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HND - AIT Graded Unit Exam/Project The Practitioner Experience.

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2 HND - AIT Graded Unit Exam/Project The Practitioner Experience

3 HND - AIT EXAM Teaching Methodologies/Delivery Approach Weekly discussion of contemporary issues Exam tools and techniques Effective time-management techniques Stress busting techniques

4 HND - AIT EXAM Teaching Methodologies/Delivery Approach Mock restricted/extended response questions Integration of subjects within HND framework Closed book Open book Discussions Promotion of critical thinking

5 HND - AIT EXAM Marking/feedback approach during the teaching stage: Weekly turnaround Individual feedback Group feedback Specifically designed feedback forms Development targets (determined by students)

6 HND - AIT EXAM Teaching Resources Case studies ICT/Internet research Library research Scenarios

7 HND - AIT EXAM Exam Materials Specifically designed examination booklet Exam paper re-drafted into College format Marking scheme re-drafted into College format

8 HND - AIT EXAM Actual Exam Restricted response paper (1 hour) Break (15 minutes) Extended Response paper (2 hours) Students encouraged not to do a post- mortem during break time

9 HND - AIT EXAM Post Exam (Marking/Moderation Process) Papers marked/moderated by subject specialist Difficult to comply with SQA deadline (this needs to be considered when timetabling) Very positive experience from both a candidate/tutor perspective Grading commensurate with students level of commitment, ability and work

10 HND - AIT Exam Any questions?

11 HND - AIT Project Project (3 stages) Planning Developing Evaluation

12 HND - AIT Project Delivery Approach Emphasis on self directed learning Facilitative approach to teaching Minimum teacher input Wider reading/research encouraged

13 HND - AIT Project Stage 1 (Planning) - Explain how candidates should write a plan (not a report) Stage 2 (Developing) – Report format Stage 3 (Evaluating) – Candidates required to evaluate individual approach to project

14 HND - AIT Project Materials Assessment materials re-drafted in College format Extended marking scheme devised (but keeping to SQA guidelines) Meeting with subject tutor record

15 HND - AIT Project Marking/Internal Moderation Process One week turnaround for marking Internal moderation carried out at the end of each stage Marking scheme allowed for effective communication between marker and moderator

16 HND - AIT Project Issues Planning stage – problematic for some students Compliance with SQA deadline difficult Evaluation stage – some students failed to undertake reflective evaluation (to be emphasised during teaching for session 2006/2007)

17 HND - AIT Project Summary Overall positive experience Students gained confidence in academic writing Prepared students for progress into HE sector Effective integration with other units eg enhanced student understanding

18 HND AIT Project Any questions?

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