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Description and Analysis of MULTIPLIERS using LAVA.

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Presentation on theme: "Description and Analysis of MULTIPLIERS using LAVA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Description and Analysis of MULTIPLIERS using LAVA

2 Today: Describe the most common multiplier circuits In general As Lava descriptions Analyze them using Lava Self optimizing descriptions Time and size estimations

3 Lava advantages Efficient description of very complex structured circuits Automatically generic description (in contrast to e.g VHDL) Efficient use of formal verification Inheritance of the power of Haskell

4 Binary multiplication All algorithms use the ”sum of partial products” method: Possible trade-off: Many PPs – Easier generation Fewer PPs – Complex generation

5 Binary multiplication Decomposition of the multiplier:

6 Binary multiplication Partial product selection method: P i = S i  N (shifted to the same position as S i ) Example:

7 Binary multiplication Two basic steps: 1. Generation of partial products (PPG) 2. Summation of partial products Several methods exitst for each step Famous: Booth, Wallace… Goal: To be able to combine any method for the first step with any method for the second step

8 Interface All PPs start from position 0 (shift by padding zeroes) Use adders whose result has the same length as the longest input (no carry- out) When carry-out is needed (only 1-bit selection), pad with one zero after

9 Simple PPG (1-bit selection)

10 Bit multiplier

11 Carry-propagate adder


13 Linear array summation

14 Adder tree summation

15 Simple multipliers

16 Booth’s algorithm (s-bit selection) The number of PPs is m/s s-1 adders are used in the selection

17 Improved Booth 2 Booth 2 selects part. prod. values from {0,N, 2N, 3N} BUT, 3N = 4N – N So, instead of 3N, select –N The next part. prod. selection has to compensate for this

18 New selection method

19 Improved Booth s The number of PPs is m/s+1 s-2 adders are used The negation of PPs can easily be integrated into the selection procedure


21 Improved Booth s

22 The carry-save adder

23 The carry-save array

24 Speed up summation with faster adders (logarithmic) Linear array has several equal-length critical paths  All adders need to be replaced The carry-save array has only ONE critical path  Replace only the final CPA

25 Logarithmic adder (Ladner – Fisher)

26 Wallace tree

27 Sums in O(log m) steps

28 Reducing hardware All circuits have used lots of constant bits, which need unnecessary hardware Circuits operating on constant bits can be reduced Sufficient to make the reduction in the basic gates (inv, and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor) The reduction of the larger circuits follows automatically

29 Interpretations Standard: Symbolic: Non-standard…

30 Self-reducing gates Constant bits: low, high Everything else is variable var ”a” inv high

31 Reduction of larger circuits

32 Time estimation

33 Size estimation Problem with sharing:

34 Redifinition of basic gates

35 Redefinition of AND

36 Estimation functions

37 Estimations

38 Results Different selection group lengths with linearArray summation:

39 Results Wallace summation instead:

40 Results Different summation networks with simple PPG:

41 Results Regular summation networks: addTree carrySave

42 Limitations of the estimations Wiring delays Needs layout information Fan-out Several inputs connected to the same output  slower signal Only standard gates are used Better techniques exist for e.g full adders

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