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Keith Parker External Verifier Core Skills
Management MA An introduction Keith Parker External Verifier Core Skills Good morning. I have been asked to give a brief overview of the Core Skill requirements within the Management MA in view of the revisions made to the requirement for separate Certification of some of the Core Skills. First thoughts were – change has been a long time coming and the structure of the MA in management and the Core Skills components have been a long under consideration, but change has eventually come.
There are said to be around 63m mobile phones in the UK
16.5 million households have internet access in the UK Now this is a fairly amazing fact when you consider there are only around 60 million men women and children to use them. And a growing connection to the internet.
The Advancement of Communication Technology
Technology has advanced at quite a pace over the years that Core Skills have been available. Even since the revised standards were introduced in change has continued apace. These pictures illustrate some of the advances Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola, made the first US analog mobile phone call on a larger prototype model in This picture is a re-enactment taken in 2007 The other telephones were available in early 1990 – small and compact they were not. Today you can use a mobile phone to turn your lights on, pay for parking, send all sorts of pictures and messages, and even make the occasional telephone call. Pingit apps which connect to your bank account and an advertising campaign to convince you your phone is your new wallet are all information and communication technology advancements.
Advancing Information Technology
In April the Hannover Fair, was presented with the world's first personal computer with built-in floppy disk: Olivetti's first modern personal computer, was released in and now most of you have access to laptops, tablets and ever smaller devises that can connect to the internet. The crossover between computers and mobile phones is ever advancing and tiny supercomputers are our future. So the technology gets cleverer and quicker, but do we and do our Managers always keep up – possibly not always. Perhaps this is a reason why ICT has been identified as one of the Core Skills that a Management Modern Apprentice requires.
Numeracy I’m not entirely sure that the same can be said about Numeracy. Nuclear physics may have introduced a whole new range of terminology and measurements, but what we more normal people deal with still has not changed or altered very much over the years. Perhaps then its things like recent headlines of “MATHS is becoming a meaningless subject - as the curriculum has failed to keep pace with the demands of modern life.” and “learning about numbers is something to be endured rather than enjoyed” and you may have seen the recent campaign “Make Britain Count” to boost numeracy skills. I can only assume, which I know is always dangerous, that some Managers have been amongst those keen to drop numeracy from their learning and have perhaps relied a little too much on technology and forgotten some of the basic calculations that are possibly required in everyday work and life. And so the Core Skill of Numeracy has appeared requiring separate certification.
Core Skills Assessment of the Numeracy & ICT Core Skill
The types of evidence that would be suitable Ideas for linking evidence requirements with the SVQ’s in Management The SQA support materials available Checking whether candidates already have Core Skills It is these Core Skills that I have been to cover, and in particular these aspects of the Core Skills in relation to the Management qualifications So I will touch upon the Assessment requirements for ICT and Numeracy and what evidence you may be able to provide. Consider how you may generate the Core Skills evidence from the main Management areas of study. Outline the support material available and remind you how to check existing qualifications a candidate may hold.
Assessment of the Numeracy & ICT Core Skill for Management MA
Assessor Requirements have a thorough understanding of the STANDARDS for management and leadership at the level(s) of the SVQs they are seeking to assess AND THE Core Skills In order to assess the Core Skills like all qualifications you do need to have a good understanding of the standards. You need to ensure you know what Tasks are required and what evidence is needed to cover them.
Modern Apprenticeship in Management Level 3:
Competency Based Qualification SVQ 3 in Management Core Skills Additional S\NVQ Units/Qualifications/Training ONE mandatory enhancement must be achieved ‐ One core skill at a higher level an option The structure of the Ma with the Management qualification at level 3 identifies which Core Skills are required and even allows a higher level Core Skill to be used as an enhancement. OR ‐ One unit from an SVQ at Level 3 or above
The Core Skills Part... Communication at SCQF 5
Working With Others at SCQF 5 Problem Solving at SCQF 5 Information and Communication Technology at SCQF 4* Numeracy at SCQF 4* *ICT and Numeracy are required to be separately certificated The Five Core Skills are shown as Part of the MA framework with ICT and Numeracy being shown as requiring separate certificate.
Modern Apprenticeship in Management Level 4
Competency Based Qualification SVQ in Management at SCQF Level 9 Core Skills Additional S\NVQ Units/Qualifications/Training ONE mandatory enhancement must be achieved AT Level 4 there is also a list of Core Skills that are required ONE mandatory enhancement must be achieved One unit from an SVQ at Level 4 or above OR - One additional unit from the Management SVQ at Level 4
The Core Skills Part... Communication at SCQF 6
Working With Others at SCQF 6 Problem Solving at SCQF 6 Information and Communication Technology at SCQF 5* Numeracy at SCQF 6 *ICT required to be separately certificated This time however only one separately certificated Core Skill is needed that of ICT.
Assessment for “Great news when separate Core Skills Certification is needed it is one level less” Strange but true.... The good news as you will have noticed is that where separate Certification is needed, the level identified is one level lower that that listed for those Core Skills which are deemed to be embedded in the qualification, so that eases the pressure on both the candidate and the assessor,- a little.
Assessment for For the Numeracy and ICT Core Skills
The approach should be holistic, focusing on the entire Core Skill Evidence can be collected from various tasks - but this increases the assessment burden For all Core Skills the ability to generate the evidence from the natural work will always be beneficial and avoid the feeling that you are presenting someone with a test that is not related to their everyday work.
Assessment for Combine Core Skills with SVQ Units.
Identify common evidence Evidence may be generated by the SVQ, even if it is not required for the SVQ assessment Look for natural performance where possible. Using the evidence generated from other SVQ units to cover the Core Skills is always a good idea, which is likely to be more engaging for the candidate and the value of the Core Skills better appreciated. So do identify what evidence may exist.
Assessment Assessment requirements
Candidates must produce work effectively -Performance equal to that expected in the workplace, even if the candidates are performing tasks set by you Sometimes despite your best efforts you may have to resort to set assessments, but in this case what you ask a candidate to do must be done and performed in a manner that would be expected in the workplace. , Work must be done in a reasonable time scale to meet the desired purpose and level of accuracy.
The Evidence Gathering evidence
Gather written/printed evidence produced by the candidates. You may wish instead to observe the candidates and use oral questioning. This requires you to create and complete a record of questions asked and candidate responses. Gathering the evidence is no different to the methods available for use within the Management SVQ’s. Either the candidate does the work and produces the evidence, or you can do the recording while watching and questioning a candidate.
What evidence is needed?
The evidence What evidence is needed? Having generated some suitable evidence that can be matched to the Core Skills Tasks – at which point may I remind you that there is no performance criteria and no outcomes within the Core skills, just a list of Tasks that a candidate must be able to do. You then have to judge that evidence and decide if the candidate has shown their competence in completing the Tasks. Enough is when the assessor is satisfied that it shows the candidate’s ability to do the Tasks.
The Evidence Enough - a sample which reflects the candidate’s ability to perform the task For which you have used your professional judgement to make a decision that the candidate has achieved the standards. (Tasks) Enough is when you as a professional Assessor are able to confirm that the candidate deserves the Core Skill to be awarded. When you are prepared to put YOUR name to a document that confirms that the candidate can do it. You will decide if the one piece of evidence is sufficient. If there are 20 documents for one Core Skill that may be a little excessive.
The Evidence The EV requires an assessor to show why they have been able to confirm competence (not every piece of work the candidate has ever produced) Think about why you are happy that the candidate can do the Tasks.
Evidence for CORE SKILLS provide examples of the actual Assessment materials that you use to confirm that the TASKS have been done. The evidence you then provide will be the actual materials that were used that confirm a candidate can do those Tasks.
Evidence The assessment approaches for Core Skills and the qualifications, need to be as flexible as possible, to make the most of opportunities that arise from technological advances. The approach you use need to be a flexible as possible, and as I mentioned earlier with the rapid advance and changes in technology we have to be ready to embrace the advance, especially when looking at the ICT Core Skill.
An ICT EXAMPLE Let us consider the ICT Core Skills and what is required
Performing ICT operations
The TASKS - ICT SCQF 4 Task 1: Performing ICT operations Carry out ICT activities related to their work which involve straightforward operations. The ICT Core Skill consists of 4 Tasks. A very simple statement to start with – that of Performing ICT Operations
Task 1: Performing ICT operations
use at least one type of applications software These activities will each follow the classic pattern of entering, processing and outputting data. Ideally, the applications should be used by the candidates routinely in their workplace. One type of application may be all that is needed. No longer the Word Processing, Spreadsheet and database we once may have considered necessary. Ideally, the applications should be used by the candidates routinely in their workplace
Task 1: Performing ICT operations
Candidates have to show ability in interacting with the operating system. An appropriate single software application can be used Otherwise, two or three applications can be used by the candidates For this the candidate interacts with an operating system that means the candidate is allowing application software to be run and files to be manipulated. The candidates must be able to use the appropriate modes of displaying information. An activity may require them to display results on the monitor screen, print out results or play a multi-media file as video or audio.
Generating Evidence If candidates do not routinely use applications software must ensure that they are familiar with applications chosen by you. The candidates must be able to select and launch the correct application for their task. If you are faced with the situation where the candidate is not using appropriate ICT equipment and you have to find ways to cover the work then you need to careful and considerate in what is used. The candidates must be able to demonstrate that they can select the appropriate application for the work they are required to do.
Task Task 2: Processing information
Carry out a range of straightforward ICT activities related to their work which involve using at least one software application. Task This part of the Unit requires the candidates to use at least one type of applications software to carry out a range of ICT activities. These activities will each follow the classic pattern of entering, processing and outputting data.
Task Task 3: Finding information
Use ICT to locate information relevant to their work. A range of sources will be used and search techniques and search criteria employed. At SCQF Level 4, candidates have to carry out a number of straightforward searches or one sustained search. For all searches, candidates are expected to use techniques to filter their search results with appropriate criteria. This is a level above just typing in one search term to generate the results.
Task Task 4: Keeping information safe Where is your password
Demonstrate safe practice in using ICT to handle information. Where is your password Candidates must demonstrate safe practice with the information they handle. In many workplaces the most important practice is password security. This can prevent personal identity theft for the candidates but more importantly keep workplace information safe by preventing unauthorised access to confidential files There is no set number of times candidates should perform each of the individual tasks. They should be performed as often as required for the assessor to be confident that the performance is consistently accurate.
The Evidence Remember you should try to identify naturally-occurring opportunities for assessment where possible. So that very briefly is what you are trying to gather the evidence for. Look for natural evidence
The Evidence Where will it be?
Is it like buried treasure waiting to be found? Finding that evidence, helping the candidate to show that they can do what is required in the stated Tasks is where the role of the Assessor makes an important contribution.
The Evidence Could be within the Management Standards.
- so that is the first place to look. A level 3 unit: E1. Manage a budget – might involve ICT and some Numeracy So some ideas to think about Look at the units your candidates are covering. Are they generating some evidence already that can be matched to the Core Skills. Could you add in a few extra activities to cover everything that is needed. Using you knowledge of the Management standards and the role that your candidate has, you have the opportunity to find suitable evidence that has relevance and meaning for the candidate.
The Evidence A level 4 unit
A2. Manage your own resources and professional development Within a candidates own development there may be opportunities to generate the required evidence – What do they research on the internet ? Do they use technical journals and publications on line? It’s always worth asking early on.
What Evidence could you use ?
Interactive e-learning : which is rich in activities, graphics, audio materials and opportunities for reflection. Could use as part of the evidence needed for Core Skills ICT and link into a candidate’s own development Some management candidates may be involved with interactive learning – a possible ICT evidence source. Your skills and expertise are needed to identify the potential evidence.
SQA Support Materials Found in the Assessment Support Packs
to illustrate to candidates the type of materials that could be used to generate evidence to help identify the type, amount and complexity of evidence to help you to identify / create an assessment task as an off-the-shelf assessment (if you must) SQA does provide some help and ideas. Mainly found in the Assessment Support Packs to give you some ideas on the complexity of the Tasks and a guide to assist you. There is material that can be used as an off the shelf assessment but this becomes less useful at the higher levels and misses out on making the activity relevant to the candidate’s job role.
Retaining Evidence When assessing by observation, you must keep a detailed checklist. All evidence, whether produced by the candidate or a record made by the Assessor, must be, signed and dated by the Assessor. When thinking about the evidence that will be generated remember to keep a record of what you see. When assessing by observation, you must keep a detailed checklist. Similarly, if you use oral questioning, you must keep a record of both the questions and candidate responses. All evidence should be signed and dated by the Assessor.
The Evidence Look for opportunities for meeting the Unit standards
these should be built into the assessment process An Assessment plan can help So at the planning stage you should be looking for opportunities to generate the evidence.
Assessment Plan ICT (SCQF Level 4) Candidate: ___________________________________ Task to be assessed: ____________________________________________ Proposed date of assessment: _____________________________________ Proposed method of assessment Tick / Notes Assignment or project Observed performance Witness testimony Written questions Oral questioning Product evaluation, eg, written document Previous evidence Other evidence There is an outline of an Assessment Plan in the Assessment Support Pack which can be good to remind you and the candidate of the methods of assessment that may be available, but the Core Skills can probably be combined with existing Assessment Planning for the Management qualification.
You can use the SQA documentation or your own equivalent records.
Documentation required
An Assessment checklist Your own or use the SQA Assessment Support Pack Documentation A Summary checklist on which the Assessor confirms all tasks have been covered to a suitable standard. The documentation provided within the Assessment Support packs provides checklists which can be very useful.
Assessment Checklist ICT (SCQF Level 4) Task 2: Processing information
Task 2: Carry out simple ICT activities related to your work which involve using menu-based applications software. Candidate Name:____________ Date:______ Evidence Assessor initials & date Comments Selected application software suitable for the task Entered, edited, processed and output data There are Assessment checklists to record the evidence for each Task.
Summary Checklist ICT (SCQF Level 4)
Candidate Name:______________________________________ Task Date achieved 1 Performing ICT operations 2 Processing information 3 Finding information 4 Keeping information safe Assessor signature Date An important Summary Checklist. This is where you confirm that the candidate can do the Tasks. Your name is going on this.
Where can you get help? The Assessment Support Packs
All available on the SQA Web site They Provide - Documentation and Exemplars All the Assessment Support Packs are available on the SQA Web
The SQA WEB SITE Core Skills
Assessment Support Pack What type are you looking for? NQ Core Skills Unit Specifications and ASPs Workplace Core Skills Unit Specifications and ASPs (available from the Accreditation section of this website . Just check you are using the Work Based set not the NQ Core Skills – they all look very similar.
Other potential help The SQA secure Web Site Exemplars are provided - you could take a look at the NQ Units as these can also give ideas for the Workplace Core Skills. Having mentioned the NQ Core Skills - they cover similar requirements so can be a source of ideas and inspiration and some exemplars are available on the Secure SQA site.
Other help There is also some explanations and limited ideas on the understanding standards site
Don’t forget to check the Core Skills PROFILE The candidate may have Core Skills
Just before you rush into assessing your Management candidates for the ICT and Numeracy Core Skills Check if they already have them.
Probably you will be using SQA Connect or very soon will be to check those Core Skill Profiles.
Assessment of the Numeracy & ICT Core Skill
The types of evidence that would be suitable Ideas for linking evidence requirements with the SVQ’s in Management The SQA support materials available Checking whether candidates already have Core Skills That then is an introduction to the Core Skills within the Management MA An outline of the Assessment requirements and how to generate and record the evidence.
Crucial to the workplace and to life and learning generally
That concludes my brief session on the Core Skills.
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