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Understanding Unit Assessment The Nominee and Team Leader Role.

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2 Understanding Unit Assessment The Nominee and Team Leader Role

3 Programme 0930 Welcome and Introductions 1000 Presentation: The Nominee and Team Leader Role 1020 Nominee Pre-work 1030 Presentation: Introducing Unit Specifications and Assessment Support Packs (UASPs) 1100 Comfort Break 1110Workshop 1: Understanding your subject Unit Specifications and UASPs

4 Programme 1245 Lunch 1345 Welcome Back Workshop 2: Gathering and Judging Evidence for Units, including the National 4 Added Value Unit, and ensuring inclusion for assessment 1600Plenary 1615 Learning and Development Plan 1625 Evaluation and Next Steps 1630 Depart

5 Aims of this Programme To provide an understanding of: The Nominee, Team Leader and Principal Verifier role in the new National Qualifications (NQs) The structure and content of the new NQs Unit Specifications and Unit Assessment Support Packs (UASPs) for your subject at SCQF levels 3 to 5 How to gather evidence and make assessment judgements in your subject, in order to maintain the national standard

6 Learning Objectives (1) By the end of this Programme you will be able to: Explain your role as a Nominee or Team Leader in SQAs new approach to quality assurance for the new NQs in your subject Understand your role in relation to SQA Values Identify your strengths and areas for further development in your role as Nominee or Team Leader Explain the purpose of key SQA assessment documentation for your subject area

7 Learning Objectives (2) Describe the key assessment messages for your subject and convey to colleagues that the national standard remains the same Explain to colleagues the structure and content of the Unit Specifications and UASPs Describe for colleagues approaches to assessment and processes of gathering and judging evidence contained within the UASPs, in order to maintain the national standard for your subject Describe any barriers to unit assessment in your subject and understand what assessment arrangements may be required

8 The Nominee Role Definition of a Nominee: A Nominee is employed by their Centre and has been nominated either by their Local Authority, College or Independent School, to carry out quality assurance activity on SQAs behalf. In Art and Design this would involve cascading national standards to colleagues within their Local Authority

9 Team Leader Role SQA Appointee Adhere to SQA conditions, timescales and arrangements Conduct verification visits Support their Principal Verifier / Senior Team Leader Assist SQA colleagues Additional Duties

10 Nominee/TL Role in Practice For SQA a Nominee will: Successfully undertake annual training on understanding national standards and online training via SQA Academy Champion the new qualifications in their subject. Participate in quality assurance events as required. Support the quality assurance processes in accordance with SQA policy and specification. Assist in the identification of potential exemplification material. Prepare clear, accurate and professional quality assurance reports for centres. Assist SQA in the review of national consistency in relation to internal assessments. For the local authority a Nominee will: Assist in cascading national standards and good practice with colleagues in their local authority. Support in-service, CPD and other local events to ensure that national standards are being consistently applied and maintained within their subject area. Champion the new qualifications within their subject. For the school/college a Nominee will: Assist in cascading national standards and good practice to colleagues. Support centre events/trainings to ensure that national standards are being consistently applied and maintained within their subject area. Champion the new qualifications within their subject. Assist in promoting benefits of the Nominee role to other teachers in their school/college. Promote understanding of national standards to parents and local employers.

11 SQA Values Trusted Progressive Enabling

12 Knowledge and Skills Nominee Profile and Selection Criteria Nominees must have: Current Experience Knowledge of Assessment Key Skills

13 Pre-work for Understanding Unit Assessment Take 10 minutes now and discuss in pairs or small groups your personalised learning and development plan. Identify common areas of strengths and common areas of improvement. Write these on post it pads and place on flipchart. We will re-visit these during the Plenary, at the end of the Day.

14 Any questions so far?


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