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25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 1 Status of the APV25 electronics for the GEM tracker at JLab Evaristo.

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1 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 1 Status of the APV25 electronics for the GEM tracker at JLab Evaristo Cisbani - INFN/Rome & Italian National Institute of Health On behalf of: Paolo Musico, Saverio Minutoli, Giuseppe Gariano - INFN/GE Freiburg 25/May/10 WG5-RD51 Collaboration Meeting

2 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 2 New SBS Spectrometer @ JLab GEP5 setup Two tracker geometries: 1. front tracker 2. second and third tracker will use the same “base module” High Luminosity: 10 38 /cm 2 /s Support high background: 500 kHz/cm 2 (low energy photons mainly) Forward angle Large acceptance Good angular and momentum resolutions: 0.2 mrad, 0.5% @ 4-8 GeV/c Flexibility: use the same detectors in different experimental setup High Luminosity: 10 38 /cm 2 /s Support high background: 500 kHz/cm 2 (low energy photons mainly) Forward angle Large acceptance Good angular and momentum resolutions: 0.2 mrad, 0.5% @ 4-8 GeV/c Flexibility: use the same detectors in different experimental setup

3 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 3 SBS Tracker Chambers configuration Modules are composed to form larger chambers with different sizes Electronics along the borders and behind the frame (at 90°) – cyan and blue in drawing Aluminum support frame around the chamber (cyan in drawing); dedicated to each chamber configuration Front Tracker Geometry x6 Back Trackers Geometry X(4+4) GEp(5) SBS

4 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 4 GEM Trackers Accounting TrackerArea (cm 2 ) Number of Chambers ReadoutPitch (mm) Modules/ Chamber Total Modules Total Readout Channels FT40x15062D 4(x/y) 2(u/v) 0.41×31×31849000 + 13500 ST + TT 50x2004 + 42D 2(x/y) 2(u/v) 4×0.41×520+2013600 + 13600 CD80x30021D y+y 1.02×62412000 Last 2 FT modules with strips split in the middle (double segmentation on each site) ST and TT readout groups 4 strips in GEp(5) with binary readout Total chs. 101700

5 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 5 2D Readout Plane and ZIF extension  Readout along all sides −not strictly required in x/y unless additional segmentation of the readout plane −weight balance −unavoidable in diagonal u/v  Extension feeds into ZIF connectors: −no soldering on the readout foil −permit safer bending  Small frame width (8 mm); minimize dead area Require precise cutting around the ZIF terminals Rui De Oliveira final design based on our drawing x/y In production (almost done)

6 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 6 Electronics Components GEM  FEC  ADC+VME Controller  DAQ Main features: Use analog readout APV25 chips 2 active components: Front-End card and VME64x custom module Copper cables between front-end and VME 2D Readout Thanks to Michael Böhmer and Igor Konorov from TUM for very productive discussions on the design of the APV25 based FrontEnd card Up to 10 m 75 mm 49.5 mm 8 mm FOTO MODULO VME

7 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 7 Front End Card (Proto 0) GEM  FEC  ADC+VME Controller  DAQ Front End card based on the APV25 chip 1 FE = 1 APV25 = 128 chs Analog Output Panasonic FPC connectors Input Protection diodes APV25 bonding on PCB Voltage regulators Analog Driver Thermometer Digital IN Power Line I2C

8 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 8 Front-end prototypes tests 50 cm cable 7 m cable Front-end card under control First tests on analog cable length positive No analog driver Work is in progress

9 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 9 Front-End new version (Proto 1) Bug fixing of previous version Denser Bonding: 50 um pad, 100 um pitch Backplane connector (back side) 5 mm shorter Under production

10 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 10 Front-End adapter card (for testing) LEMO/TTL to Differential Differential Analog to Differential LEMO USB to I2C Single 3.3 V power line Very simple but useful

11 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 11 Electronic layout on one chamber Cards and modules are supported by an outer carbon-fiber frame which runs all around the chamber. Optimization is in progress. A C B D

12 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 12 FE – Backplane - VME Next release will use a rigid PCB backplane for analog and digital lines (keep the cable option for testing Backplane is the mechanical supports for the vertical cards in between two GEM modules Controlled impedance

13 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 13 Single chamber cabling layout Use HDMI connectors and cables from Backplanes from/to VME –HDMI-A for digital lines (4+1 differential lines) –HDMI-B for analog lines (7+1 differential lines) Patch panel must regroup channels in order to have digital and analog from/to the same VME module Green: digital / Red: analog Total length (digital+analog) constant 2x(4+5+5)  2 VME + 2x(4+4+5)  2 VME

14 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 14 VME64x Controller  VME controller hosts the digitization of the analog signals coming from the front-end card.  It handle all control signals required by the front end cards (up to 16 FE)  Compliant to the new JLab/12 VME64x VITA 41 (VXS) standard  We intend to make it accessible by standard VME as well  Modular design: with the possibility to easily detach the analog module to extend FEC- VME64x distance  Under TEST From the VXS backplane: 1.Trigger L1/L2 2.Synch 3.Clock 4.Busy (OUT) (duplicated on front panel) Digital OUT 16 Analog IN Analog Receivers ADCs 50 MHz 12 bits USB ETH Optical Fiber 2x64Mbyte SDRAM Live Insertion Hot-Swap Oscillators (100 MHz, 62.5 MHz) Flash EPROM Thermometer Voltage Regulators for each module

15 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 15 Firmware on Verilog (under test): –VME-32 bit interface (64-bit interface very preliminary) –USB-interface (VME and USB share the same resources) –PLL configuration interface (APV-ADC clock phasing) –I2C master interface –Trigger handler (very simple) via front panel LEMO –ADC serial configuration interface and de-serializer –APV25 frame decoder; value stored on a FIFO accessible from VME and USB. –Single channel histogram (useful for delay tuning...) –Front end test signals generator VME64x Controller / ALTERA Firmware

16 25/05/2010 RD51 Collaboration Meeting Cisbani-Musico-Minutoli / Status JLab Electronics 16 Conclusions Front-end card prototype 0: tested, bug fixed and improvement defined Front-end card prototype 1: under production VME-controller prototype 0: –everything mounted except VME transceivers –most of the firmware modules implemented –under heavy test Expect to install in GEM module (40x50cm2) end of June – test in July Usable system expected September/2010

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