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FLORIDA. Florida is the 4 th most populated state after California, New York, and Texas.

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3 Florida is the 4 th most populated state after California, New York, and Texas

4 The capital of Florida is Tallahassee.

5 The state bird is the Northern Mockingbird *Black, grey and white feathers *Long black tail has white outer tail *Black line through a yellow eye *Bill relatively short and straight. *Imitates the sounds of other birds *Often sings at night *Has a loud sharp sound

6 The state animal is the Florida Panther *One of the most endangered mammals on earth, only 100-160 known adults *Brown on the back and grey underneath *Eat deer, rabbits, birds, and raccoons

7 Florida’s nickname is the sunshine state

8 Florida’s state flower is the orange blossom *Orange blossom is the waxy, white blossom of the orange tree *The Orange blossoms bloom in clusters of 1-6 during in spring and result in oranges the following autumn or winter.spring

9 Florida borders 2 states: Georgia and Alabama

10 We Florida!!

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