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Published byDonna Hancock Modified over 9 years ago
Report of GSC9 Meeting (May 9~13, Seoul Korea) The 4 th CJK IT Standards Meeting July 5~7, 2004, Seoul, Korea CJK4_009 Telecommunications Technology Association
2 Table of Contents I I I II I III
Telecommunications Technology Association 3 Introduction to GSC GSC: Global Standards Collaboration Objective & Mission –Originally set by the “Spirit of Melbourne”, stemming from a CCITT (now ITU) Plenary Assembly, to find a way to cooperate between PSOs from different regions of the world in order to facilitate global standardization within the ITU –to regular exchange information (Work Program, agreed HIS, etc.) between PSOs to facilitate global collaboration to enhance the process of global telecommunications & Radio standardization –The GSC covers (after GSC7/RAST10): Global Telecommunications Standards Collaboration (GTSC-2) Global Radio Standards Collaboration (GRSC-2) Meeting Interval : about 18 months (± 3 months) Host : One of PSOs (circulation) Participant : 9 PSOs (Senior representatives), Observers Results : –Communiqué, Resolutions, Draft Standard, Guideline, Meeting reports – * PSO: Participating Standards Organization
Telecommunications Technology Association 4 9 PSOs (Participating Standards Organization) Australian Communications Industry Forum (ACIF) Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (Japan) (ARIB) Alliance For Telecommunications Industry Solutions (United States) (ATIS) European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Telecommunications Industry Association (United States) (TIA) Telecommunications Standards Advisory Council of Canada (TSACC) Telecommunications Technology Association (Korea) (TTA) Telecommunications Technology Committee (Japan) (TTC)
Telecommunications Technology Association 5 Major History : GSC & RAST ITSC ( Inter-regional Telecommunications Standards Conference ) Established (ITU, Committee T1, ETSI, TTC) Feb. 1990 GSC 1(Global Standards Collaboration) RAST1(Radio STandardization) Mar. 1994 Oct. 1994 First Joint Meeting : GSC2 & RAST2 Jun. 1995 GSC8(GSC→GTSC1, RAST→GRSC1) April 2003 GSC9(GTSC2, GRSC2) May 2004 Global Standards Collaboration
Telecommunications Technology Association 6 USA ATIS [Committee T1] (1984. 2) Europe ETSI ( 1988. 3) Japan TTC (1985. 10) Korea TTA (1988. 12) History of GSC CCITT(ITU-T) 9 th Plenary Assembly “ Spirit of Melbourne ” -Modernization - Flexibiliy -Efficiency -Cooperation CCIR(ITU-R) ITU-T TASG (1993) ITU-R RAG (1994) ITSC1 (1990.2) USA /T1 ITSC2 (1991.9) France /ETSI ITSC3 (1992.11) Japan /TTC GSC1 (94.3) Australia/ATSC GSC2/RAST2(95.6) Canada /TSACC GSC3/RAST4 (96.9) Korea /TTA GSC4/RAST6 (98.3) France /ETSI GSC5/RAST8 (99.8) USA /T1-TIA RAST1 (1994.10) France /ETSI RAST3 (1996.1) Switzerland /T1 RAST5 (1997.6) Switzerland /ITU RAST7 (98.12) USA /TIA GSC/RAST Australia ACC (1989) ATSC(1993) ACIF(1997. 7) Canada TSACC ( 1991.5) ITSC User, EDH Ad Hoc (1990.6) (1993.3) WRC/RA/WTSA 2000 6PSOs+ TIA, ARIB GSC6/RAST9 (00.10) Japan /TTC-ARIB GSC7/RAST10 (01.11) Australia /ACIF GTSC1GRSC1 GSC8 Joint 2003.4 Canada TSACC 2004.5 Korea TTA Res. GSC 7/2 : GSC→GTSC Res. RAST 10/4 : RAST→GRSC 2005.9 France ETSI User IPR EWG GTSC2GRSC2 GSC9 Joint User IPR EWG GTSC2GRSC2 GSC10 Joint User IPR [EWG] JTC1 IETF ANSI ATMF FCC CITEL APT IEEE Special Observer (Guest)
Telecommunications Technology Association 7 Long-term Trends & GSCs 1989 - 1992 ITSC 1-3 (1990-92) GSC 1-8 (1994-99) GSC 9 (2004) Future GSCs 1993 - 19961997 - 20002001 - 2004 1988 : CCIT-PA Melbourne SpiritWTSA-2000GSC6 WTSC 94 ITU-T TSAG Fixed Network Environment GSC-Adhoc: IMT2000(1998) Explosion of the Internet IP as HIS (1999-) 1 Decade 1992 ITU APP WTSA-2004GSC9 2005 - WTSA 96 GSC3 GII (1995-) Explosion of Mobile Communications NGN (GSC7,2001) NGN Project in the ITU-T ★ Reflect Current Environments from GSC6(2000)06: Overview of the past GSCs
Telecommunications Technology Association 8 Table of Contents I I I II I III
Telecommunications Technology Association 9 Introduction to GSC9 GSC9: The Ninth Global Standards Collaboration meeting –Slogan : “Standards Collaboration for a Better Future” Date & Venue: 9 May ~ 13 May 2004 in Seoul, Korea Host : Telecommunication Technology Association (TTA) Participant : 9 PSOs, 3 Observes, about 100 participants Results : Communiqué, 15 Resolutions, 1 Draft Standard – Draft specifications : Radio Microphones The whole purpose of GSC is collaboration, and that GSC is not a quasi standardization body but rather the formation of task groups presents an opportunity for PSOs to take what they like, and leave the rest - copyright permission would be made available
Telecommunications Technology Association 10 GSC9 Results Communiqué Resolutions : 15 Resolutions HIS : 15 Subjects –Joint : 6, GTSC: 1, GRSC: 8 Draft Standard : 1 item Others: Action Items –Clarification of the concept of prime PSO, and responsibilities. –Distribution of letter to CCSA from TTA –Schedule meetings well in advance to prevent conflicts with other international meetings –Schedule 3 HoD calls between meeting cycles –If necessary, discuss the issue of the process for convening task groups (3 task groups) GSC-9 agreed that ITU-T maintain on its website a central repository of documents from past and future GSC meetings
Telecommunications Technology Association 11 Resolutions in GSC9 Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Resolution GSC-9/9 EWG Resolution Resolution GSC-9/15 Intellectual Property Rights Resolution GSC-9/14 User Interest Working Group Resolution (Guide To Consumer Involvement In Standards Setting) Resolution GSC-9/13 Medium Range (up to 300 meters) Communications for Vehicle Safety Resolution GSC-9/12 Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas Resolution GSC-9/11 Radio Microphones ※ Resolution GSC-9/10 Measurement Uncertainties and Methodologies from 1GHz to 40 GHz ※ Resolution GSC-9/8 Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDs) ※ Resolution GSC-9/7 ITS- Supporting Automotive Crash Notification (“ACN”) by Public Wireless Communications Networks Resolution GSC-9/6 Global Radio Standards Collaboration on Wireless Access Systems including RLAN and Ad Hoc networking Resolution GSC-9/5 Cyber security Resolution GSC-9/4 Next Generation Networks (NGN) Resolution GSC-9/3 Emergency Communications Resolution GSC-9/2 Mapping Standards for "Systems Beyond IMT 2000" Resolution GSC-9/1 Joint GTSC GRSC User IPR EWG TG:ETSI
Telecommunications Technology Association 12 Prime PSO Definition Discussion Leader for each High Interest Subject (HIS) Role To be responsible to contact each PSOs’ contact person for the HIS and coordinate the topic to be presented To prepare and present a keynote contribution on the topic and be prepared to lead the discussion and to manage time to be allocated at the next GSC meeting and summarize views and eventually conclusions. To serve as a moderator on the HIS topic between the meetings and during the meeting.
Telecommunications Technology Association 13 HIS & Prime PSO – Joint T/R (High Interest Subject) TTC6) Fora and Consortia ATIS5) Internet Protocol over Wireless TTA4) Broadband Access TIA3) Security and Lawful Interception TIA 2) Emergency Communications (note: PPDR covered more extensively in GRSC) ARIB1) IMT-2000 and Beyond Prime PSO Joint GTSC-2/GRSC-2 topics: 6 Items
Telecommunications Technology Association 14 ACIF - Interworking of Services ATIS - Security TIA - Lawful/Legal Interception ETSI - Network Management ETSI - Service Platforms ATIS - End to End QoS ETSI 7) NGN - Architecture and Protocols GTSC-2 topics: 1 Item HIS & Prime PSO – GTSC Prime PSO
Telecommunications Technology Association 15 (TIA)15) Public Protection and Disaster Relief ※ TBD (ETSI) 14) Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio TBD (ETSI) 13) EAS and RFIDs ※ TBD (ETSI) 12) Radio Microphone (TIA)11) Intelligent Transportation System (TIA) 10) Wireless Access Systems including RLAN and ad hoc networking ETSI9) RF Exposure and Measurement Uncertainties ATIS 8) Location based Services (Note: also called location services (LCS) in some region) GRSC-2 topics: : 8 Items HIS & Prime PSO – GRSC Prime PSO
Telecommunications Technology Association 16 Table of Contents I I I II I III
Telecommunications Technology Association 17 Next Meeting: GSC10 GSC10 –Date & Venue: 28 August -1 September, 2005 in Sophia-Antipolis, France –Host European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) –Others: IEC would be as observer Wishes of GSC –The GSC is very interested in having CCSA be part of the important dialogue that occurs between the standards development organizations from around the globe –Number of PSOs could become “10” from GSC”10”
Telecommunications Technology Association 18 Global Standards Collaboration
Telecommunications Technology Association 19 I I I II I III
Telecommunications Technology Association 20 Resolution GSC-9/1 (J) Mapping Standards for “Beyond IMT 2000” Resolves 1)to encourage 3GPP and 3GPP2 et al to continue to work on enhancing the IMT-2000 standards; 2)to encourage the creation of a single body at the appropriate time which would encompass the two Partnership Projects et al to develop specifications for the new capabilities for the “Systems Beyond IMT-2000”; 3)to encourage standards organizations to support ITU-R in determining an appropriate name for “Systems Beyond IMT-2000” based on timeline and principles of ITU-R Working Party 8F; and 4)to review this Resolution at future GSC meetings as required.
Telecommunications Technology Association 21 Resolution GSC-9/2 (J) Emergency Communications Resolves 1)to establish a continuing area of work on emergency communications to further encourage cooperation and the sharing of information among SDOs on standardization activities relating to communication in emergency situations, in particular addressing communication from citizens to authorities communication between authorities communication from authorities to citizens communication amongst affected citizens. including, but not limited to, developing standards for: priority access to emergency call access numbers; provision of location information; suitable technologies for use in networks dedicated to public protection and disaster relief communications; interoperability between public networks and networks dedicated to emergency communications; priority access by emergency services personnel to communications services; 2)to encourage ongoing cooperation and collaboration among national, regional and international activities that relate to emergency communications, such as Project MESA; 3)to encourage PSOs to support ongoing national activity and co-operation between industry, PSOs, administrations and authorities in the establishment of emergency communications; and 4)to draw to the attention of PSOs to the need to examine the characteristics of providing emergency communications over packet based networks, including Next Generation Networks.
Telecommunications Technology Association 22 Resolution GSC-9/3 (T) NGN (Next Generation Network) Resolves 1)to develop a globally consistent long term vision of the target NGN in ITU-T based on integrating national and regional perspectives; and 2)to promote globally consistent standards through cooperation and collaboration among global, regional and national SDOs on NGN issues that have mutual impacts, including (but not limited to) the following: Interconnection and interoperability of networks offering multimedia services; evolution of IMS as a possible solution to suit the needs of both mobile and fixed networks; recognition of potential social, policy, legal, emergency, and/or regulatory implications (for example, privacy, legal interception, location information, service quality, reference interconnection point definition); options for transition, and planning considerations for achieving the NGN vision in an orderly and consistent manner; control and realization of end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) for all types of access networks (fixed, wireless, mobile, satellite, etc.); and user mobility in all its forms (wide area, local area, nomadic, etc.).
Telecommunications Technology Association 23 Resolution GSC-9/4 (T) Cybersecurity resolves 1)to encourage Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) and Observer Organizations of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) to evaluate existing and evolving new standards and Recommendations, and especially signaling and communications protocol standards and Recommendations with respect to their robustness of design and potential for exploitation by malicious parties to interfere destructively with their deployment in the global information and communications infrastructure; and 2)to encourage PSOs and Observer Organizations of the GSC to raise awareness within their areas of operation and influence of the need to protect information and communications systems against the threat of cyber attack..
Telecommunications Technology Association 24 Resolution GSC-9/5 (R) Global Radio Standards Collaboration on WAS including RLAN and Ad Hoc Networking Global Radio Standards Collaboration on WAS including RLAN and Ad Hoc Networking Resolves 1)to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on WAS, including RLAN standardization and ad hoc networking; 2)to strengthen collaboration and coordination mechanisms between ITU and Standards Development Organizations to progress international RLAN standardization, taking into account current developments in the field of IMT- 2000 and beyond; and 3)to encourage Participating Standards Organizations to develop and support standards for WAS, including RLANs, with a high degree of coordination and harmonization, taking into account technical and regulatory requirements.
Telecommunications Technology Association 25 Resolution GSC-9/6 (R) Supporting Automotive Crash Notification (“ACN”) by Public Wireless Communications Networks Supporting Automotive Crash Notification (“ACN”) by Public Wireless Communications Networks Resolves 1) to encourage PSOs to incorporate the necessary elements in their programs in order to provide a common, world-wide communications solution for the vehicle industry by 2010 that efficiently integrates into public wireless networks while ensuring that ACN messages have the highest reasonable likelihood of getting through.
Telecommunications Technology Association 26 Resolution GSC-9/7 (R) Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDs) Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) and Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFIDs) Resolves to establish a GRSC Task Group* to evaluate the possibilities for globalization of standards, frequencies and power levels for Electronic Article Surveillance, Radio Frequency Identification and similar security and protection applications and will act as a focal point for PSO discussions; and 2)to charge the Task Group, by working electronically, to prepare Recommendations and/or Reports for harmonized standards related to Electronic Article Survelliance and/or Radio Frequency Identification products and, where feasible, draft product specifications for consideration at the next GRSC meeting. *ETSI has offered to appoint Ian Brooker ( to act as convenor of this Task Group.
Telecommunications Technology Association 27 Resolution GSC-9/8 (R) Measurement Uncertainties and Methodologies from 1GHz to 40 GHz Resolves 1)to establish a new GRSC Task Group* which will act as a focal point for PSO discussions on Measurement Uncertainties and Methodologies from 1GHz to 40 GHz; 2)to charge the Task Group, by working electronically, to prepare draft specifications and reports for Measurement Uncertainties and Methodologies from 1GHz to 40 GHz which may then be transposed by those interested PSOs into formal deliverables. *ETSI has offered to appoint Alan Darlove ( to act as convenor of this Task
Telecommunications Technology Association 28 Resolution GSC-9/9 (J) Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) Resolves 1)to encourage ongoing cooperation and collaboration among national, regional and international activities that relate to PPDR. 2)to encourage PSOs to develop standards for new wireless digital wideband communications (voice and data) for PPDR; 3)to encourage PSOs to develop standards for new wireless broadband communications (high quality video, multimedia) for PPDR.
Telecommunications Technology Association 29 Resolution GSC-9/10 (R) Radio Microphones Resolves 1)to request those interested PSOs to take the necessary action to transpose the documents identified in the considering (d) above into their own deliverables for application as appropriate; and 2)to maintain the task group* to facilitate any further action that is required for transposition issues and maintenance of the document. *previously referred to as rapporteur group in GSC-8, now referred to as task group, this task group is convened by a nominated expert from ETSI
Telecommunications Technology Association 30 Resolution GSC-9/11 (R) Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas Resolves 1)to facilitate a strong and effective global radio standards collaboration on BWA standardization; 2)to encourage Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) and other standards bodies to develop harmonized broadband access standards to support delivery to rural and remote communities and to address their unique geographical, operational and technical challenges; 3)to encourage PSOs to take into account, in the development of broadband standards, the need for cost-effective solutions; and 4)to encourage PSOs to develop innovative solutions that would support the use of lower frequency bands to achieve greater coverage and reliability for the delivery of broadband services in rural areas.
Telecommunications Technology Association 31 Resolution GSC-9/12 (R) Medium Range (up to 300 meters) Communications for Vehicle Safety Resolves 1)to encourage those interested PSOs to initiate active programs on medium range communications for vehicle safety in close coordination with ITU-R activities on Intelligent Transportation Systems (“ITS”); and 2)to encourage those interested PSOs to develop harmonized standards for medium range communications for vehicle safety.
Telecommunications Technology Association 32 Resolution GSC-9/13 User Interest Working Group Resolves 1)to encourage PSOs to implement a framework for end user involvement in the standards setting process; 2)to encourage PSOs to consider the adoption of the document outlining the Guide to Consumer Involvement in Standards Making as the foundation for this framework; 3)to have the User Working Group continue to collaborate with relevant consumer groups to advance the development of this document to develop further mechanisms to complete a framework for the process of consumer involvement; and 4)to encourage the holding of a consumer workshop in conjunction with GSC- 10.
Telecommunications Technology Association 33 Resolution GSC-9/14 Intellectual Property Rights Policies Resolves 1)to encourage the Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) to strongly support the adoption of effective intellectual property policies that are transparent, widely accepted and encourage broad-based participation and the contribution of valuable technical solutions by respecting intellectual property rights, including the right of the intellectual property holder to receive reasonable and adequate compensation for the shared use of its technology; and 2)to encourage the PSOs to strongly voice their opposition to policies that mandate compensation-free licensing provisions and licensing practices that discriminate between members and non-members.
Telecommunications Technology Association 34 Resolution GSC-9/15 Electronic Working Methods Group Resolves 1)to continue the EWG using electronic means, noting that no face-to-face meetings are foreseen; 2)to encourage the exchange of information informally on development of electronic working methods and tools; 3)to invite ETSI to continue to make available the email exploder for information exchange as well as the related email archive; 4)to invite ETSI to maintain the EWG web site as a reference point; 5)to request each PSO to ensure that a contact person for the GSC-EWG is provided; 6)to support the idea of a central repository of documents from past and future GSC meetings and welcomes the generous offer of ITU-T to maintain this repository on a web site; 7)to assist in guiding the setup of this central GSC document repository at the ITU-T; and 8)to encourage each PSO to facilitate the implementation of this central GSC document repository by providing past documentation.
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