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Leaders who tolerate jerks just because they are productive workers are practising false economy.

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders who tolerate jerks just because they are productive workers are practising false economy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Leaders who tolerate jerks just because they are productive workers are practising false economy.

3 HarassmentBullying Disrespectful Behaviour Harassment and sometimes Violence Bullying Disrespectful Behaviour


5 Learning Objectives of this Workshop Awareness of legal responsibilities associated with respect in the workplace. Knowledge of how a respectful workplace is defined. Understanding of personal accountability for building and maintaining a respectful workplace. What to do if you have experienced, witnessed or become aware of unacceptable behaviour.


7 Awareness component Manager’s & Supervisors Guide Hazard Assessment Employees GuideFAQ’sPull out policy

8 HR Managers spend 40% of their time dealing with interpersonal conflict, grievances filed against bullying supervisors, sexual harassment complaints or bickering or gossiping, etc.



11 Definition: Whether at a worksite or work related means the threatened, attempted or actual conduct of a person that causes or is likely to cause physical injury. These acts include threats, menacing or threatening behaviour and all types of physical or verbal assaults.

12  Argumentative/threateningbehaviour  Unusual bizarre/menacing behaviour, grudge or grievance  Direct or indirect threats of harm or violence, or intentional damage targeting personal or company property.  Menacing with a fist or brandishing a weapon.  Low level physical assault, with a fist or weapon  Throwing an object with the intent to strike.  More serious attempts to seriously injure or maim.

13 Definition: Harassment occurs when a worker is subjected to unwelcome or physical conduct because of their: age, race, religious beliefs, colour, place of origin, gender, mental/physical disability, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, source of income, family status of that person or of any other person. It need not be intentional in order to be considered sexual harassment..

14 Continued: Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on gender; unwelcome sexual conduct which includes unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other conduct of a sexual nature. Racial/religious harassment is behaviour that is disrespectful or causes humiliation to a person because of his or her race, colour, national or ethnic origin or adornments and rituals associated with religious beliefs


16 Definition: Bullying is interpersonal hostility that is deliberate, repeated and sufficiently sever as to harm the targeted person’s health, safety or economic status. It is driven by the perpetrator’s (bully’s) need to control another individual, not by a legitimate business need. A critical defining characteristic of workplace bullying is that it harms the health of the targeted individual and that is what distinguishes it from routine office politics, teasing, joking, horseplay and rudeness.

17 Remember the ‘bully’ back in grade school. Wonder how that same tough, manipulative, arrogant kid ended up working with you. Val Cade



20 Monitor Your Own Behaviours! It’s an inside out journey and we are all accountable.

21 Are you sometimes disrespectful? Have you answered yes to some of these questions? What action do you need to take?


23 You know you are overweight, but it doesn't get in the way of doing your job. Recently one of your supervisors starting calling you ‘Rolly’ and making fun of your size, and although you believe he’s just joking around and doesn’t meant to offend, you really find it hurtful – and now some of the other guys have started using the same nickname. What do you do about it? What do you do if you are witness to this behaviour?

24 Talk to your supervisor and let him know you are offended – possibly suggest another nickname you’ve had/liked over the years. Speak to the supervisor and let him know you were uncomfortable with what almost feels like ‘name calling’ and suggest Rolly might also find it hurtful. Be an ally for Rolly. PROPER RESOLUTION

25 You were headed towards the Project Superintendent when you overheard one of the electricians mention that he thought one of the guys on your team was ‘gay’ and shouldn’t be allowed on a construction site. Even though this doesn’t directly affect you, it is uncomfortable because one of your team members is in a same-sex relationship and would find Carl’s remarks very offensive. Was this disrespectful behaviour? What should you do now that you have overheard this comment?

26 Yes, this is sexual harassment and is illegal. Speak to the Project Superintendent about the situation and request he speak to the electrician. Note: If the company allows this type of behaviour they are liable. PROPER RESOLUTION

27 You were in the middle of a conversation with another worker when the Supervisor came up and started loudly berating you with comments like: “Don’t strain your brain Bob…assuming you even have one. Maybe buddy there can do your thinking for you so you don’t screw up again. How many times have I told you how to do this and you continue to mess up.” What should you do if you were Bob? What should you do if you have witnessed this behaviour?

28 Find a quiet moment to speak to Bob and let him know just how offensive that felt. Choose the moment so as not to escalate the situation. If the behaviour is repeated, address it with your supervisor’s boss. Speak to the Supervisor as above, and Be an ally to Bob. PROPER RESOLUTION

29 I WILL: Respect the dignity of each and every person; Support those who are being discriminated against; Do my part to stop all forms of harassment; Immediately report any act or threats of violence; Do my best to create a respectful workplace.

30 I WILL NOT: Curse or use offensive language when speaking to others; Discriminate against a fellow worker; Harass fellow workers, supervisors or subordinates; Use bullying tactics against anyone at any time. Participate in or condone violence or the threat thereof.

31 If it’s to be; it’s up to me!


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