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1 PresentationExpress

2 2 Click a subsection to advance to that particular section. Advance through the slide show using your mouse or the space bar. The Civil Rights Era (1945–1975) Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement An Expanding Role for Government The Civil Rights Movement Continues Other Americans Seek Rights Chapter 26: The Civil Rights Era (1945–1975)

3 Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement Sec 1: Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement Separate but Unequal Main Idea: The NAACP led the battle against laws that segregated African Americans. Barriers Begin to Crumble Main Idea: After World War II, segregation was challenged in baseball and in the military. Desegregating the Schools Main Idea: The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education led to an end to school segregation. The Montgomery Bus Boycott Main Idea: In 1955, African Americans in Montgomery, Alabama, organized a protest against segregation laws. History Interactive: Learn About the Bus Boycott Color Transparencies: The Montgomery Bus Boycott Progress Monitoring Transparency

4 The Montgomery Bus Boycott TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The Montgomery Bus Boycott

5 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 1 PM TRANSPARENCY

6 An Expanding Role for Government Sec 2: An Expanding Role for Government The Warren Court Main Idea: In the 1960s, the Supreme Court took an activist role to extend the idea of individual rights. Kennedy's Brief Presidency Main Idea: Kennedy pushed programs for social change. Johnson's Great Society Main Idea: Lyndon Johnson's Great Society was an ambitious attempt to deal with the cause and effects of poverty. Image Library: Key Decisions of the Warren Court Color Transparencies: The Miranda Warning Progress Monitoring Transparency

7 Key Decisions of the Warren Court IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: Key Decisions of the Warren Court

8 The Miranda Warning TRANSPARENCY Transparency: Leonardo’s Anatomical Drawings

9 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 2 PM TRANSPARENCY

10 The Civil Rights Movement Continues Sec 3: The Civil Rights Movement Continues King's Strategy of Nonviolence Main Idea: Martin Luther King, Jr., urged his followers to use nonviolent protest to resist unjust laws. Nonviolent Protest Spreads Main Idea: Civil rights workers used a variety of tactics, including marches and sit-ins. Civil Rights Legislation Main Idea: Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act to fight against discrimination. The Movement Splinters Main Idea: Some militant African American leaders grew impatient with gradual change and urged stronger action. Summing Up the Civil Rights Era Main Idea: As a result of the civil rights movement, African Americans made a number of political and economic gains. continued…

11 The Civil Rights Movement Continue (Continued…) Sec 3: The Civil Rights Movement Continues Image Library: Cause and Effect Color Transparencies: The March on Washington, August 28, 1963 Progress Monitoring Transparency

12 Cause and Effect IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: Cause and Effect

13 The March on Washington, August 28, 1963 TRANSPARENCY Transparency: The March on Washington August 28 1963

14 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 3 PM TRANSPARENCY

15 Other Americans Seek Rights Sec 4: Other Americans Seek Rights Women's Rights Movement Main Idea: In the 1960s, some American women began to call for greater equality. Civil Rights for Mexican Americans Main Idea: Americans organize to end segregation and win fairer treatment. Organizing for Change Main Idea: Native Americans, older Americans, and people with disabilities formed groups to work for their interests. Image Library: Women in the Workforce, 1950–1975 Progress Monitoring Transparency

16 Women in the Workforce, 1950–1975 IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: Women in the Workforce 1950–1975

17 Progress Monitoring Transparency Progress Monitoring Transparency Section 4 PM TRANSPARENCY

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