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A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR.. Three Facts About Judas: 1.A Man, Not A Monster. –Jhn 6:70-71 – No different than Peter in Mat 16:23 –Gen 1:26 – Created.

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Presentation on theme: "A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR.. Three Facts About Judas: 1.A Man, Not A Monster. –Jhn 6:70-71 – No different than Peter in Mat 16:23 –Gen 1:26 – Created."— Presentation transcript:


2 Three Facts About Judas: 1.A Man, Not A Monster. –Jhn 6:70-71 – No different than Peter in Mat 16:23 –Gen 1:26 – Created in God’s image just like us. –Eph 2:10 – Created for good works, not evil.

3 Three Facts About Judas: 1.A Man, Not A Monster. 2.A Disciple of Jesus. –Mat 10:1-4 – Called by Jesus to be His disciple. –Mrk 6:7-13, 30-31 – Sent to preach and heal the sick. –From the town of Kerioth in south Judea, not Galilee like the other disciples.

4 Three Facts About Judas: 1.A Man, Not A Monster. 2.A Disciple of Jesus. 3.A Close Trusted Friend. – Jhn 12:6 – Trusted enough to carry the moneybag. – Jhn 12:1-8 – An influential disciple. – Jhn 13:18-30 – Not questioned when he leaves upper-room.

5 Why did he become a traitor? 1.He didn’t resist the devil. – Jms 4:7, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” – Direct resistance means we steadfastly refuse to compromise even to the slightest degree of what he wants us to do (ref. Eph 4:27). – Judas gave the devil opportunity.

6 Why did he become a traitor? 1.He didn’t resist the devil. – Satan said “Take a few.” – Satan said “You won’t get caught.” – Satan said “Take two & pay them back.” – Satan said “You deserve it.” – Satan said “Rage out at Mary!” – Satan said “Sell Jesus.”

7 Why did he become a traitor? 1.He didn’t resist the devil. 2.Judas fits the anatomy of sin from Jms 1:14-15 perfectly. – Betrayed Jesus at the first available opportunity (Mrk 14:43-46). – Was remorseful and returned the money and went and hanged himself (Mat 27:4-5).

8 A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR. Lesson #1 Becoming a disciple is only the beginning of the journey.

9 A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR. Lesson #2 Sin blinds us to the consequences of our actions.

10 A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR. Lesson #3 Turn to God for help, casting all your burdens on Him.

11 A MAN WHO BECAME A TRAITOR. Lesson #4 Confess your sins to one another.


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