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FP7 Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities National Contact Point Samantha McGregor, ESRC.

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1 FP7 Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities National Contact Point Samantha McGregor, ESRC

2 Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities (SSH) in FP7 Cooperation Theme 8 Fourth consecutive programme on SSH since 1994 Overall budget (2007-13) = €610m 2011 Work Programme Budget = €76m Three calls Eight activities

3 Who are National Contact Points? Main structure for providing guidance, practical information and assistance on participation in FP7 Appointed and financed by governments Employed by a range of organisations depending on the country/thematic area/discipline Personalised support for Framework Programme bids in proposers’ own language 18 thematic networks

4 What can my National Contact Point do for me in the UK? Provide advice, information and guidance service to participants and potential participants in SSH (pre- and post-contract) Publicise and promote SSH Work Programme to the UK research community Provide a link between the UK research community and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Partner searching Signpost potential participants to alternative sources of information Represent the views of the UK in the European arena

5 SSC National Contact Point Employed by ESRC net4society UK NCP Network Samantha McGregor T: (01793) 413141 E: W:

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