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Project of Apostolic Life [PAL] and the animating service.

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1 Project of Apostolic Life [PAL] and the animating service

2 Chapter III The Salesian Cooperator in communion and collaboration Convention between the SDB and FMA (1986) has been abolished, starts an equal position in the animation relationship of the Association between the SDB and FMA

3 PAL S-17 Particular “stable and secure” bonds with the SDB Congregation and FMA Institute SDB FMA charismatical 1. «supporting giving growth» 2. Contributing to the formation of its members 3. Making it known and promoting its Project of [PAL] Apostolic Life [PAL] task Statutes

4 PAL S-29 Responsibility and initiatives on behalf of formation promotes fosters Qualified persons Ability of Corresponsability Make involve Delegates Sal. Coop. ASC Statutes

5 PAL R-9 Particular links with the SDB Congregation and FMA Institute As confreres and co-sisters Sal. Cooperators SDB + FMA Provincials in cooperation with Rectors and Superiors Regulations RELATIONSHIP ANIMATION Are developed in an atmoshpere of mutual trust SDB + FMA Delegates Delegate, religious community - local and provincial, unity

6 PAL R-18 Local Centers and their coordination at the provincial level Regulations §7. The Provincial is recognized as the one who represents the RM through the services of animation, charismatic guidance and promotion of the Salesian Family. §8. The Rector Major, with the consent of the Superior General FMA, delegates the service of animation, guide and promotion of Centers... to the FMA Provincial of reference SDB Provincial Rector Major animation, charismatic guide & promotion. Rector Major FMA Superior gen. FMA Prov. Service of

7 PVA R-18 Local Centers Regulations §10. When the Local Centers are erected as part of nearby SDB and FMA Institution, it is only right that relationship of understanding and cooperation be established – which are appropriate for those who recognise themselves as sharing the same mission and spirit... relationship of understanding and cooperation Respect the autonomy of each Center

8 PVA R-22 Delegates SDB & FMA Regulations §1. The SDB and FMA Provincials, through their Delegates, animate the Centers set up as part of their Institutions or linked to their Provinces. animation service

9 PVA R-22 Delegates SDB & FMA Regulations §2. Each Local Council has its local Delegate. Each Provincial Council and World Council has its own Delegate. These are spiritual animators, responsible above all for Salesian apostolic formation. According to the norms of the current Regulations, they are members of their respective Councils by right. service Spiritual animators Responsible above all for salesian apostolic formation

10 PVA R-22 Delegates SDB & FMA §3. Delegates at the local and provincial level are appointed by their respective Provincials, after, hearing the opinion of the members of the respective Council and beaing in mind as much as possible the needs of the Centers. service involvement Regulations

11 PVA R-22 Delegates SDB & FMA §4. If the local Center is not erected as part of an SDB or FMA Institution, the Provincial can appoint a suitable prepared Salesian Cooperator or another member of the Salesian Family service Well prepared for the role Regulations

12 PVA S-22 Delegates SDB & FMA §5. A Delegate, where necessary or opportune, can be in charge of more than one Local Center. service of a wide reach Regulations

13 PVA R-23 Specific tasks of Delegates §1. Stimulate Councils’ responsability and cooperation in expering organizational autonomy, in charismatical communion with the Society of St. Francis de Sales and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. service Stimulate cooperation with.. Regulations

14 PVA R- 23 Specific tasks of Delegates §2. They offer their service as spiritual, educational and pastoral guides in order to support a more effective apostolate on behalf of young people. service Support Stimulate the capacity.. Regulations

15 PVA R- 23 Specific tasks of Delegates §3. Provincial Delegates animate Local Delegates to help them take responsibility for their task of spiritual animation of spiritual animation of the Salesian Cooperators and co-responsibility in their Salesian apostolic formation. service Support Stimulate the capacity Help them take responsability Regulations

16 PVA R-23 Specific tasks of Delegate §4. Provincial Delegates in understanding with the regional and world delegate, foster updating and formation activities for all the Delegates of the Province; these will be open to all those responsible for the Association as well as activities on the Salesian Charismatic dimension with specific reference to their role of spiritual formation service Sustain Stimulate the capacity for Help take responsibility Foster updating and formation for all Delegates Regulations

17 Regulaments For what kind of lay? What kind of presence? Presence of the Delegate at all levels At three levels: rapresentation/mediation animation Salesian formation Lay/Adult/Catholic faithful who are «in the strenght of the baptismal dignity co- responsible with the ordained ministers and religious, in the mission of the Church» SDB/FMA: caring and animating presence for the sake of salesian apostolic formation. Statutes

18 THE FIGURE OF THE DELEGATE OF THE SALESIAN COOPERATORS Leadership Manual – 1993 [re-edit, USA – 2004] II. 10A, 10B, 10C III. 18B

19 The delegate is so: Spiritual animator Responsible especially of the salesian apostolic formation

20 The Delegate should be: Formed for the required functions Faithful to the Church Capable to nourish the spiritual and apostolic life of the Salesian Cooperators Wise councilor who knows to assist and supports the Cooperators Open for a dialogue Convinced promotor of the lay apostolate

21 What does the Delegate? The Delegate is a spiritual animator according the CIC 317 § 2 (Canon of Church Law) Called to stimulate and animate the life and vitality of the Association of the Sal. Cooperators Of the vocational growth of individuals and groups Agent of growth, specially of the ASC leadership

22 The Delegate is a Formator Salesian and Apostle “teacher and expert” of: the spirit prayer apostolate of the human, christian, ecclesial and salesian formation

23 The Delegate is a FORMATOR His presence should guarantee the Salesianity (spirit, style, action) apostolic commitment of each Salesian Cooperator in the Association in formal moments in family – fraternal spirit

24 The Delegate is part of the Council by right (PAL). Therefore: Has a duty to participate in the Council meetings without overshadowing the role of the Coordinators or the other Councilors (including also the role of Formation Councilor)

25 Formation of the delegates There is a need! The appointment letter is not enough! Their formation should deepen among others:  The identity and the role of the Salesian Family  The identity, the mission and the duties of lay faithful  Let be formed also by the lay people!

26 Autonomy in Communion Elements of Autonomy: Function of the Local and Provincial Council Right role of the Local and Provincial Delegate The role of the leaders (Coordinators, Administrators, Secretaries, Councilors …) Formation of leaders (Leadership Manual, Rome 1993)

27 Autonomy in Communion Elements of Union: Sense of belonging Communion and communication Economic solidarity

28 Autonomy in Communion Elements of action: Association offers FORMATION Apostolate of the Association (Center, Province) Association within the local environment Association and the Local Church Association and the Salesian Family The path of the Association (past 1, 3, 6 years…)




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