience ; needs assessment to improve regulatory frameworks Selection of most mature 4 projects (out of the project with detailed FS carried out by GTIEA and COGEN) for detailed study of the rural electrification component: Elaboration of business models, addressing financing and regulatory issues (ESCOs, Utility, Estate electrification,…) Elaboration of local rural electrification plan, including data collection, load forecast, local grid development plan, costing, financial analysis, organisational set-up, discussion of the plan with stakeholders Presentation / promotion of the rural electrification packages to potential donors, stimulation formation of user groups in beneficiary communities.

6 Key tasks (2/2) Training and capacity building activities Least-cost options for rural electrification Local rural electrification planning Model contracts for rural electrification from excess energy generated by agro-industries Communication and Dissemination Web site, including a GIS/Internet presentation of the local rural electrification plans Case study brochure Articles and publication Final workshop open to the Agro-industry and other stakeholders from the Continent

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