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The PacLII Workshop – 1 st – 2 nd October 2010 Papua New Guinea Report on Use of PacLII.

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Presentation on theme: "The PacLII Workshop – 1 st – 2 nd October 2010 Papua New Guinea Report on Use of PacLII."— Presentation transcript:

1 The PacLII Workshop – 1 st – 2 nd October 2010 Papua New Guinea Report on Use of PacLII

2 Access to Legal Information Activity Management Team (ALIAMT)  NCM approved the establishment of a technical working group (AMT) in March 2005 to coordinate and look at sustainable ways to publish laws.  A review was conducted by PacLII and the Blake report tabled at the NCM Meeting of March 2005.  NCM approved strategy to publish in PacLII in March to use existing technology & staff to collect content, capture in electronic form, store & publish. (A reflection of strong commitment both politically and administratively to publish online)

3 Funding  PNG benefited from AusAID through the PNGLJS  Assisted agencies to implement systems & processes for publishing  Assisted in technical training in the initial 3 years, monitoring & evaluation, PacLII training & publication of offline mediums of PacLII in the later years.  Funded reviews & consultation by PacLII in PNG, 2 part time advisory support and 2 full time advisory support over the 5 years.

4 Access to Legal Information AMT Budget 2004-2008 Source: LJSS Finance Reports

5 Increased number of citation of legal information on PacLII  2010 requests by domain shows the top 40 sources of incoming traffic, including 3 large ISPs from PNG (Table 1)  Amount of traffic relating to each of our national collections – PNG ranks first. Nearly a quarter of all hits landing in this section. (Table 2) Source: PacLII Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:03 PM

6 RankRequestsGB% BandwidthNetworkCountry/EntityCrawler? 1514,22279.9025.98%67.195USy 2301,16725.508.29%207.46USy 3252,36115.104.91%93FRn 4215,66911.723.81%66.249USy 5206,2225.411.76%119CNy 6182,6946.492.11%202.165MYy 7170,0865.471.78%202.8SGn 8160,2245.081.65% lexisnexis.comUSn 9159,2995.561.81%124KRn 10147,3322.930.95% sbSBn 3034,3531.040.34%41ZAn 3133,7461.290.42% 3232,6890.920.30% 3328,1972.160.70% 3427,8971.120.36% 3527,0640.820.27%115KRn 3626,4130.730.24%125JPn 3725,8710.790.26%60CNn 3825,6891.240.40% 3924,3081.350.44%72USn 4023,5370.840.27%86GBn Table 1: 2010 requests by domain shows the top 40 sources of incoming traffic, including 3 large ISPs from PNG

7 rankHits% Hits % Bytes directory 197719014.02%22.34%PG 25781178.30%13.33%VU 3513470.74%13.09%PJDP 45638338.09%12.92%FJ 55695428.17%7.88%SEARCH 62297663.30%4.03%SB 71863772.67%3.53%TO 82278433.27%3.24%WS 95598338.03%2.47%HOME 101627882.34%2.33%CK 116126108.79%2.17%JSPL 121356461.95%1.69%KI 131895692.72%1.43%PITS 141242831.78%1.34%MH 15974641.40%1.34%NR 16992801.42%1.23%NU 17255410.37%1.07%OTHER 18748871.07%1.06%TV 191438642.06%0.89%HOME 20307530.44%0.56%GATEWAY 21140410.20%0.30%PN 22268750.39%0.30%TK 23101643614.59%0.27%IMAGES 26218630.31%0.15%FM 2873240.11%0.12%GU Table 2

8 The way forward for PNG  PNG to maintain partnership with PacLII in publishing  Be part of the multi jurisdiction database to allow users to do comparative legal research across all jurisdictions  PacLII to continue publishing and each island countries to commit small grants annually to PacLII – that the relevant regional body should provide coordination

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