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23 rd September 2009. Who We Are Mark Webb Travel for Work Partnership Manager TP+ Project Manager Gary Armstrong TP+ Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "23 rd September 2009. Who We Are Mark Webb Travel for Work Partnership Manager TP+ Project Manager Gary Armstrong TP+ Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 23 rd September 2009

2 Who We Are Mark Webb Travel for Work Partnership Manager TP+ Project Manager Gary Armstrong TP+ Coordinator

3 Agenda Background to TP+ (Mark Webb) Highways Agency (David Abbott) EEDA (Andrew Summers) Current Status (Gary Armstrong) Breakout Session (MW/GA) TP+ Project Steering Group (MW/GA) Wrap up (MW) Aim to end by 10am

4 TRAVEL PLAN PLUS (Travel Reduction Attainment Via Energy- efficient Localities PLANning): Aims to: - show how Local Travel Plan Networks (LTPNs) can deliver energy efficiency - develop a LTPN implementation framework - implement four LTPNs in EU - monitor and evaluate how these work - recommend how policy can best deliver the widespread adoption of LTPNs across the EU. Scale: - 30-month project (from November 2008 – April 2011) - Six partners from Hungary, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK(2), - Lead partner Loughborough University Background

5 Travel for Work knows successful travel plans are: - good for business (productive staff, green publicity) - good for commuters (health and wealth and happiness) - good for environment - good value for money Travel for Work has: - a network of employers already doing travel planning - a host of tools and services to support - a wealth of experience to bring to this project - national credibility in this field - access to all the key players in travel Background

6 TRAVEL PLAN PLUS Cambridge Network is: - Managed by Travel for Work Partnership (on behalf of Cambridgeshire County Council) - Will employ two staff - Travel Plan Coordinator - Travel Plan Administrator Background

7 St Johns Innovation Centre (@850 emps) Taylor Vinters Solicitors (220 emps) Cambridge Business Park (@800emps) Cambridge Science Park (@4,500 emps) Cambridge Regional College (680 emps; 4,500 students) Background – TP+ Scope

8 From EU From Matched funders From Section 106 funding Will fund: - Travel Plan Coordinator - Travel Plan Administrator - Accommodation - Monitoring (surveys, traffic counts etc) - Some initiative development Background – Funding

9 County Council SCDC City Council EEDA Highways Agency Cambridgeshire Horizons Background – Stakeholders

10 Establish Steering Group Develop & agree a Network Travel plan Implement at least five initiatives Monitor activity TP coordinator to manage implementation Background – What we need to do

11 Great opportunity Employer input essential Commuter and therefore business benefits – Certain! Possible access to funding (joint approaches) Background – Working Together

12 And after April 2011? TP+ Coodinator to work on succession Different models of Network to consider Different models of funding to consider …. But, first things first!..... Background

13 23 rd September 2009

14 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers Influencing Travel Behaviour & TPPlus David Abbott Network Operations, Highways Agency

15 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers About the Highways Agency An executive agency of the Department for Transport Maintain, manage & improve Englands Trunk road & Motorway network - the Strategic Road Network: Just 3% of Englands roads, but carrying one third of traffic (two-thirds of road freight)

16 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers The Challenges Traffic growth Journey Reliability Climate change & other environmental concerns Economic prosperity and pressures from new development

17 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers Making choices – achieving a balance Making choices – achieving a balance Traffic Management Smarter Travel Choices Spatial Planning

18 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers What are Smarter Choices? SMARTERSMARTER – more intelligent, well informed and well considered travel decision-making CHOICESCHOICES – credible, appropriate, affordable, reliable and effective travel alternatives

19 Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers Thank you David Abbott Eastern Regional Coordinator: Influencing Travel Behaviour Network Operations Woodlands Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7LW Tel 01234 796221 Mob 07771 677517 Email: Find out more on the HA website:

20 23 rd September 2009

21 Andy Summers Principal Transport Planner EEDA

22 My presentation today Regional economic context for transport What our evidence suggests… Why travel planning matters

23 Regional Economic Strategy (RES): Key ambitions Three key RES objectives to 2031: Economic Growth (GVA / year of 2.1% per worker) CO2 Reduction (60% reduction on 1990 levels) Employment Growth (80% employment by 2031) RES Transport Goal: A sustainable transport system that fully supports sustainable economic growth

24 RES Engines of Growth

25 Transport Economic Evidence Study: Costs of Congestion Currently, congestion in East of England is costing the UK economy over £1bn per annum By 2021, this economic cost will have doubled to over £2bn per annum Equivalent productivity losses in the region: –Up to £900 per worker per annum

26 Productivity losses / worker - 2021

27 EEDA Transport Carbon Study: Emerging results

28 So why is travel planning important? Transport has key role in addressing both regional economy and carbon emission challenges Traffic congestion will cost the economy up to £2bn p.a. by 2031 Targeted investment gives high returns but we cannot build our way out: –Supply-side alone is not the answer –At most addresses 8-15% of economic cost of congestion Annual carbon emissions from the regions transport system predicted to grow by 23% by 2031 if we carry on as we are.

29 So why is travel planning important? Need for demand-side measures (such as TRAVEL PLAN PLUS) to address challenges: –travel planning and reducing work-related vehicular journeys a key element TEES shows that: –10% reduction in highway trips in Cambridge and Norwich = £20m benefits / year –10% reduction in highway trips in London Arc = £50m benefits / year And carbon benefits too – hits multiple RES ambitions EEDA keen to support initiatives in the East of England which address these challenges

30 23 rd September 2009

31 Current Status Commuter Centre Potential Services Branding Activities/Events

32 Current Status – Commuter Centre Cambridge Science Park Innovation Centre End of September 2009 TP+ Coordinator and Administrator

33 Current Status – Potential Services Car Club Marketing travel information Information Website Running bus services Public Transport Discounts Bicycle User Group (BUG) Monitoring effect of network Reducing congestion Initiatives to assist in improving health of staff Lobbying

34 Current Status - Branding Is this brand name adequate? What are the alternatives: - SG to think of a new name? - Organise a competition across sites?

35 Current Status – Activities/Events Home Post Code mapping Traffic & Turning Counts (1 st week in October) 2009 Annual Travel Survey (1 st week in October) The Busway Road Shows (mid/late October) Travel Mode Safari (November) What do employers want? We need your input

36 Breakout Session Split into 2 groups Consider travel to and for work issues facing employers across site 3 Objectives: - Identify 5 good things - Identify 5 challenges/bad things - Identify the priorities

37 23 rd September 2009

38 TP+ Project Steering Group Whats Involved: - Attend a steering group meeting @ every 2 months - Establish terms of reference - Represent the interests of employers across the TP+ site - Determine priorities and where to concentrate effort - Provide vision and direction to TP+ team - Agree the area travel plan developed by TP+ team - First meeting scheduled for 1 October

39 TP+ Project Steering Group Potential Structure: - 1 employer from Cambridge Science Park - 1 employer from Cambridge Business Park - 1 employer from St Johns Innovation Park - Cambridge Regional College - Taylor Vinters - 1 employer representing smaller employers - 1 member Bidwells - 1 member King Sturge - others when appropriate - Support from TP+ team Discuss and nominate

40 And next….

41 Gary Armstrong (TP+ Coordinator) -Current tel: 01223 715695 (will change once on site) -Email: Mark Webb (TP+ Project Manager) -Telephone: 01223 715696 -Email: Contacts

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