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Imaginative Writing Writing an Imaginative Story.

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2 Imaginative Writing Writing an Imaginative Story

3 Imaginative Writing Do I have to Inform?

4 Audience am I trying to entertain?

5 Which genre genre will I choose ? Different types of stories have their individual styles science fiction horroradventure

6 Horror! Ben screamed and screamed. They had left him there to die entombed in a cave. When his screaming stopped and the echo vanished he heard another sound. A low moaning sound that seemed to be coming closer..... genre

7 Scary Settings often an isolated or scary location genre

8 or somewhere you feel trapped! genre

9 or a normal setting Where people feel suddenly threatened genre

10 Horror Characters Often an innocent seeming victim threatened by a more powerful force genre

11 and the adversary – or “enemy” is often supernatural or evil –or both genre

12 Plot genre plot

13 The victim struggles against impossible odds for freedom from a horrible fate! genre

14 sometimes the struggle is sometimes it is not.. successful genre

15 There is a build up of genre

16 and there may be some cliffhangers

17 words are chosen to genre

18 Sound words and figurative language build up atmosphere genre

19 Figurative language

20 intensify intensify the fear! He froze. A branch cracked behind him and the bushes shivered. The rustling of the leaves stopped when he did. Silence echoed through the still and silent jungle. No sound. No movement. Nothing. But he was no longer alone! genre Intensify the fear

21 Ben blinked, but the signal on his E-screen remained. It was too big to be simply an asteroid shower or electrical interference. No-one knew about their mission, he thought. It was impossible they were being tracked. Science Fiction genre

22 setting genre

23 in a future world with advanced technology genre

24 perhaps a similar world - but with important differences from our own Similar world

25 or maybe a “better” world but one that somehow “threatens” people genre

26 and objects often have unusual names mini-jedi warrior Duff inter-galactic gargle- blaster inter- stellar petpod genre

27 Characters often have unusual names ZorgBlatZeeeYuDjimi genre

28 “Hero” figures often are no matter what the odds.. intelligentresourcefu l calm genre

29 They often contrast with others genre

30 The “villain” may not be human but an alienor a machine

31 The Plot Plot is often the resolution to a problematic or dangerous situation genre The plot

32 or a warning warning of a possible future genre

33 WORD CHOICE CHOICE often includes ideas and vocabulary referring to advanced technology Beam me up, Scotty! My shields are down and I’m all out of dilithium crystals! genre

34 ‘made-up’ names for objects and places but with some similarity to life as we know it............ Plutovian pilot pod Venusian filofax Martian map genre Made-up names

35 The The air was absolutely still, not a breath of wind. Ben settled himself in the tent, exhausted from his tiring day’s activities. Still it was a pleasant tiredness. Slowly his eyes closed… Adventure genre adventure

36 Settingtension is created by the deliberate choice of situation genre setting

37 a city a secret valley a moor a forest usually NOT an everyday situation or setting but somewhere like genre

38 Characterusually a “hero” type courageousquick thinking genre character

39 enemies or villains or “baddies” might be motivated by money, politics etc. Al Capone genre

40 we want him or her to win in the end we “identify” with the hero(ine)

41 Plot the story presents the heroine or hero with a problem genre

42 it builds up to a climax often a battle with the enemy

43 usually a resolution where the hero by virtue of some quality or strength wins through ! genre

44 Word Choice description reveals personality hunky bold daring strong heroic fearless good villainous mean devious cruel craven evil dastardly genre

45 Create atmosphere to build up suspense Cowering, they huddled together as the the dark, deafening, helicopter, blades threshing and roaring, drew closer. The hatch opened and a figure emerged. Would he – could he – reach them in time? genre

46 Now think about the characteristics of a selection of other genres: Romance Western Ghost Story Thriller History Crime School War War and anything else you can think of............. Don’t forget your pupil pack for ideas! genre

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