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Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Using WEAVEonline Jeanne Butler,

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Presentation on theme: "Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Using WEAVEonline Jeanne Butler,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Addressing Six Critical Questions of Senior Administrators Using WEAVEonline Jeanne Butler, Ph.D. Director of Assessment University of Nebraska Kearney

2 Focus on Curriculum Issues Assessment typically focuses on using student learning outcomes data to help academic departments or programs make decisions about changes in the curriculum.

3 Focus on Administrator’s Issues Assessment should also answer critical questions of administrators including those of the provost/chancellor, vice chancellors, deans and department chairs

4 Value to Administrators Administrators are more likely to support the use of WEAVEonline when they see the value to the institution of an application that collects essential information and makes it accessible to key personnel.

5 Six Administrative Issues 1. Accreditation 2. Accountability 3. Alignment 4. Budgeting 5. Strategic Planning 6. Decision Making

6 Accreditation Questions How can our institution track compliance with all the different accreditation requirements of regional, disciplinary, and other agencies?

7 Accreditation Entity ► Set up entities by accreditation—SACS, NCA, ABET, NCATE, AACSB ► Set up standards as learning outcomes (wording from accrediting agency) ► Track compliance and results under measures and findings ► Supporting documentation can be uploaded into the document repository

8 Accreditation Tracking Accreditation Tracking

9 Associating Multiple Standards

10 Relating Outcomes to Two Sets of Standards

11 ABET Mapping of Criterion 3 to Program Outcomes

12 Accountability Questions How can we make our institution’s student learning outcomes accessible and transparent to all stakeholders?

13 Accessible Information Different stakeholders should have access to appropriate information: ► Students ► Faculty ► Parents ► Employers ► Taxpayers

14 Access to the DAR*

15 Alignment Questions How do we identify where General Education and other core learning outcomes are being introduced, reinforced, and evaluated?

16 Mapping Level of Instruction with General Education Outcomes

17 Identifying Writing Skills in Different Majors

18 Budgeting Questions How can we identify the costs of necessary curricular and other changes that are identified during the reporting of assessment data

19 Resources Requested

20 Action Plan Tracking*

21 Future Action Plan Tracking*

22 Strategic Planning Questions How can we track implementation of our institution’s strategic plan through the department and program level

23 Tracking Levels of the Strategic Plan

24 Strategic Plan Profile

25 Decision Making Questions Where can I access critical student and program performance data to use in decision making and reporting to others in the administration?

26 Annual/Special Report ► Set up APRs as the Annual Report ► Identify specific data needed from multiple groups ► Community Project ► Events ► Service Learning ► Campus-wide applications

27 Program Review Topics

28 Program Review Reporting

29 Contact Information Jeanne Butler Office of Assessment University of Nebraska Kearney

30 Questions/Information How have you used reports and other WEAVEonline functions to provide information to administrators? Please send your responses and any questions to Matt Urey at WEAVEonline.

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