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Workplace Behavior adapted from “Inappropriate Workplace Behaviors – Odle Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Workplace Behavior adapted from “Inappropriate Workplace Behaviors – Odle Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workplace Behavior adapted from “Inappropriate Workplace Behaviors – Odle Management

2 “Grow Up!” When observing a fellow employee in the workplace, have you ever thought to yourself, “WHAT were you THINKING when you said that?” discussion starterdiscussion starter..

3 Activity Divide into 6 Groups. Define the following topics: 1.Workplace Harassment 2.Sexual Harassment 3.Incivility/Bullying 4.Workplace Violence 5.Prejudices and Biases 6.Ethics Violation

4 What is Workplace Harassment? 1.Unwelcome verbal, written or physical conduct 2.Defamation or hostility towards a person 3.Based on race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, political affiliation or disability 4.Creates intimidating, hostile, offensive work environment 5.Unreasonable interference with work performance 6.Affects employment opportunities or $$

5 What is Sexual Harassment? Unwelcome – Sexual advances, request for sexual favors, or conduct of a sexual nature by ANYONE at work! Quid Pro Quo – This for that! – Person in authority gives or withholds a benefit Hostile Work Environment – UNWELCOME, SEVERE, PERVASIVE REPEATED sexual comments, innuendoes, touching creating an intimidating or offensive work environment

6 Examples Sexual or lewd jokes, suggestive remarks, physical interference with movement, pictures, cartoons, sexual or racially derogatory comments, verbal abuse, conversations about sex, patting, pinching, hugging, kissing, posters, calendars, graffiti, signs or clothing with offensive messages, emails, voicemail messages, comments on a person’s appearance that make the person uncomfortable, disparaging remarks about a person’s gender

7 Is this harassment? 1.“That suit looks nice on you.” 2.“What are you – blind as a bat?” 3.“Did you get any last night?” 4.“You forgot again? What’s your problem— is your Alzheimer's acting up?” 5.“He rides the “short” bus!” 6.“You look really HOT in that outfit!”

8 What is incivility? Behavior creating an atmosphere of disrespect Pettiness, rudeness, profanity, “attitude” Racial, ethnic, or religious slurs Belittling others because of language skills or word choice Personal attacks, lies, nastiness, silent treatment Talking about others behind their backs

9 Incivility or not? 1.Leaving the copier jammed and walking away 2.Eating someone’s food/beverage in the fridge 3.Not acknowledging someone’s good work 4.Interrupting someone speaking to someone else 5.Leaving a mess in the kitchen or microwave 6.Raising your voice to another employee or trainee

10 Discuss: Can bullying happen in the workplace? What does workplace bullying look like?

11 What is Bullying? Repeated, health-harming mistreatment of a person by one or more perpetrators that takes one or more of the following forms: verbal abuse offensive conduct/behaviors (including nonverbal) which are threatening, humiliating or intimidating work interference -- sabotage -- which prevents work from getting done

12 How to Really Get Along With Coworkers, (aka, how not to be a bully) Attack the problem, not the person. Look for good in those who are most frustrating. Don't let the "crabs" get you down. Ask, do not accuse – have a friendly conversation to find out what is wrong. Speak to the coworker privately about their actions.

13 What is Workplace Violence? Physical Assaults Stabbings Suicides Shootings Rapes Near-suicides Psychological traumas Threats or obscene phone calls Intimidation Harassment of any nature Being followed, sworn or shouted at Bullying

14 How do we prevent workplace violence? Treat each other with respect Improve communication Notify management of suspicious activities Watch for the warning signs Promote workplace integrity Listen for verbal intimidation Be aware of psychological abuse between employees

15 What are prejudices? Adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts Unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions Synonymous with “Biases” “Isms” = things people say when they open their mouths and speak without first engaging their brains

16 Some unacceptable “isms” Ethnocentrism – prejudices against people of certain ethnic group (s) Racism – prejudice against people based on race Ableism – prejudices against people with disabilities Ageism – prejudices against people because of age Sexism – prejudice against people based on gender

17 What are ethics? “Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong.” “Ethics has to do with my religious beliefs.” “Being ethical is doing what the law requires.” “Ethics consists of the standards of behavior our society accepts.” ~ Raymond Baumhart, Sociologist

18 Ask yourself… Is it illegal? Does it break any laws or violate regulations? Does it follow policy and procedures? Is it how I’m expected to behave? Am I following SOP, PRH, and site rules? Do I have to think twice? What is my “gut” saying? Is it safe? Would I do it to someone I trust? Am I hurting someone else? What if it happened to me? How would I feel?

19 What should you do if you see inappropriate workplace behavior?

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