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SUPPORT NETWORK MEETING 1 Scottish Studies Award.

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2 SUPPORT NETWORK MEETING 1 Scottish Studies Award

3 Purpose of the day Provide you with opportunities to discuss with colleagues: –delivery of the Award –aims and standards for the mandatory Unit –any questions, issues or observations as a result of you initial experiences Share ideas and experiences

4 Session 1: Practical Matters (2) Reminder – key documents: Award and SIF Unit Specifications (mandatory) at Advisory documents on –Award and SIF Unit Support Notes –Unit Assessment Support packs Case Studies

5 Session 1: Practical Matters (2) Approval - Urgent: SCQF level 3 is auto-approved Must apply for approval for SCQF levels 4 and 5 –New Qualification Approval Form –Centre Approval Staff Support Document –Centre Approval Additional Qualification Support Document

6 Session 1: Practical Matters (3) Entering for the Award: enter for the optional Units either as freestanding or as part of the National Course/qualification enter for the Scotland in Focus Unit enter for the Award once candidates have completed relevant Units Can change Award level without administrative charge if necessary

7 Session 1: Coordinating Delivery Example of Candidate Audit Donald Paterson (Depute Rector) Millburn Academy Example of Results Tracker Jacquie McLeish (Business Studies Teacher) Keith Grammar School

8 Workshop 1 – 20 minutes In your group discuss the questions for Workshop 1. Record any observations, issues and questions to feedback at the end of workshop.

9 Scotland in Focus – Aims (1) Recap: aims must broaden existing knowledge of Scotland 1 aim at SCQF levels 3 and 4 2 aims at SCQF level 5 (related, depth) Choosing appropriate aims and focusing on these during the activity are important for success

10 Scotland in Focus – Centre experiences to-date Andrew Brown (PT History) Craigie High School Ceitidh Smith (Gaelic/Gaidhlig Teacher) Forfar Academy Christine Couser (DHT) Crieff High School

11 Workshop 2 – 30 minutes In your group discuss the questions for Workshop 2. Record any observations to feedback at the end of workshop.

12 UNIT ASSESSMENT SUPPORT MATERIALS Scottish Studies: Scotland In Focus Unit

13 Publication Schedule 1 packs for SCQF level 3 – August 2013 3 packs for SCQF level 4 – August 2013 2 further packs for SCQF level 3 – December 2013 3 packs for SCQF level 5 – December 2013 Available on via your SQA

14 Nature of the Assessment Support packs Can be used directly with candidates Exemplify the standards required to achieve a Pass – in conjunction with the Unit Specification Represent one possible approach to generating evidence

15 Unit Assessment Support – Contents (1) Coverage, Assessment, Evidence and Re- assessment (mostly standard information) Assessment for Candidates Judging the evidence Examples of Candidate Responses Class/Group Record

16 Unit Assessment Support – Contents (2) Assessment for Candidates – guidance, candidate brief and checklist Judging the Evidence – guidance and assessor checklist Examples of candidate responses – overview of centre approach to Unit, candidate materials, evidence and assessor commentary

17 SCQF level 3 pack – presentation activity centre-devised candidate brief learning log (one blank and one completed) electronic presentation completed assessor checklist

18 SCQF level 4 pack – presentation activity centre-devised candidate brief candidates report – Famous Scottish Scientist and Inventors completed centre- devised assessor checklist

19 SCQF level 4 pack – performance- based activity centre-devised candidate brief and planning template candidates completed template and programme note to accompany a musical performance completed assessor checklist

20 SCQF level 4 pack – product-based activity centre-devised candidate brief candidates development workbook with photographs of the completed product completed assessor checklist

21 Workshop 3 – 45 minutes Take some time to look at the Unit Assessment Support pack at SCQF level 3 and at least one pack at level 4. In your group discuss the questions for Workshop 3. Record any observations and questions to feedback at the end of workshop.

22 Support Network Meeting 2 Some questions: What topics/issues/materials would you like to cover? Timing of next event? Full day/half day? 1 or 2 more events? Showcase event?

23 Contact Details Pauline Rodger (Qualification Development Manager) Marilyn Waters (Qualifications Coordinator)

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