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Construction Craft Quality Network Friday 2 November 2012. J.Carr SEV.

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2 Construction Craft Quality Network Friday 2 November 2012. J.Carr SEV

3 PDA /TAPs. The Way Forward.

4 The Way Forward ? Can we deliver the new PDAs using the old TAPs ? Must be able to map specialist content. The real issues are the new - Generic units. - Additional units. - Demands of the new Assessment Methodology May 2012.

5 Changes to the Craft PDAs Generic & Additional Units. Unit Code Unit Title SQA Credit Value SCQF Level SCQF Credit Points H106 12Conform to General Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare166 H105 12Confirm Work Activities and Resources for the Work166 H10C 12Develop and Maintain Good Working Relationships166 H104 12Confirm the Occupational Method of Work166 H107 12Conform to Productive Working Practices166 H10E 12Move, Handle or Store Resources166 H108 12Construction Craft Associated Subjects166 F6MF 12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment166 H10A 12Construction Craft Employment Skills166 H109 12Construction Craft Competence Assessment166

6 The Way Forward. Old PDA using old TAPs. No issues in terms of assessment. New PDA using old TAPs. Gaps, some units have no assessment materials. SEVs and the EV Team have discussed this at length, identified the issues and agreed an approach which addresses the gaps and allows a consistent quality assured external verification.

7 Mapping the new PDAs to the existing TAPs. Brickwork Example 15 Specialist units – 14 covered by existing TAPs 1 unit not covered. Mix, Place & Finish Concrete. 6 Generic Units -- 4 covered by Generic unit checklists. Conform to Productive Work Practices. Move, Handle & Store Resources. 4 Additional Units. -- 1 covered by existing TAP. (Scaffolding) 1 covered by TAP syllabus (Associated Subjects) Construction Craft Employment Skills. (CREWs) Construction Craft Competence Assessment. (Phase Tests)

8 Mapping the new PDAs to the existing TAPs. External Verifier Team will meet to draft a mapping sheet for each craft area. Use the mapping as the assessment toolkit, thus ensuring a focused, consistent quality assured external verification approach.

9 External Verification Approach.

10 Generic and Additional Units. Could EVs sample all during each annual visit? Unit Code Unit Title H106 12Conform to General Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare H105 12Confirm Work Activities and Resources for the Work H10C 12Develop and Maintain Good Working Relationships H104 12Confirm the Occupational Method of Work H107 12Conform to Productive Working Practices H10E 12Move, Handle or Store Resources H108 12Construction Craft Associated Subjects F6MF 12Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment H10A 12Construction Craft Employment Skills H109 12Construction Craft Competence Assessment

11 Generic and Additional Units. Some important questions discussed by EVs. 1 When should we verify each of these units? 2 Do any of these units need to be verified each year? 3 Can we verify each of these unit each year? 4 What do CSkills, SBATC and SPADAC expect of us? 5 What is our current approach to verifying Appreciation of Access Platform and Equipment? 6 Which of these units allows evidence to be generated when integrated with Specialist Units? 7 Which of these units need to be verified as stand alone units?

12 Externally Verifying Generic and Additional Units Generic / Additional Unit HowWhen Conform to General Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare. INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units However we need to verify the knowledge questions each year. Sample 1-3 Years 2013-2014 Confirm Work Activities and Resources for the Work INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units Sample 1-3 Years Develop and Maintain Good Working Relationships. INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units Sample 1-3 Years Confirm the Occupational Method of Work INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units Sample 1-3 Years Conform to Productive Working Practices INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units Sample 1-3 Years earliest 2013-14 Move, Handle or Store Resources INTEGRATED. INTEGRATED. Report with Specialist Units Sample 1-3 Years earliest 2013-14 Construction Craft Associated Subjects STAND ALONE Sample 1-3 Years Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment STAND ALONE Sample 1-3 Years Construction Craft Employment Skills STAND ALONE Annually Construction Craft Competence Assessment STAND ALONE Annually

13 Externally Verifying Generic and Additional Units Unit TitleHow long live ?Evidence retained ? Conform to General Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Duration of PDA Confirm Work Activities and Resources for the Work Duration of PDA Develop and Maintain Good Working Relationships Duration of PDA Confirm the Occupational Method of Work Duration of PDA Conform to Productive Working Practices Duration of PDA Move, Handle or Store Resources Duration of PDA Construction Craft Associated Subjects Duration of PDA Appreciation of Access Platforms and Equipment Duration of PDA Construction Craft Employment Skills 4 years Construction Craft Competence Assessment. 4 years

14 CREWs

15 CREWs Facts and Myths Some important FACTS to remember. Assessment Methodology May 12 Candidates need to generate evidence from the workplace. (CREWs) as evidence for the Construction Craft Employment Skills Unit. Centre staff will discuss the CREWs with the candidate and reference the evidence to the Checklist of Craft Experience. The evidence requirements for centres is Year 1 2 CREWs Year 2 2 CREWs Year 3 1 CREW Year 4 1 CREW External Verifiers will sample and verify and sign candidate CREWs during each year of the qualification to confirm validity of evidence from the workplace.

16 CREWs Facts and Myths Myths Centre staff (assessors) do not need to evaluate or assess the quality of the on site experience. Candidates do not need to have every item on the Checklist of Craft Experience ticked to achieve the Construction Crafts Employment Skills Unit.

17 CREWs Workshop No 2. Making sure we are all on board with CREWs

18 Phase Tests

19 The main purpose of the craft phase tests is to. Confirm competence at the end of each year of training. Allow progression to the next year of training. Assist in preparing candidates for the craft Skills Test. Generate evidence for the Construction Craft Competence Assessment unit which is an integral unit in all craft PDAs.

20 Phase Tests Workshop No 3 1. Review the Phase test draft exemplar. 2. Consider what would constitute a Pass, a re- assessment or a complete re-sit. What are the criteria ? 3. Normal Assessment Appeals ?



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