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EXISTING N.C. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ANIMAL WASTE SYSTEMS Types of regulated animal operations Components of a waste plan Environmental concerns Statute.

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Presentation on theme: "EXISTING N.C. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ANIMAL WASTE SYSTEMS Types of regulated animal operations Components of a waste plan Environmental concerns Statute."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXISTING N.C. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ANIMAL WASTE SYSTEMS Types of regulated animal operations Components of a waste plan Environmental concerns Statute and rule requirements Future issues View PowerPoint Presentation

2 O200 OPERATIONS Primarily liquid systems >100 animal units # animals # facilities Swine 250 2200 Cattle 100 300 Poultry 30,000 50 Horses 75 4

3 DRY POULTRY LITTER > 30,000 birds ~ 4,000 operations General statute sets waste management requirement

4 TYPICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Flush-lagoon-irrigation Scrape-storage pond-honey wagon Cleanout-drystack-spreader

5 COMPONENTS OF AN 0200 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN O&M plan Emergency action plan Odor control Insect control Mortality disposal

6 LAGOON/HOLDING POND DESIGN Storage needs - waste, rainfall, 24hr storm events, treatment volume, etc Freeboard and consideration for emergency spillway Liner

7 RUNOFF CONTROLS Buffers Setbacks Diversions Roof gutters

8 WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN Amount of manure produced and used Soils imfo RYES for crops by field N application rates Waste application windows Waste and soil testing

9 RECORD KEEPING Waste application records Waste and soil samples Weekly lagoon level

10 Dry Litter Plan Waste test Soil test and apply lime Apply litter at agronomic rates for N Keep records of tests and application Shared responsibility among producer, applicator and landuser

11 0200 PLAN REQUIREMENTS Meet state adopted NRCS standards Certified by technical specialist

12 NRCS STANDARDS FOR 0200 Waste storage pond code 425 Waste treatment lagoon code359 Waste utilization code 633

13 TECHNICAL SPECIALISTS Categories of designation, structural,WUP, irrigation etc NRCS, SWCD, CES, NCDA&CS staff P.E.s Individuals designated by S&WCC

14 0200 OPERATION REQUIREMENTS Certified plan Permit general or individual Operator in charge

15 OPERATOR IN CHARGE OF ANIMAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Required for 0200 operations with liquid systems Certified by the WPCSOCC Training and testing requirements for initial certification Continuing ed required

16 STATE OVERVIEW OF 0200 FACILITIES Ensure plans are being followed DWQ annual compliance inspection DS&W annual operation review Self reporting Complaints

17 CURRENT ISSUES P Air Emissions New technology

18 DEFICIENCIES AND VIOLATIONS THRU 9/00 Identified ItemNumber% of 3,980 Discharges1122.8 Reached waters37.9 Freeboard2656.7 Over application2301.1 Crops different802

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