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A particular point of view.  Make up a short story using your perspective of what could be happening  The stories can be funny, but make sure they are.

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Presentation on theme: "A particular point of view.  Make up a short story using your perspective of what could be happening  The stories can be funny, but make sure they are."— Presentation transcript:

1 A particular point of view

2  Make up a short story using your perspective of what could be happening  The stories can be funny, but make sure they are legitimately from the perspective of what you are: an American teenager living in a rural county in Ky.  Each short story should be descriptive and use 3-5 sentences


4  Siena’s legendary bareback horserace – Il Palio – is a highly charged, death-defying two-minute dash around the boundary of the city’s majestic and equally famous Piazza del Campo. It’s also likely to be the most rabidly partisan event you’ll ever witness. The two men seen in the picture are celebrating and “cheering” their party before the race.


6  The dragon and the phoenix : a traditional Chinese wedding  The traditional wedding gown in China is bright red, symbolizing luck for the new couple. Chinese bridal gowns are traditionally adorned with elaborate golden phoenixes, chrysanthemums and peonies, symbols of wealth and good fortune. The groom traditionally wears a black silk coat (not seen) over a robe embroidered with a dragon, and you can expect loud firecrackers at a Chinese wedding to scare off evil spirits.


8  Haka is a traditional dance form of the South Pacific islander mostly known from the Māori of New Zealand through their rugby team display. It is a posture dance performed by a group, with vigorous movements and stamping of the feet with rhythmically shouted accompaniment. War haka ( peruperu ) were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition. Today, haka constitute an integral part of formal or official welcome ceremonies for distinguished visitors or foreign dignitaries, serving to impart a sense of the importance of the occasion.danceMāoriNew Zealand


10  While there isn’t really an equivalent in Western culture, the cutis in Indian and Pakistani culture is basically a thumbs-up, except you push the nail on your thumb against your front teeth and flick, while saying “cutta!”. It basically amounts to “screw you”.

11  Take 10-15 minutes and read this section – Pages 6-11  I will model the notes I would take for this section, so there is no need to make your own notes this time.

12 The Sociological Imagination

13  Perspective – a particular point of view  We don’t usually realize how much our attitude and beliefs are determined by our perspectives  Sociology – the scientific study of social structure  Sociological Perspective – a view that looks at behavior of groups, not individuals

14  Sociologists do not focus on behaviors of individuals – only on patterns of behavior shared by members of a group  Look for social explanations to explain trends such as delinquency, divorce, or suicide

15  Social Structure – the patterned interaction of people in social relationships  Sociologists assume that social relationships are not determined by the particular characteristics of individuals involved  Emile Durkheim – bronze example – don’t define bronze in terms of its separate parts (lead, copper, and tin) – bronze is hard/lead, copper and tin are soft and pliable – mixing the three creates new properties

16  Groups range in size (family-entire society)  Regardless of size, conformity is encouraged  Members think, feel, and behave in similar ways  Members are taught to value the group’s ways and tend to conform even when their individual views differ

17  Sociological Imagination – the ability to see the link between society and self  Helps us understand the effects of events on daily life  Helps us view the world from a broader perspective  Challenges conventional wisdom (ideas people assume are true)

18  Take a few minutes to summarize your notes from 1.1 in your own words  Answer questions 2-5 on page 13  Separately describe how individual perspective can deter social imagination

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