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LAB 5- OS TA: Hu-Hsi Yeh Date: 2005 3/28

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Presentation on theme: "LAB 5- OS TA: Hu-Hsi Yeh Date: 2005 3/28"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB 5- OS TA: Hu-Hsi Yeh Date: 2005 3/28 E-mail:

2 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Outline Windows Administration WinZip Introduction First Step of Linux

3 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Windows Administration Add account

4 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Windows Account Types

5 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Windows Account Types

6 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Windows Account Types

7 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Options in Account Management

8 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Document

9 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Difference between Accounts Desktop Style My Documents Administrator Account still gets all access right to other account type Don’t name your Account Name in Chinese

10 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 WinZip

11 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 WinRAR

12 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 WinRAR

13 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 WinRAR

14 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 What can linux do? Web Server (Apache + PHP + MySQL) BBS Server Mail Server (Sendmail or Postfix) FTP Server (wuftpd, proftpd) Internet Services Rich packages

15 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 What you should know first 組裝車 vs. 量產車 Every component in your computer When you get into trouble, where can you ask your problem? – BBS, Book, internet, Someone who is familiar with Linux – In my opinion, you should use your spare machine to get your own Linux system. Why? – Good look….

16 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Linux 各大 BBS Linux 版精華區 鳥哥的 Linux 私房菜 ( )

17 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Where can You get Linux? – 中央研究院 – /pub2/redhat/redhat-9/en/iso/i386/ (redhat) – (mandrake) – (SuSE)SuSE

18 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 簡單的 Linux 環境

19 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Basic Instructions cd ls mkdir, cp, rm, mv, df, du, quota vi, joe, emacs, cc, gcc, g++ date, top

20 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Free Software Download the software you’re interested in. Carefully read the README and INSTALL Document reading is extremely important

21 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Gnu’s Not Unix GNU 計畫 開始於 1984 年,旨在發展一個 類 -Unix 且 為 自由軟體 的完整作業系統: GNU 系統 GNU 計畫 自由軟體

22 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Gnome The Gnome project provides – The GNOME desktop environment – the GNOME development platform an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop

23 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Gnome screenshot

24 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Window Managers WM Enlightenment Link-> Background Collections Sawfish KDE

25 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 Vmware ml ml

26 LaDS, GIEE, NTU Spring 2005 The End Thank you for yours appendance.

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