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BODY WALK Developed by Illinois Education & Training Program

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1 BODY WALK Developed by Illinois Education & Training Program

2 Presented by: Roseann Wilson Holy Redeemer School Evansville, IN *** scripts for each body part are on the INPEC website

3 What is “Body Walk” ? Tour of the human body– typically set up in gymnasium Elementary students will learn the importance of health food choices & the importance of an active lifestyle. Teens (7 th & 8 th graders) act as the presenters & tour guides ***CAN BE VERY SIMPLE OR EXTRAVAGANT***

4 Benefits: Elementary students learn in a visual, auditory and kinesthetic presentation about food choices, physical activity & the impact on parts of the body. Teens through research of topic & repetitive practice & presentation learn about nutrition, activity and body systems.

5 Other Benefits Teens recognize other’s talents: public speaking, research abilities, and creativity Teens learn to command an audience

6 Mechanics of Set Up MAP 11 STATIONS—one flowing to the next


8 SCRIPTS Scripts are provided for each station Scripts can be modified to fit depth of information or may change wording for age levels Make two copies for each group so they can cut one up and use the pictures Script Example

9 LEAD UP AND PREPARATION 1. Review the basics of nutrition-3 class periods a. nutrients and their benefits to health b. food groups, recommended servings & serving sizes 2. Review of body systems and major organs-- 2-3 class periods

10 Lead up and Preparation Cont’d 3. Assign groups to body part (3-4 students) a. creative b. speaker c. worker ###Food tags group is extremely important to success of whole presentation so make sure two very responsible and meticulous students are assigned here###

11 Lead up and Preparation Cont’d 4. Students read through scripts & brainstorm ideas for Props and Costumes. Scripts give suggestions for both, but students and teachers can add new ones. 5. Research- get information to add to script -pictures for posters -food tags -make informational posters and signs

12 Lead up and Preparation Cont’d 6. Need about 3 -4 weeks to get everything together depending on the number of class periods per week and access to computers 7. Groups present to teacher a week before actual Body Walk. Check readiness, add and subtract, check division of labor, present within time limit, practice presentation part of grade if grading 8. Have each group practice setting up their station. Must have all props present. Set up gym the day before if possible.

13 Setting Schedule 1.Limit 6-10 listeners per group. Easier for student presenters to control smaller groups. 2.Divide your classes into groups (6-10) to see how many groups per grade level. 3.Set time schedule- 55 minutes for one group to go through 4.All have to start at station 1 because each stations flows from the last (tells a story) 5.5 minutes-blow whistle-groups move on

14 Example Schedule

15 Video Example

16 Grading Option Example

17 Challenges and things to consider 1.Dead time waiting for a group to present 2.Let class room teachers help monitor 3.Provide water for presenters 4.Wide variety of grade levels presenting to

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