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Advocacy and IPR tutorial Morag Greig Advocacy Manager: Enlighten Glasgow University Library Open Scholarship 2006 18 th October, 2006, Glasgow.

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Presentation on theme: "Advocacy and IPR tutorial Morag Greig Advocacy Manager: Enlighten Glasgow University Library Open Scholarship 2006 18 th October, 2006, Glasgow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advocacy and IPR tutorial Morag Greig Advocacy Manager: Enlighten Glasgow University Library Open Scholarship 2006 18 th October, 2006, Glasgow

2 Tutorial Outline Presentation - Advocacy: experiences at Glasgow Group discussions - advocacy experiences Feedback and discussion Break Presentation: IPR issues Group discussions – IPR experiences Feedback and discussion

3 Repository development at Glasgow DAEDALUS Project 2002-2005 Project set out to build a collection of institutional repositories at the University of Glasgow Two strands –Advocacy –Service Development Project developed into Enlighten: University of Glasgows institutional repository service

4 Glasgow Repositories Enlighten ( includes: Glasgow ePrints Service: published peer- reviewed papers, conference proceedings & papers, books, book chapters ( DSpace: pre-prints, theses, grey literature, technical reports, working papers (

5 Recent developments at Glasgow University statement on open access Launch of Enlighten Appointment of permanent repository staff Increase in amount of content in repository Growing interest from variety of departments Particular interest from those departments affected by funders OA policies

6 Advocacy Activities Wide range of activities: presentations, events, e-mail list, newsletter articles, publicity material, targeted approaches Top-down and bottom-up Resource intensive Involved repetition and reinforcement – iterative process Advocacy campaign guidelines & advice:

7 Author reactions Interested, but not wildly enthusiastic A lot of confusion over open access and what it means for them Happy to participate if someone else does the work (and copyright checking) Concerned about funding body/research body OA policy implications

8 Issues for academics Why should they bother depositing? Potential for copyright infringement Confusion between OA journals and OA repositories Concern about the possible collapse of the current publishing system (particularly peer review) and the possible impact, especially on small society publishers How will people find material in repositories?

9 Positive persuasive tactics Usage statistics Citations Visibility in search engines such as Google and Yahoo

10 Key Success Factors Journals crisis not an issue for most academics Support of heads of departments/schools or key academics helps Deposit does not require lots of additional work Repository staff will check/advise on copyright Authors can see key benefits

11 Usage statistics >280,000 pdf downloads since repository was launched (and growing daily) >20,000 overall downloads of full text article per month Top item downloaded over 11,000 times Top ten items all downloaded over 1,800 times

12 Funding bodies Mandates by universities Mandates by funding bodies/research councils Research Assessment Exercise and similar Impact of such moves How can we best make use of them?

13 Current state of flux… Uncertain how things will develop Advocacy should be easier for those beginning now Pace of change rapid Advocacy will inevitably involve guidance and reassurance as well as persuasion

14 Discussion Groups Advocacy

15 Group Discussions What are the key messages that those engaged in open access advocacy need to get across to academics? What are currently the main barriers to Open Access and how can we overcome them?

16 Group Discussions How can we best take advantage of funding body open access policies? What added value can repositories provide for academics that will persuade them to deposit?

17 IPR Issues and repositories

18 Authors attitudes to copyright agreements General lack of awareness of what they have signed and the consequences Misconception that assigning copyright means deposit is not permitted Fear they will not get published if they dont sign or try to amend agreements Preference for project staff checking copyright agreements for them Changing attitudes - balance between informing and dictating

19 Interpreting copyright agreements Lack of clarity, e.g. authors retain copyright, but publishers still set restrictions on what authors can do Does one outweigh the other? Personal/departmental/university sites – what does this mean in practice? Publisher versions v authors final versions/authors post-prints

20 Author final versions/post- prints Many authors dont have suitable versions, particularly of older articles Some authors not keen to make this version available Uncertainty about publishers style sheets, templates etc. used from the outset Need to encourage authors to start keeping suitable versions

21 Other issues… Multiple authors 3 rd party copyright material The practicalities of publisher embargoes

22 Books and permissions Have sought permission from publishers to add books and book chapters to the ePrints Service Responses surprisingly positive, particularly if material is a few years old Issue of potential conflict with authors royalties?

23 Group Discussions IPR

24 Group Discussions To what extent should repositories take on the role of helping academics with IPR issues? Should academics be encouraged to take more responsibility in this area? What are the key IPR and related issues that are hindering the population of repositories? What are the main IPR issues that concern academics?

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