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Workshop on Labour Migration and and Labour Market Information Systems Quebec City, Canada, 24-25 February 2009 Labour Migration Risks and Opportunities.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on Labour Migration and and Labour Market Information Systems Quebec City, Canada, 24-25 February 2009 Labour Migration Risks and Opportunities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on Labour Migration and and Labour Market Information Systems Quebec City, Canada, 24-25 February 2009 Labour Migration Risks and Opportunities Juan Artola International Organization for Migration IOM Mexico

2 Challenges and Opportunities  Research and analysis  Policies and programs  Institutional aspects

3 Research and Analysis 1.DEMAND: BETTER UNDERSTANDING  Geographical diversity, diversity of duration  Occupational profiles: skills required  Minimum quantification

4 Research and Analysis 2.AVAILABILITY AND SUPPLY OF WORKERS IN COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN Qualifications and skills 3.EVALUATION OF ONGOING EXPERIENCES  Living/housing conditions; workers’ rights; treatment by employers; health access.  Impact on origin: family income, improved living standards, education and health, incorporation of productive experience, family separation.

5 Policies and Programs: Macro Aspects 1.Temporary and permanent: successive, complementary, different impacts. Different interests of governments and employers. 2. More qualified and highly qualified  Global competition for qualifications  Loss of human capital  Weaknesses of national education systems  Demand may grow faster than educational systems can offer

6 Policies and Programs: Macro Aspects 3. Circular migration and return Incentives for return Circulation of talents 4.Migrants’ rights: Numbers versus rights

7 Policies and Programs: Micro Aspects  Worker education: prior to leaving, during temporary work, upon return  Language(s)  Verification of documentation  Certification of skills and training  Ensuring return:  Promotion: contract duration – re-entry visa – access to permanent residency  Enforcement: redeemablesavings – bonds from employers – deportation

8 Policies and Programs: Micro Aspects  Rights: contracts (wages, working conditions, housing, services, travel)  Dissemination of information  Monitoring conditions (government)  Social security: taxes, pension portability  More qualified / highly qualified workers: voluntary recruiting codes

9 Institutional Aspects  Specialized labour migration unit  Selection and recruiting  Control of recruiting agencies  Intera-institutional coordination  Intervention of various players  Bi/multilateral exchange & coop.

10 Issues to be borne in mind 2 Databases and register of potential workers 3 Recruitment request 4 Selection 5 Services prior to leaving 6 Assistance during travel and transit 7 Reception, post- arrival follow-up 8 Return and reintegration 1 Dissemination of information OPPORTUNITIES FOR LABOUR MIGRATION 9. M O N I T O R I N G

11 Final Comment  Globalization: integrated regional markets, subregional integration processes  Emerging system of labour mobility; beyond migration policies  More complete framework for research and analysis

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