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Culture & Prosocial Behaviour ► Are there differences in prosocial/helping behaviour?  Within a culture e.g. urban versus rural areas  Between cultures.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture & Prosocial Behaviour ► Are there differences in prosocial/helping behaviour?  Within a culture e.g. urban versus rural areas  Between cultures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture & Prosocial Behaviour ► Are there differences in prosocial/helping behaviour?  Within a culture e.g. urban versus rural areas  Between cultures e.g. individualist versus collectivist cultures

2 Intra-Cultural Variations ► Urban Overload Hypothesis (Milgram, 1970)  People who live in cities are exposed to high levels of environmental stimulation  They develop strategies to cut out excessive stimulation  One such strategy is to avoid interactions with strangers – this leads to a reduction in helping behaviour in some situations

3 Culture & Prosocial Behaviour ► Most research into prosocial behaviour carried out in US and Europe  May be problems generalising  Values attached to prosocial behaviour likely to be affected by culture

4 Types of Culture ► Individualistic  Based on values of independence, competition, achievement and self-interest  Prosocial concerns likely to be limited to immediate family/close relationships ► Collectivistic  Based on values of mutual interdependence, loyalty and group membership  Prosocial concerns likely to be extended beyond family, at least to members of same social group

5 Research ► Comparative studies of helping in children  Those from collectivist cultures (e.g. Kenyan, Mexican, Hopi Indian) generally more helpful, co-operative than individualist (US, UK)  US/UK children tend to compete even when working towards common goals. ► Likely that individualist cultures raise less helpful, co-operative kids due to need to compete in later life (capitalism)

6 Research ► Prosociality does seems to depend on child rearing to some extent  Collectivist cultures tend to have extended family structures in which children take responsibility for younger siblings from an early age (Whiting & Whiting, 1988)  May explain variation between e.g. Kenyan & UK kids

7 Research ► Likely that individualist and collectivist cultures help others for different reasons  Individualist – helping motivated by personal rewards e.g. feeling good about yourself  Collectivist – helping motivated by continued survival of group, possible future reciprocation

8 Problems ► ‘Individualist’ and ‘collectivist’ invite us to see all cultures as falling neatly into two camps. They don’t. ► Research studies have used limited samples and generally involve a single favour, so not long term. ► Usual problems of conducting cross-cultural research (e.g. trust, language) also apply.

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