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Organization’s Future Learning and Development Dr. Pallab Bandyopadhyay Country HR Head & Director Citrix Systems I.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization’s Future Learning and Development Dr. Pallab Bandyopadhyay Country HR Head & Director Citrix Systems I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization’s Future Learning and Development Dr. Pallab Bandyopadhyay Country HR Head & Director Citrix Systems I

2 Never a debate!  “If you think training is expensive, try ignorance” Peter Drucker I

3 Holistic learning  “Any training that does not include the emotions, mind & body is incomplete; knowledge fades without feeling”  Coaching for lasting change I

4 Learning is central  “It's not e-learning or c- learning; it's learning” John Chambers, CEO, CISCO systems  Multi-modal learning. Learning how to code doesn’t need classroom training I

5 Next gen’s learning  "X-Generations demand X-cellent training in an X-celerated speed.” Seymour Papert  Componentised and searchable knowledge  Annual training needs analysis are out. Cafeteria learning is in I

6 Train vs. facilitate  “I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.” Winston Churchill  Trainers are out. Facilitators are in. I

7 Survival kicks in  “Adapting to one’s surroundings is still the goal of learning” Jay Cross  Create the need for learning – drive successful behaviours I

8 Hard wiring  “What I hear, I forget, What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand” Confucisus  Learning styles based learning options I

9 Mirror, the best friend  “To be conscious that you are ignorant of the facts is a great step to knowledge.” Benjamin Disraeli  Certification overtakes learning I

10 START WITH WHY Simon Sinek  If you don’t know WHY, you can’t know HOW!  Steve Jobs didn’t come up with the iPod or iTunes or the iPhone – creating a higher purpose I

11 Organization’s future  Over 2.7 billion searches on Google monthly  Almost 3000 books are published daily  It is estimated that 1.5 exabytes (10^18) of information would be generated this year  New technical information doubles every 2 years I

12 Thank you!  You cannot find solutions to problems with the same thinking that created them in the first place.. I

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