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Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences MySQL, PHP and Apache Server in Development of Database for Scientific Research in Defence.

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Presentation on theme: "Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences MySQL, PHP and Apache Server in Development of Database for Scientific Research in Defence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences MySQL, PHP and Apache Server in Development of Database for Scientific Research in Defence Milen Nikolov, Institute for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

2 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Goal of DBSRD The database for scientific research in defense is to ensure collection, storing and retrieving of information about past, present and future scientific research projects in defense industry of a country (future or present member of the NATO), and about its scientific research potential. It has to provide full description of the scientific research process in defense and a possibility for control and trace of condition and activities of the scientific research in security and defense. The database should be flexible and adaptive to changes and differences in the process of execution of scientific projects in defense, which may occur with the time or as a result of the specifics of the country.

3 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Requirements for the DBSRD A possibility for making queries with different criteria for search in the database (for example: current projects for a period of time; projects including a scientific organization or its members; projects with a higher or lower value or in a given interval; international projects; projects for a type of military forces; projects in which a subcontractor is a company, etc.) The queries should be created in such a way that they can be classified for the type of the project, its continuation, contractors and subcontractors, value of the project; A possibility for maintenance and storing of actual information for the scientific potential and research projects in defense for a country; The information, kept in the database, should be for the past, the present and the future periods/projects;

4 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Requirements for the DBSRD (cont.) A possibility for using the database by unlimited number of users and access through web interface; Protection of the information from deletion or unsanctioned access. Ensuring of different levels of access and different rights to access according to the user’s rank, the grade of the security and other criteria; It should fully describe the field of the research activities in security and defense; It should provide real time access to the database.

5 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Main tables in the DBSRD (1/3) PROJECT – stores the main characteristics of research projects in defense – past, current and future projects. PRODUCT – products, created as a result of the research activities for the needs of the defense. These products could be: system or armament, part of a system or part of an armament (subsystem), a scientific research work – a publication, a book, a textbook, a concept, a strategy, a scientific research, etc. COMPANY – stores the database for the contractor and subcontractor companies, taking part in the scientific research defense projects (national, international or foreign). Also can keep data about potential contractors, which are currently not taking part in any defense projects.

6 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Main tables in the DBSRD (2/3) SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION – stores data about the scientific organizations, which have a possibility to work on research defense projects. AUTHORITY – stores information about the authorities and the government organizations, which are related to the process of research for defense. This includes assign, control, certification, standardizing and other related authorities/organizations from the different ministries and agencies. LEGAL FRAME - laws, statutes, related standards, which regulate the research process in defense.

7 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Main tables in the DBSRD (3/3) EMPLOYEE – database for officials and employees from authorities, scientific organizations or companies, related to the research activities in defense. Data can be kept also for potential employees or scientific experts, who are currently, do not take a part in a given project. ADDRESS – address of the organization or of employee. CODES AND CLASSIFICATORS – this is a combination of tables, describing fields of the main tables. For example, the employees can be part of a private company, an authority or a scientific organization. This is described with an employee classifier.

8 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences NumberNameType In the initial key Secondary key from/to table 1IdentifierNumber(5)yes 2Name of the science organizationString (100) 3Type of the science organizationNumber (1)Classifier Science Organizations 4Main office - addressString (100)Table with addresses 5CountryString (100)Classifier of the Countries 6Date of registrationDate 7Subject of the research activityString (100) 8Research fieldString (100)Classifier of the research fields 9DirectorString (100)Table with Employees 10Contact PersonString (100)Table with Employees Example Structure of the SCIENCE ORGANIZATION Table

9 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences MySQL and PHP – The Dynamic Duo MySQL and PHP are frequently used together. MySQL provides the database part, and PHP provides the application part of the Web database application. MySQL and PHP as a pair have several advantages: They are free. They are Web oriented. Both were designed specifically for use on Web sites. Both have a set of features focused on building dynamic Web sites. They are fast. Both were designed with speed as a major goal. Together they provide one of the fastest ways to deliver dynamic Web pages to users. They communicate well with one another. PHP has built-in features for communicating with MySQL. The user does not need to know the technical details.

10 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Apache Server PHP is developed as a project of the Apache Software Foundation — thus, it works best with Apache Server. It has the following advantages: It’s free. It runs on a variety of operating systems. It’s popular. Approximately 60 percent of Web sites on the Internet use Apache. It’s customizable. The open source license allows programmers to modify the Apache software, adding or modifying modules as needed to fit their own environment. It’s secure. Free software is available that runs with Apache to make it into an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) server.

11 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Administration of the MySQL Server

12 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Building DBSRD

13 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Building DBSRD (cont.)

14 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Future Work Define some of the classifiers (which depend on the chosen database or another information that is yet to be defined); Define the user accounts; Define account policies; Uploading the information and support of the database on the server.

15 Institute for Parallel Processing Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Thank You For Your Attention

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