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Emerging and RE-Emerging Infectious Disease In Medieval times disease was seen as punishment from God. AIDS???????

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Presentation on theme: "Emerging and RE-Emerging Infectious Disease In Medieval times disease was seen as punishment from God. AIDS???????"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emerging and RE-Emerging Infectious Disease In Medieval times disease was seen as punishment from God. AIDS???????

2 Germ Theory ( Bacterial Pathogens) 1- Organism always present in sick animals. 2- Organism Can be isolated and grown in a pure culture. 3-When culture is introduced to health animal it must cause sickness. 4-Organism re-isolated from healthy animal must be same as original animal.

3 Bacterial Diseases DiseaseYear DiscoveredScientist anthrax1876Kotch gonorrhea1879Neisser tuberculosis1882Kotch plague1894Kitasato,Yersin Whooping cough1906Bordet,Gengoe

4 Other pathogens Virus- (made of Protein and nucleic acid) require a host cell to reproduce.-ex. Yellow Fever Fungi- ex.- athletes foot, yeast infections. Parasites- Live at the expense of other organisms – protozoa ex. malaria and helminths(from the round worm or flat worm phyla) ex. Hook worms Prions????? Unusual proteins may be a pathogen.

5 Prevention and treatment Survivors of disease become immune Chinese “valorization ” using dried material from Small Pox sores.( risk of severe infection) Edward Jenner uses cow pox in immunize against Small Pox( much safer) Louis Pasteur- develops immunization against anthrax( bacterial Pathogen) and Rabies( viral pathogen) he also discovers that heating or “pasteurizing” liquids kills potentially harmful bacteria.

6 Antibacterial Drugs ( Antibiotics) Kill microbes without killing the patient. Alexander Fleming – Penicillin produced from mold – kills staphylococcal bacteria Antibiotics flourished after WWII and many infectious diseases were eradicated. Anti-viral meds are more difficult because viruses reproduce within the cells of the host. Most meds would harm the healthy cells while trying to kill the virus.

7 Emerging Diseases New diseased not seen before- Escherichia coli strain0157:H7- sickness and death in the 1990’s Ebola hemorrhagic fever- 50- 90% Fatality rate. Appeared in the Congo in 1976. AIDS- Emerges simultaneously in US and Africa in 1980’s What do you think might explain the emergence of these “new pathogens”???

8 Re- Emerging diseases Diseases that were previously controlled are making a “comeback”. WHY???? Les strict enforcement of immunization programs and other public health programs, Antibiotic resistant pathogens have evolved. Tuberculosis and Malaria – major killers world wide Staphylococcus aureus- causes Bacterial Pneumonia and is immune to ALL known antibiotics Could we be heading for another “pandemic era”???

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