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Welcome to Glenwood Ridge Kindergarten Parent Information Night.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Glenwood Ridge Kindergarten Parent Information Night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Glenwood Ridge Kindergarten Parent Information Night

2 Introductions  Mrs. Jan Hancock Principal  Mrs. Cindy Pruitt KG Teacher  Mrs. Allison Budimlija KG Teacher  Mrs. Vickie Burggraf Nurse  Mrs. Heather Imhoff PTO  Mrs. Karen Kelley PAT  Mrs. Deedee Charles Secretary

3 Together We Make a Difference  We are a team  Taking our first step together tonight  Mission:  “ G rowing, R eaching, E xcelling, S ucceeding”  G rowing – helping children in their educational and behavioral endeavors  R eaching – trying new things, stretching their minds and giving them ways to look at ideas from a different perspective  E xcelling – by giving our best effort (as a team) everyday  S ucceeding – focusing on how to visualize each child being successful

4 Getting to Know You  1 st Time Kindergarten Parents  Number of children in your family?

5 Purpose for the Evening  Share information about Kindergarten Round up  Monday – Tuesday, March 24 & 25  Students attend both days  9:00 - 11:00 AM  Share information about kindergarten  Answer questions you may have

6 General Requirements  Your child must have reached the age of 5 on or before August 31 of the current school year to attend  Are they ready?

7  GRE Website GRE Website  Skyward Family Access Skyward Family Access  Register for 2014-15  On-line Enrollment Window Opens  April 1 - May 25  Passwords from Deedee  New to District  Option to change  Fees Registration & On-Line Enrollment

8 Purpose of Round up  Make you and your child comfortable at school  Have your child meet Mrs. Pruitt & Mrs. Budimlija and get to know their expectations  Allow time for teachers to get to know your child  Assess your child’s ability  Not whether-or-not they come to school  Areas assessed: social skills, speech, fine and gross motor development, vocabulary, vision, & hearing

9 Mrs. Cindy Pruitt & Mrs. Allison Budimlija Kindergarten Teachers  Academic Skills  How I can help my child at home and over the summer  What are some habits that will help my child  Transportation  The first day  Recess  Snack and milk  Birthdays  Problems that arise  What will my child do in kindergarten?  Parent Participation

10 Mrs. Vickie Burggraf, LPN School Nurse  Medical Forms  Immunizations  DTaP, IPV, MMR, HBV  Varicella - 2 doses  Health Forms  Official Certificate of Birth  Physical Examination Record  Kansas Certificate of Immunization (KCI)  Consent to Treat Form  Dental Health Card  Permission to Administer Medication  Medication Policy  Fever Free for 24 Hours  Hearing & Vision Screenings  Contact Information: E-mail Linwood Elementary M, W, & F Glenwood Ridge T & TH

11 Mrs. Jan Hancock Principal  Enrollment Forms  Complete information forms tonight or by Round up  On-line April 1 – May 25 (tentative dates)  Snack Fee for Round up – $3 (Please pay tonight)  Food Allergies – let us know tonight  Enrollment  Monday, August 4 @ GRE from 12-8 p.m.  Must submit and update all paperwork  Receive class assignment, bus schedules, supply lists, lunch prices and any updated information  Must pay enrollment fees

12 Enrollment Fees MAY CHANGE for 2014-2015  Both AM & Full Day  Textbook/Technology Fee  $30 for year  Year Book  $15.00 – optional  AM Only  Snack Milk  $.40 a carton  Full Day  Lunch & Milk Account  $2.35 / meal  $.40 a carton for snack milk or additional milk at lunch

13 More Information  Half Day vs. Full Day  Half day is in the AM  Core subjects in AM  In PM - Specials (music, art, PE, library), extension & enrichment activities  Half Day  School Hours 8:45 – 11:45  Full Day  School Hours 8:45 – 3:45  All Day KG Fee Schedule  Yearly Total = $1211.04  $134.56 due on August 4 th at Enrollment  Plus $134.56 due on the 1 st of every month beginning in September with the last payment due on April 1 st.

14 Transportation Fees  Students living farther than 2.5 mile  Bus Service Provided  Students living less than 2.5 miles  1 Child$200/year  Family$400/year  Fees paid prior to July 1, 2014 reduced 25%  1 child$150/year  Family$300/year

15 Fees  Assistance provided for school meals and tuition if...  Students qualify for free or reduced meals  Application available at fall enrollment  Delinquent accounts  Parents notified  Students attend AM only  After second late payment, student will attend ½ day  Unpaid fees accumulate and students may not be allowed to “walk” at graduation

16 More Information  Change in routines  Call at least one hour before dismissal time or send a note with your child of changing transportation arrangements  Avoid transportation changes especially the 1 st week  We are learning and teaching routines  Late arrivals or early dismissals – must sign your child in or out  Safety is important to us  Sign in at the office and wear a sticker  Schools begins at 8:45 – staff on duty 10 minutes prior to this time  BL Mentor Volunteer – contact Tammy Potts

17 More Information  Absences  Notify the school  Take note of attendance policy  Notify me if extended absences (more than 3 days)  1 st Day of School  Photo day – we will allow extra time for you to say goodbye, about 8:55 you should depart.  If tears (from Mom or child), reassure your child and then leave.  We will call you if your child does not calm down in a reasonable amount of time.

18 Sneak Peek (tentative date) Sponsored By PTO Tuesday, August 12 5 – 7 p.m. Meet all teachers Bring in school supplies PTO offers supply packets

19 Mrs. Heather Imhoff PTO Representative  PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)  You are already a member - no dues  What does PTO do?  Host the Sneak Peek Celebration  Host family activities, like the auction, Talent Show, and Book Fair  Fund second field trip, money for each classroom, snacks during assessments, and much, much more  Support education of students (like AR) and school functions

20 More PTO Information  When does PTO meet?  1x per month, currently at 6:30 on the 1 st or 2 nd Tuesday  We vote on and organize events, decide how dollars should be used to enhance our children's education  How are funds raised?  PTO holds 2 fundraisers  1 st Fundraiser at the beginning of the year  Sale trash bags year round  Collect Box Tops

21 Mrs. Karen Kelley Parents As Teachers Parent Educator  Available to visit with you tonight  Babies are born to learn  Personalized visits  Play groups / Presentations  Regular developmental screenings  Resource network  It is free!

22 Questions...

23 LET THE ADVENTURE BEGIN! We are excited about next year! Thank you for attending tonight!

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