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Cancer Outline. Reader #1 I. History of Cancer A. Mummies had cancer. B. 1. 1930 1 in 5 2. Today 1 in 3 C. Non-melanoma skin cancer.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer Outline. Reader #1 I. History of Cancer A. Mummies had cancer. B. 1. 1930 1 in 5 2. Today 1 in 3 C. Non-melanoma skin cancer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer Outline

2 Reader #1 I. History of Cancer A. Mummies had cancer. B. 1. 1930 1 in 5 2. Today 1 in 3 C. Non-melanoma skin cancer

3 II.What is cancer? A. Healthy-grow and repair under control B. Cancer-uncontrolled growth C. Benign D. Malignant E. Capable of spreading III. 1. starts inside cell 2. caused by things outside

4 Reader #2 I. Biological Risk Factors A. No B. Lung, breast, colon, stomach, prostate, uterus C. Yes D. Loneliness, no friends, depressed, stress, poor nutrition, poor sleep habits all lead to an increased risk of cancer.

5 E.7 Ways to prevent cancer through diet: 1. avoid obesity 2. reduce animal fat 3. increase fiber 4. increase Vit. A and C. 5. increase cruciferous-broc, cauli, cabbages 6. reduce salt cured, smoked nitrates 7. alcohol in moderation

6 Reader #3 I.Cancer Classifications a. Carcinoma-covering tissues skin, breast, lung b. Sarcoma-middle tissues muscle, bone c. Lymphoma-lymph node cancer d. Leukemia-blood cancer II. Age-OLDER, 65 and up

7 III.Symptoms A. lung-cough, bloody sputum B. breast-lumps, dimpling C. colon-blood in stool D. skin-dry flakey patches E. prostate-difficulty urinating F. Leukemia-fatigue G. Testicular-Lump

8 Reader 4 A. 7 warning signs 1.C-change in wart or mole 2.A-a sore that doesn’t heal 3.U-unusual bleeding 4.T-Thickening or lump 5. I-indigestion 6. O-obvious change in bowel or bladder 7. N-nagging hoarseness or cough

9 B.Treatments 1. surgery-cutting out tumor 2. radiation-using x-rays to kill 3. Chemotherapy-using strong drugs (chemicals) to kill cancer cells 4. Immunotherapy-stimulating the body’s immune system

10 I.Lumpectomy-removing just the lump Simple masectomy-remove the breast Modified rad. Mastectomy- remove the breast and lymph nodes Rad. Masectomy-remove breast, LN, muscle

11 Diagnosing Cancer: Lung cancer- chest X-ray Breast –self exam, mammogram Uterus-PAP smear Colon, Rectum-Stool blood test Prostate-blood test Testicular-self exam

12 Follow these directions on the back of your cancer notes outline: 1. What was the most surprising thing you learned about cancer? 2. What was the scariest thing you learned about cancer? 3. What was the most reassuring thing you learned about cancer? 4. Write 5 short answer test questions and answer them.

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