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Vision Rehabilitation Therapy Division "The Journey Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (VRT's) are Taking Together: Rivers to Cross, Building a Raft, Bridges.

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Presentation on theme: "Vision Rehabilitation Therapy Division "The Journey Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (VRT's) are Taking Together: Rivers to Cross, Building a Raft, Bridges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vision Rehabilitation Therapy Division "The Journey Vision Rehabilitation Therapists (VRT's) are Taking Together: Rivers to Cross, Building a Raft, Bridges Under Construction” Cleveland AER Regional 10/29/2011

2 Agenda Introductions Results of VRT survey The Journey VRT’s are taking together River’s to Cross Building a Raft-5 groups Bridges Under Construction Where to go now

3 Survey Methodology Survey was completed on survey monkey Survey sent via email to 302 VRT members 9 question survey 92 people responded for a return rate of 30.5%

4 VRT Survey Results: How long have you been a VRT/Rehabilitation Teacher? Count: 92 <1 yr: (2) 2.2% 1-5 yrs: (17) 18.5% 5-15 yrs: (27) 29.3% >15 yrs: (46) 50.0%

5 VRT Survey Results: How many hours a week do you work as a blind rehabilitation professional? Count: 92 0-20 hrs: (15) 16.3% 21-40 hrs: (73) 79.3% Retired: (2) 2.2% Currently Not Working: (2) 2.2% Other: (12)

6 VRT Survey Results: Choose Your Work Setting Count: 91 Agency Based (AB): (35) 38.5% Itinerant Vision Rehabilitation Therapist (IVRT): (43) 47.3% Management/Supervision (MS): (17) 18.7% Non-Profit Agency (NPA): (33) 36.3% Researcher (R): (2) 2.2% Schools (Sch): (10) 11% State Agency (SA): (19) 20.9% Student (St): 0 University Prep (UP): (8) 8.8% Veterans Admin (VA): (10) 11%

7 VRT Survey Results: Indicate ACVREP Status Count: 91 Currently Certified (CC): (74) 81.3% Have been certified in past but have not renewed (NR): (6) 6.6% Am currently scheduled to take the exam (S): 0 Have never been certified (NC): (11) 12.1% Other: 10

8 VRT Survey Results: Does your current employer require certification? Count: 91 Yes: (42) 46.2% No: (49) 53.8% Other: 9

9 VRT Survey Results: What are your feelings toward ACVREP certification? Count: 89 Certification is very important (VI): (65) 73% Certification is somewhat important (SI): (21) 23.6% Certification is of little importance (LI): (2) 2.2% Certification is of no importance (NI): (1) 1.1% Other: 17

10 VRT Survey Results: What do you think is the biggest issue facing the VRT profession today? Count: 77 Certification/Licensure (CL): (13) 16.9% Not enough VRT’s in the profession (NE): (26) 33.8% Practice standards (PS): (7) 9.1% Recruitment (R): (16) 20.8% University Issues (UI): (15) 19.5% Other: 30

11 VRT Survey Results: Thinking about the issues mentioned in the prior question, what do you feel the solutions to these issues might be? Agencies should require licensure/ certification Pay those with licensure/certification higher salary Recruitment/ raise awareness of the field Recruit at high schools, colleges Advertise field on web-based media/ T.V. ads Medicare reimbursement Having Medicare reimbursement means high salary, more people in the field More University training programs available

12 VRT Survey Results: How can the AER VRT division leadership better serve you as a VRT professional (choose all that apply) Count: 76 Be more available to professionals (AP): (18) 23.7% Increase the number of newsletters per year (N): (14) 18.4% Offer webinars/ teleconferences (W/T): (59) 77.6% Offer more member only benefits (MOB): (26) 34.2% Other: 27

13 Survey Results Results of VRT survey indicate what VRT board already predicted: Certification is important to VRT division members Not enough employers require certification Not enough VRT’s/Recruitment University Program Struggles (getting students)

14 The Journey VRT’s are taking together “The Journey VRT’s are taking together” Part 1: Rivers to Cross Part 2: Building the Raft Part 3: Bridges under Construction

15 The Journey VRT’s are making together Part 1: Rivers to Cross LaShelle Smith: University Concerns-Not enough students, programs, faculty, funding for university programs Roxanne Mayros: Non Profit Concerns-Not enough VRT’s, Who we are as VRT’s Lisa Anne Mowerson-VA Concerns: Title Hybrid 38, Evidence Based Practice /Research BJ LeJeune-Professionalism Concerns: Certification, continuing education

16 The Journey VRT’s are making together Part 2: Building the Raft Group work at Boston AER Regional Conference 5 separate groups looked at pecific concerns in the same way that we work with our clients/patients/collaterals AssessmentAction Plan Implement PlanMeasure/Document

17 Group 1 Professionalism-John M. John McMahon Past Chair VRT division will lead Certification and CEU’s Define who we are Speak at OT conferences Use title and CVRT credentials Education of consumers, fellow professionals, stakeholders about our profession

18 Group 2 VRT Research & Publications Deanna A. Deanna Austin VRT Chair will lead Writing Workshops Publication assistance Information on research techniques Encourage retired professionals to conduct research and publish Write in popular magazines

19 Group 3 Recruitment & Retention Lenore D. Lenore Dillon will lead Encourage networking amongst VRT’s Media presence Promote a national VRT day Conferences offering continuing education

20 Group 4 University Programs- Susan D. Susan Dalton VRT Secretary/treasurer will lead Promotion of University programs Communication between programs Consistent curriculum More distance learning opportunities Speak with people about profession Funding for college programs

21 Group 5 New & Innovative Service Delivery Models Diane W. Diane Wiess VRT Chair Elect will lead Future planning Changes in service delivery Create a model that will change the way we promote VRT Virtual instruction You Tube Facebook

22 The Journey…Part 3: Bridges under construction Updates of what has been worked on: Code of Ethics-At ACVREP Best Practices document-Not ready VRT Brochure-Watch for this VRT Study Guide-At ACVREP University Review Committee-Beginning

23 Where to go now Recruit YOU to work in 1 of the 5 groups or to become involved in other division needs Work on our action plans (building a raft) Continue our work currently being done (bridges under construction) Document the above in AER journals, newsletters, website etc.

24 Questions? Contact AER VRT leadership Deanna Austin Chair Diane Weiss Chair Elect John McMahon Past Chair Susan Dalton Secretary/Treasurer

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