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Our Inner Ape By: Frans de Waal. Apes in the family Social needs in humans Bonobo sensitivity to what others desire Saying hello and goodbye Facial recognition.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Inner Ape By: Frans de Waal. Apes in the family Social needs in humans Bonobo sensitivity to what others desire Saying hello and goodbye Facial recognition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Inner Ape By: Frans de Waal

2 Apes in the family Social needs in humans Bonobo sensitivity to what others desire Saying hello and goodbye Facial recognition Pointing as communication

3 Great apes cladogram

4 Power Chimp politics- coalitions & teamwork Juggling act of dominance and keeping others happy Reproductive success priority Behavior changes when change in power

5 Pecking order Status rituals Clearer the hierarchy, less need reinforcement (bonobos, gorillas) Females work as a group Older females gain higher status Not the same for males

6 Chimpanzee hierarchy constantly changes Its important to the remember the “little people” who got you where you are

7 Sex Tongue kiss= total trust (bonobos) Sex brings gene mixing Why do humans have sexual appetites that go beyond reproduction? Same sex relationships (not necessarily sexual), bonding

8 Bonobos use sex to bond, calm, resolve, disputes Ensure male cooperation in raising young, provides optimal survival Humans’ nuclear family sets them apart from all other apes

9 Desire to reproduce helps ensure success of species Concern for males of “true fatherhood” Testical size is correlation to competition between males for impregnation

10 Violence Chimps also carnivorous Work in groups to kill other males Human psychology power experiments Creation of the out- group, scapegoat

11 Bonobos are sexual w/ other groups so no violence b/c that could be a relative Reconciliation is important Acquired social skill Diff bt/wn male and female fights

12 Kindness Being able to see another’s perspective Reciprocity towards family and community (also revenge) Empathy- being affected by the state of another

13 Consolation among groups Bodily identification w/ others Avoid inflicting pain on others Offer assistance to those in need

14 Gut level morality comes from instincts Diff bt/wn close relationships and distant Gratitude Resentment Fairness Conflict avoidance

15 Bipolar ape We are tolerant of others b/c we are social apes Critical to group survival Nature’s checks and balances We have some of everything (moral, violence, coop, selfishness) Intelligent decision making

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