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Creativity Designing a Better Mouse Trap. What Holds Back Creativity?

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Presentation on theme: "Creativity Designing a Better Mouse Trap. What Holds Back Creativity?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creativity Designing a Better Mouse Trap

2 What Holds Back Creativity?

3 Up the Ladder How do I get them to pay attention to my idea? Is your management receptive? Suppose they are not? For managers How do you receive new ideas? What could you do to encourage new ideas?

4 My Ideas How to present them This Becomes this If you make your data more understandable

5 2007 HIVQUAL Data i.% of patients with whom substance use was discussed. 37.7%90.1%100.0% ii.% of patients who received all required components of mental health screen. 0.0%20.9%100.0% % Cognitive function 7.7%73.4%100.0% % Depression 27.4%84.8%100.0% % Anxiety 13.6%73.7%100.0% % Sleep 4.7%70.9%100.0% % Appetite 16.7%76.6%100.0% % Domestic violence 2.5%55.1%100.0% % Post-traumatic stress disorder 0.0%28.3%100.0%

6 Table Exercise Directions Review the data Come up with 5 reasons why 79.1% of patients did not receive all components of the mental health screening Select a person at the table to record ideas and report back to group

7 Ideas that “Just Happened” Anti freeze Text messaging Thrown in as an after thought No one expected it to be too useful Mouse (computer not this.… ) AZT ( a failed anti-cancer drug)

8 The “Three Cs” Consider Envision the idea Look beyond analysis Compliment – never denigrate new thinking Challenge Challenge the suggester to improve the idea Involve “group think” “The Three Cs”.,

9 Involving Others Promote the idea of creativity/interpretation Challenge people to look at data, interpret it and then offer suggestions for improvement Maximize the number of innovation opportunities (high degree of creativity rather then a lot of ideas Have a contest to encourage collaboration on creative ideas

10 Creativity Contest Pick Come up with 5 reasons why 79.1% of patients did not receive all components of the mental health screening Select a person at the table to record ideas and report back to group

11 Why is this a Creative Twist on an Old Design


13 Its Original Use

14 Table Exercise Select a person at the table to record ideas and report back to group Come up with at least 3 ways that you would offer creative solutions to ANYTHING regarding HIVQUAL Date entry Indicators

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