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HND Supply Chain Management

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2 HND Supply Chain Management
Implementation of Revised Framework Workshop 1 Ken White – SQA External Verifier 23 April 2013

3 Aims for today: Look at changes to Framework and Unit Specifications in detail Application of Course Tutor Guide Guidance on Resources

4 “What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing”

5 Year 1 Unit title Unit code Credit value SCQF level Supply Chain Fundamentals H31 L34 2 7 Supply Chain Logistics: An Introduction H358 34 1 Total Quality Management BA2A 35 8 Supply Chain Business Analysis: An Introduction to Techniques H31K 34 Cost Accounting F7JR 34 Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions A614 34 Purchasing Strategy H35H 35 Supply Chain: Storage and Distribution H31J 35 Supply Chain Service Levels: Setting the Standards H35A 34 Supply Chain Organisations: Structure and Function H313 34 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 H35J 34

6 Year 2 Unit title Unit code Credit value SCQF level Supply Chain: Tactics and Techniques H31G 36 1 9 Managing People and Organisations F84T 34 2 7 Supply Chain: Business Strategy H35D 35 8 Supply Chain: Associated Law H35F 35 Supply Chain: Business Excellence H31F 34 Supply Chain: Capacity Planning and Production Operations H31H 34 SC An Intro. To Enterprise Planning H35C 36 International Trade and Payments A4W4 35 International Physical Distribution H316 35 Logistics Planning H35E 35 Supply Chain: Lean and Agile Approaches H35G 35 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 H35K 35

7 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34)
This is a new Unit and is a combination of two of the predecessor Units — Supply Chain Management: An Introduction (DL5G 34) and Supply Chain Operations: The Context (DL5N 34). The rationale, for this Unit, was to eliminate as much duplication between the Units as possible and also duplication within other Units.

8 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) Changes continued
The Unit purpose is a combination of some new wording plus extracts from Supply Chain Management: An Introduction (DL5G 34) Because it is a combination of two Units the credit points are now 2 HN credits but the level remains at SCQF level 7. The Context for Delivery section is the standard SQA wording and the recommendation that this Unit should be one of the first Units to be delivered and assessed within the HN Supply Chain Management Group Award has been moved to the Support Notes under Guidance on approaches to delivery of this Unit. The reference to specific Units has, therefore, been removed.

9 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) Changes continued
All guidance on assessment is now given in the Support Notes under Guidance on approaches to assessment of this Unit. An additional paragraph has been added explaining an alternative assessment method, i.e. the use of case study material where students do not have relevant industrial experience. Outcome 1 is similar to that of Supply Chain Operations: The Context, but with a slight wording change. The Knowledge and/or Skills are also very similar with only minor changes to wording. Under Evidence Requirements, in the first bullet point an additional requirement is added requiring the student to define the structure and purpose of a supply chain.

10 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) Changes continued
Outcome 2 is a combination of Outcome 1 from Supply Chain Management: An Introduction and Outcome 2 from Supply Chain Operations: The Context and reworded accordingly. The Knowledge and/or Skills items consist of two from Supply Chain Management: An Introduction plus the four from Supply Chain Operations: The Context. Similarly the Evidence Requirements are also two and four respectively. Outcome 3 has been changed by removing the “Bullwhip effect” and moving it to come under the first Evidence Requirement. Outcome 3 has been reworded to read ‘Explain the effect of customer needs on inventory levels’. Everything else under Knowledge and/or Skills and Evidence Requirements remains the same as Supply Chain Operations: The Context.

11 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) Changes continued
Outcome 4 is similar to Outcome 2 of Supply Chain Management: An Introduction however the Outcome statement has been changed. Under Knowledge and/or Skills three items have been removed namely: Supply chain collaboration and performance including the role of benchmarking Importance of time – an overview of “Cycle Times” and the opportunities to reduce these cycle times Performance measurement across the supply chain including customer satisfaction levels. One Knowledge and/or Skill item has been added namely: “Supply Chain Operations Reference” The corresponding Evidence Requirements for “Cycle Times” and performance measurement have been removed plus an Evidence Requirement for SCOR has been added.

12 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) Changes continued
Outcome 5 is very similar to Outcome 3 from Supply Chain Management: An Introduction, but the wording of the Outcome has been3 changed to ‘Explain the importance of supply chain relationships’. Under Knowledge and/or Skills two items have been removed, namely: Obstacles and effect from lack of co-ordination within the supply chain Building strategic partnerships and trust within a supply chain The third Knowledge and/or Skills statement has been modified by adding the word ‘Theoretical’ at the beginning so that the statement now reads ‘Theoretical management levers’. One Knowledge and/or Skills statement has been added, namely: Practical management levers The second and third Evidence Requirements now state number of items to be included in student’s response and the final requirement relating to SCOR has been removed as this is now included in the revised Outcome 4.

13 Exercise In your group(s) compare the ‘New’ Unit Specification with the ‘Existing’ Unit Specification and identify the main changes for the following Units: Supply Chain Organisations: Structures and Function (H313 34) Supply Chain: Tactics and Techniques (H31G 36) Supply Chain: Capacity Planning and Production Operations (H31H 34)

14 Supply Chain: Structures and Function (H313 34) Changes
The rationale for change is based on Outcome 3 - it was felt it was lacking in information. There is also a change to the approach to assessment. For Outcome 1, the second and third Evidence Requirements have been combined into one. Wording of Outcome 3 has been amended to ‘Describe the process of organisational development’. Under Evidence Requirements, the first requirement has been changed from – ‘identify and describe factors affecting change in an organisation’ – to – ‘describe four factors affecting change within an organisation’. This is followed by a list of thirteen factors from which students can choose to describe four. The second Evidence Requirement remains unchanged but eight items have been added to allow students a choice. The third Evidence Requirement has been changed from – ‘identify and evaluate models for change’ – to – ‘Describe four tools and models for change’ followed by seven tools/models from which students can choose.

15 Supply Chain: Tactics and Techniques (H31G 36) Changes
The rationale for changes to this Unit was to try to accommodate the requests from Beijing Jiaotong University regarding duplication with Purchasing Operation Practice (now titled Purchasing Strategy). Outcome 3 has been revised and now reads – ‘Evaluate global procurement processes’. As a result of the new Outcome 3 the Knowledge and/or Skills and Evidence Requirements, have been replaced to reflect the change in the Outcome. For Outcome 2, under ‘Evidence Requirements’ a new requirement has been added at position six – ‘Explain the management of inventory associated with consumables, maintenance, repair and operational supplies.’

16 Supply Chain: Capacity Planning and Production Operations (H31H 34) Changes
The rationale for the changes to this Unit was to clarify what is required for each of the Outcomes. Outcome 1 — the word ‘various’ has been removed from the wording of this Outcome. In the first Evidence Requirement the number of work centres has been specified as three rather than the loose term of various work centres. The second Evidence Requirement has been amended to ‘use the information from the Capacity Planning system and the work centre data to determine a load for each work centre’.

17 Supply Chain: Capacity Planning and Production Operations (H31H 34) Changes continued
Outcome 2 – wording of last Evidence Requirement has been amended to ‘compare the use of a pull system with the more established push system of shop floor loading’. Outcome 3 – the wording of this Outcome has been changed to ‘Explain the features of process design and how they meet the performance objectives of the production operations’. The word ‘minimum’ has been removed from the second Evidence Requirement. The final Evidence Requirement has been amended to ‘outline the advantages and disadvantages of total productive maintenance’.

18 Supply Chain Business Analysis: An Introduction to Techniques (H31K 34) Changes
The rationale for the changes to this Unit was to remove as much duplication as possible between this Unit and Cost Accounting (F7JR 34). The use of IT is also eliminated because it was felt that this was not really a requirement but a tool that can be used for the analyses. Under ‘Unit Purpose’ – ‘together with business metrics’ – has been added in the second line of the first paragraph. Outcome 1 – slight change to wording. Learners asked to ‘compare’ rather than ‘describe’. For Outcome 2, under ‘Evidence Requirements’ – describe the role of information technology as it applies to the analysis of financial data – has been removed.

19 Supply Chain Business Analysis: An Introduction to Techniques (H31K 34) Changes continued
Outcome 3 has been reworded to read — ‘Analyse organisational cost data and business metrics’. ‘Business metrics’ has been added to Knowledge and/or Skills. Under ‘Evidence Requirements’ ‘Prepare a cost build up to determine profit margin’ has been removed as a similar requirement will be done in the Unit Cost Accounting ‘Explain the analysis of three business metrics from the following:’ has been added together with eleven items from which to choose. For Outcome 4, under ‘Evidence Requirements’ – ‘describe the ways in which IT can be used in statistical forecasting and data analysis’ has been removed.

20 Supply Chain: Storage and Distribution (H31J 35) Changes
Outcome 1 – Evidence Requirements have been amended. Third and fifth ERs have been changed from explain/describe to ‘outline’. In the fourth ER the industries have been listed with candidates to evaluate three operations within different industries Outcome 2 has been reworded from – ‘Critically evaluate the methods, techniques ’ to – ‘Describe the methods, techniques and equipment used in the storage and warehousing of goods’. Under Knowledge and/or Skills ‘The methods of adding value in the stores area’ has been deleted. The Evidence Requirement for this item has also been deleted. For Outcome 3, under Knowledge and/or Skills ‘The methods of adding value in the stores area’ has been added. Under Evidence Requirements a fourth bullet point has been added – ‘evaluate the methods of adding value in the stores area’.

21 Supply Chain: Business Excellence (H31F 34) Changes
The rationale for revising this Unit was to remove ‘tracing the origins of business excellence’ as to some extent this is irrelevant. In addition, when the Unit was first designed there were only two models of business excellence. There are now a few more and therefore the Unit has been changed to reflect this. The wording of Outcome 1 has been changed to read – ‘Explain the basic philosophy of a business excellence’. The Knowledge and/or Skills items have been reduced from 9 to 2. There is now only one Evidence Requirement with the key factors listed as sub-bullet points. Students have to make reference to three of these factors in their response. The wording of Outcome 3 has been changed to read – ‘Describe the key techniques used to support a business excellence model or framework’. The Knowledge and/or Skills for this Outcome have been condensed into two. The Evidence Requirements now include sub-bullet points that list the business excellence models/frameworks and suitable techniques along with the number to be included in the student’s response.

22 Supply Chain: Associated Law (H35F 35) Changes
The rationale for the changes to this Unit is very straightforward. In addition to tidying up a few points the main change is brought about by the fact that one of the regulations dealt with in the Unit is time bound and there has been an update since the Unit was issued. Outcome 4 has been deleted from this Unit. The word ‘critically’ has been removed from the wording of all three Outcomes. For Outcome 1, under Knowledge and/or Skills (TUPE) has been added after ‘Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, and the date 1981 has been deleted. Also for Outcome 1, under Evidence Requirements, the final point has been amended to include ‘most recent’ before ‘Transfer of Undertakings ....’ and as above (TUPE) has been inserted after ‘ Regulations. Outcome 2 – the word ‘critically’ has been removed at the start of all Evidence Requirements.

23 Supply Chain: Associated Law (H35F 35) Changes continued
For Outcome 3, under Evidence Requirements, in the second bullet point the word ‘critically’ has been deleted at the beginning of the bullet point and ‘passing off’ has had quotations inserted in order to make it clearer that this is a delict in Scots Law.

24 International Physical Distribution (H316 35) Changes
Outcome 1 – ‘for an organisation’ is added at the end of Outcome 1. For Knowledge and Skills the 2nd and 3rd bullet points have been transported. There are also minor changes to the wording of the Evidence Requirements. Outcome 2 – reworded to read ‘Analyse and evaluate the physical distribution function of an organisation for delivery and cost f delivery of goods’ from ‘Assess the responsibility of the international ’ The 1st and 2nd bullet points for Knowledge and Skills have been transposed. There are also minor changes to the wording of the Evidence Requirements. Outcome 3 – The wording of the Outcome is changed from ‘Determine the factors ’ to ‘Explain the factors ’ The 2nd bullet point has been deleted and has been replaced with a new bullet point for Knowledge and Skills – ‘Transport modes, contractual limitations and unexpected circumstances.’ There are also minor changes to the wording of the Evidence Requirements.

25 Cost Accounting (F7JR 34) Changes
Outcome 1 – has been deleted coding systems are now included in Outcome 4 Old Outcome 2 – becomes Outcome 1 and wording has been changed (effect on profit calculations has been removed) Old Outcome 3 – becomes Outcome 2 Old Outcome 4 – becomes Outcome 3 Old Outcome 5 – becomes Outcome 4 and the wording is changed (number of service cost centres for reapportionment has been reduced and a Job Cost Statement added) Old Outcome 6 becomes Outcome 5 All accounting Units have had cut-off scores removed and these have been replaced by error tolerances – either arithmetic/computational or principle. Information relating to error tolerances can be found on the HN Business subject pages on the China website.

26 Managing People and Organisations (F84T 34)
Managing People and Organisations (F84T 34) replaces Managing People and Teams (A766 34) – but this is NOT a direct replacement of its predecessor Unit.

27 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Changes
The rational for the changes to this Unit is to simplify the whole process by eliminating unnecessary restrictions on the candidates and by reducing the sectional pass marks slightly while maintaining the overall pass mark. Under ‘Unit purpose’ all four aims have been modified slightly by changing the wording at the beginning of each aim from ‘demonstrating’ to ‘Developed an understanding of’ for the first, second and fourth aims, and to ‘Demonstrated’ for the third aim. Under ‘Unit purpose’ two bullet points have been added related to what the candidate should be able to do on completion of the Unit.

28 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Changes continued
Under ‘Recommended prior knowledge and skills’, Supply Chain Operations: The Context and Supply Chain Management: An Introduction have been deleted and the following Units have been added: Supply Chain Fundamentals Cost Accounting Purchasing Strategy Supply Chain: Storage and Distribution Unit codes have also been added. Credit Value’ has be renamed ‘Credit points and level’ A ‘Core Skills’ statement has been added. ‘Assessment’ has been amended and rewritten. Administrative Information’ has been removed. Conditions of Assessment’ have been amended and rewritten

29 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Changes continued
‘Instructions for designing the assessment task’ have been modified and rewritten. The main changes to the assessment format are: There will be two sections in the examination — Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B’. Part ‘A’ will comprise 10 restricted response questions from which the candidates will attempt eight questions. These questions will comprise of one question for each of the Units that relate to this Graded Unit. Part ‘B’ will comprise five extended response questions from which the candidates will attempt three questions. The questions may comprise of one question that relates to a single Unit or it may be a combination of a maximum of two Units that relate to this Graded Unit. The same Unit may not be used in more than one extended response question. The questions in Part ‘B’ will not replicate questions covered in Part ‘A’.

30 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Changes continued
‘Instructions for designing the assessment task’ has been modified and rewritten. The main changes to the assessment format following on from previous slide are: Examination questions must be changed on each assessment occasion and each session. Whilst the minimum pass mark is 50% candidates must also score a minimum of 45% in both Parts ‘A’ and ‘B’. Candidates should be informed that only the first eight answers in Part ‘A’ and the first three answers in Part ‘B’ will be marked. Any additional answers will be disregarded. Candidates who attempt more than the requisite number of questions should be instructed that they should score out the answers that they do not wish to be considered.

31 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Changes continued
‘Guidance on grading candidates’ has been added. ‘Support Notes’ have been amended and rewritten. ‘Guidance on the content and context for this Unit’ has been removed. ‘Guidance on the delivery and assessment of this Unit’ has been removed. ‘Candidates with additional support needs’ has been replaced with ‘Disabled candidates and/or those with additional support needs’. ‘General Information for candidates’ has been amended and rewritten.

32 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 (H35K 35) Changes
The rationale for the changes to this Unit is to make the Unit a more substantial investigatory project rather than an examination. The investigatory project will be a 2 credit Unit and will replace the existing Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 and the Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 3 Under ‘Recommended prior knowledge and skills’, Purchasing Operations Practice has been deleted and the following Units have been added: Supply Chain: Tactics and Techniques (H31G 36) Managing People in Organisations (F84T 34) Supply Chain: Capacity Planning and Production Operations (H31H 34) Supply Chain: An Introduction to Enterprise Planning (H35C 36) International Trade and Payments A4W4 35 International Physical Distribution (H316 35) Logistics Planning (A54C 35) The Unit numbers have also been added.

33 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 (H35K 35) Changes continued
‘Credit Value’ has be renamed ‘Credit points and level’. A ‘Core Skills’ statement has been added. ‘Assessment’ has been amended and rewritten. ‘Administrative Information’ has been removed. ‘Conditions of Assessment’ have been amended and rewritten. ‘Instructions for designing the assessment task’ has been modified and rewritten.

34 Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 (H35K 35) Changes continued
‘Guidance on grading candidates’ has been added. ‘Guidance on the content and context for this Unit’ has been removed. ‘Support Notes’ have been amended and rewritten. ‘Guidance on the delivery and assessment of this Unit’ has been removed. ‘Candidates with additional support needs’ has been replaced with ‘Disabled candidates and/or those with additional support needs’. ‘General Information for candidates’ has been amended and rewritten.

35 Transition and Credit Transfer
Credit Transfer For the HN Supply Chain Management it is very unlikely that there will be a need for Credit Transfer as the new Framework is very similar to the existing Framework. The main difference is that in the new Framework there is just two Graded Units with one examination having been dropped. Where Credit Transfer may be required is in the event that a learner has to leave the course for some reason such as a lengthy illness but wishes to return to the course, say after a period of two years. In this type of situation the Centre will be required to match the Units already achieved by the learner and draw up a plan that would allow the learner to complete the Group Award.

36 Transition and Credit Transfer Continued
Transition The transition from the existing Framework to the New Framework should take place at the start of the 2013–2014 Academic Year. Learners who have completed the first year of an HND Supply Chain Management, under the existing Framework, during the 2012–2013 Academic Year will progress to the second year of the HND Supply Chain Management, during the 2013–2014 Academic Year on the EXISTING Framework. Only learners who are about to start the HND Supply Chain Management, in the 2013–2014 Academic Year, will start on the NEW Framework.

37 Course Tutor Guide Learners require to achieve 30 SQA HN Units to achieve the Group Award. Staffing Course Team with a Team Leader Responsible for monitoring and supporting learners Team discussions/meetings to include: Delivery Assessment Internal Verification Business of meetings should be recorded.

38 Course Tutor Guide continued
Staff Resources Master Folders containing: Unit Specifications Teaching materials Teaching Plans Assessment Plans Assessment Support Packs (ASPs) including ‘Assessment’ and ‘Re-assessment’ Graded Units There are now two Graded Units – an examination in the first year of the HND Supply Chain Management and an Investigatory Project in the second year.

39 Course Tutor Guide continued
Course Delivery All tutors must ensure that they deliver this course using teaching methods that engage students in ‘active learning’. To ensure that students are fully prepared it is essential that tutors provide as many opportunities as possible for students to be actively engaged throughout the learning process. Students should be: fully informed of the criteria they must achieve. offered a range of learning activities to research, analyse and apply new knowledge/skills to new situations. offered opportunities to experience the type of activity that they will be required to carry out as part of the summative assessment. able to critically evaluate their personal contribution and to receive feedback from the tutor on how to enhance their understanding. Tutors should develop a learning, teaching and assessment plan for each Unit within the course and provide activities that students should undertake.

40 Exercise Working in your group(s) list as many learning activities that you think could be used in the delivery of the HND Supply Chain Management

41 Learning Activities Lectures Tutorials Study packs
Problem based scenarios Case studies Group/team work Online materials IT based teaching materials Projects Quizzes Research and presentation of findings to fellow students Role play Short response questions, multiple choice questions Create questions for other students (with answers), etc

42 Teaching Plan Suggested Delivered Schedule
Semester 1 Semester 2 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) – SCQF Level 7, 2 HN credits Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions (A614 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Logistics: An Introduction (H358 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Purchasing Strategy (H35H 35) – SCQF Level 8, 2 HN credits Total Quality Management (BA2A 35) – SCQF Level 8, 2 HN credits Supply Chain: Storage and Distribution (H31J 35 35) – SCQF Level 8, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Business Analysis: An Introduction to Techniques (H31K 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Service Levels: Setting the Standards (H35A 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Cost Accounting (F7JR 34) – SCQF Level 7, 2 HN credits Supply Chain Organisations: Structure and Function (H313 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit 5 Units studied: 4 at SCQF level 7, 1 at SCQF level 8. (8 credits completed) 6 Units studied: 4 at SCQF level 7, 2 at SCQF level 8. (7 credits completed)

43 Exercise Working in your group(s) – Devise an alternative delivery schedule to that shown

44 Teaching Plan Suggested Delivery Schedule
Semester 1 Semester 2 Supply Chain Fundamentals (H31L 34) – SCQF Level 7, 2 HN credits Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions (A614 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Logistics: An Introduction (H358 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain: Storage and Distribution (H31J 35) – SCQF Level 8, 1 HN credit Purchasing Strategy (H35H 35) – SCQF Level 8, 2 HN credits Total Quality Management (BA2A 35) – SCQF Level 8, 2 HN credits Supply Chain Business Analysis: An Introduction to Techniques (H31K 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Cost Accounting (F7JR 34) – SCQF Level 7, 2 HN credits Supply Chain Organisations: Structure and Function (H313 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit Supply Chain Service Levels: Setting the Standards (H35A 34) – SCQF Level 7, 1 HN credit 7 Units studied: 5 at SCQF level 7, 2 at SCQF level 8. (6 credits completed) 6 Units studied: 3 at SCQF level 7, 3 at SCQF level 8. (9 credits completed)

45 Overview of Units An overview of each Unit delivered in Years 1 and 2 is shown in the Course Tutor Guide. However, tutors should refer to the Unit specification for full details of the Knowledge and/or Skills to be covered and Evidence Requirements. The Evidence Requirements clearly state the type of evidence required, the standard of evidence required and any conditions of assessment. The Unit specification also contains guidance on the delivery and assessment of the Unit.

46 Opportunities for Integration of Units
It is envisaged that where possible centres will deliver this award in an integrative manner to help the students appreciate the interconnections between the various subjects. Integration means identifying opportunities either within a Unit or across Units to deliver and/or assess topics which meet the criteria for either two Outcomes within the same Unit, or two Outcomes — one Outcome from one Unit and one Outcome from another Unit. Because of the specialised nature of many of the Units in the HND Supply Chain Management the opportunity to integrate between Units is limited. However there is scope to integrate within Units especially in terms of assessment.

47 Opportunities for Integration of Units Continued
Example For Supply Chain Fundamentals there are opportunities for integration within the Unit and, while it is not full integration, there is an opportunity for partial integration with Supply Chain Logistics: An Introduction and Supply Chain Service Levels: Setting the Standards. This could be the case in that for Outcome 2 of Supply Chain Fundamentals learners are asked to devise a suitable supply chain model for a specific organisation and explain the relationships within the supply chain. The model devised by the learners can also be used as part of Outcome 1 for Supply Chain Logistics: An Introduction. For Supply Chain Service Levels: Setting the Standards the initial part of the requirement for Outcome 1 could use the supply chain model and descriptions from Supply Chain Fundamentals.

48 Course Assessment The HND Supply Chain Management is summatively assessed using a mix of continuous Unit assessment and Graded Unit assessments. The Course Team should plan when summative assessments are likely to occur throughout each year of the course. A suggested plan of assessment is contained in the Course Tutor Guide in Appendices 2a and 2b. The learner should receive early warning of when assessment are likely to occur and should be provided with a copy of a Course Assessment Plan probably at the Course Induction.

49 Unit Assessment For each Unit, it is helpful for tutors/assessors to draw up a Unit assessment plan which: describes what is to be assessed. says what assessment methods will be used. describes how the assessments are to be administered, e.g. practical, online, etc. defines opportunities for integrating assessment. provides a timetable for when the assessment will take place. notes arrangements that need to be made to take account of additional support needs or prior learning. describes the measures to be taken to ensure that the evidence produced is authentic and current. describes how and when requirements for record-keeping and quality assurance processes will be met.

50 Assessment Support Packs (ASPs)
Each Unit that has been changed significantly will have a new Assessment Support Pack (ASP) incorporating an assessment (exemplar) and guidance for making an assessment decision. However, some of the changes are minor and some just Unit Number changes in which case the existing, or slightly modified assessment exemplar can be used. The Assessment Support Pack will contain: details of the conditions under which the assessment is to be carried out. assessment tasks for each Outcome. guidance for making an assessment decision. checklists (where appropriate). It is vital that tutors: adhere to the conditions for the assessment, ie open-book, closed-book, controlled conditions. mark assessments consistently in line with the marking scheme or model answer provided.

51 HND Supply Chain Management Graded Unit Assessments
Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 1 (H35J 34) Examination at SCQF level 7 — 1 SQA HN credit. This is a closed-book examination lasting three hours comprising two Parts. Part A is worth 40% and Part B 60% of the marks respectively. This Unit covers the integration of a range of knowledge and skills achieved through study of the Year 1 Units.

52 HND Supply Chain Management Graded Unit Assessments continued
Supply Chain Management: Graded Unit 2 (H35K 35) Project (Investigation) at SCQF level 8 — 2 SQA HN credits. This is a project investigation to be completed on an open-book basis over a period of time. This Unit covers the integration of a range of knowledge and skills achieved throughout selected Units of the HND from both Year 1 and Year 2. In addition to the integration of knowledge and skills needed to complete the project investigation, students will develop their skills in planning, negotiation, research, analysis, time management and problem solving. In order to achieve this Unit learners MUST access a work placement in an organisation which operates a supply chain.

53 Verification Verification is one of a range of Quality Assurance measures used by SQA to confirm that: centres’ assessment decisions are sound (ie valid, reliable and practicable) national standards are being uniformly applied assessments are accurately and consistently applied across all students and levels This ensures qualifications and certification is credible with all students being assessed to a common standard.

54 Internal Verification
Centres are responsible for the internal verification of their assessments. Each tutor who is responsible for the assessment of students and/or internal verification of student material should: be made aware of their centre's quality assurance procedures. comply with these procedures. Internal verifiers will ensure that assessors apply standards of assessment uniformly and consistently. They should keep records of internal verification activity for external verifiers to access.

55 Internal Verification continued
Examples of records generated by an Internal Verifier include: evidence of planned verification for the semester which conforms to the centre’s verification strategy. minutes of meetings where assessment work is examined and where discussion about acceptable standards is noted and decisions recorded. internal verification forms showing which students’ work has been verified and the outcome. Note where an assessor carries out observations, internal verifiers should also observe the assessor. evidence of discussion and support of assessors, particularly where student work has not been accepted by the internal verifier. evidence of reporting back to the Course Team, any recommendations/actions required and evidence that these are acted upon.

56 External Verification
Centres and staff should be encouraged to see verification in a positive light, as a valuable Quality Improvement tool. All Chinese Centres will now be Externally verified using the New Quality Assurance system. This will involve verifying within the following categories: Resources Candidate (Learner) Support Assessment and Verification Records/Data Management All relevant materials corresponding to the above should be available at the External Verification Visit or by Postal verification

57 Resources Centres are expected to have appropriate resources available to allow the successful running of the Supply Chain Management Group Award.

58 Exercise Working in your group(s) list what you consider would be appropriate resources for running the HND Supply Chain Management.

59 Resources The list of resources may include the following:
Competent and qualified staff in sufficient numbers Suitable accommodation (teaching rooms) Appropriate equipment in teaching rooms Internet access Reference materials Learning materials Course notes Assessment materials Robust support mechanisms – Library, Administration Staff, Management Staff, Leisure facilities Access to local Businesses – Guest speakers, works visits, work placements Access to local subject specialists from industry Past students

60 Last slide . . . The following slide shows that you’ve reached the end of the presentation


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