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By Members of Group A, Keio Fukuzawa Leadership Program 2011 (Marc Anthony Abela, Koki Fukatsu, Keisuke Kato, Ai Ozaki, Balkisu Saidu, Anna Shimizu and.

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Presentation on theme: "By Members of Group A, Keio Fukuzawa Leadership Program 2011 (Marc Anthony Abela, Koki Fukatsu, Keisuke Kato, Ai Ozaki, Balkisu Saidu, Anna Shimizu and."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Members of Group A, Keio Fukuzawa Leadership Program 2011 (Marc Anthony Abela, Koki Fukatsu, Keisuke Kato, Ai Ozaki, Balkisu Saidu, Anna Shimizu and Yang Yang)

2  Background  Responsibility vs. Convenience ◦ Legal Provisions ◦ Individual Responsibility  Why Should Information be clear and accessible  Information Coordination and Dissemination Post March 11, 2011 ◦ By the Japanese Government ◦ By TEPCO ◦ By the Traditional Media ◦ By the Social Media  Role of Language in Dissemination of Information ◦ Multiple Languages ◦ Japanese practice of Tatemae  Conclusion ◦ Did the triple disaster happen because this is Japan? ◦ What can we do to avoid another Triple Disaster

3  The quake, the Tsunami, the Radiation alert ◦ Unprecedented by all accounts  July 13, 869  Responsibility vs. Convenience  ‘Law Concerning Access to Information Held by Administrative Organs, 1999’ ◦ Prior to that: shiranu, zonsenu (‘I do not know, I have no knowledge’) ◦ Exception: risk of harm “to the security of the State”  Constitution of Japan 1946, Article 21

4  By the Japanese Government ◦ Failure to give accurate and specific explanation ◦ Provision of chaotic and confusing information ◦ It acted as if the government was not responsible for the Nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima  disorderly fashion in which the government conveys information to the public suggests that politicians and political parties care more about politics than they do about finding a solution to the Fukushima nuclear disaster

5  By TEPCO ◦

6  By the Traditional Media ◦ Japanese media played the important role reporting about Earthquake and Tsunami ◦ They did not provide sufficient or objective information about Nuclear Problems, some information had been hidden ◦ Tendency for the information to crystallize in the hand of the few

7  By the Social Media ◦ Social Media attains certain level of supremacy as the primary source of information after the earthquake ◦ It covered issues and areas that the traditional media could not ◦ It provided on-the-spot information about damaged area and victims by people who were on the scene ◦ It provided a platform for coordination of donations and volunteer services to affected victims of the disaster

8  Multiple Languages ◦ we looked at whether absence of information in multiple languages had exerted any influence on actions and behaviours of people after the Earthquake ◦ CASE STUDIES  Sri Lankan  Kenyan

9  Japanese practice of Tatemae ◦ “Modesty” was a sense of beauty ◦ “Silence is golden 沈黙は金 ” ◦ “Least said, soonest mended//be careful of what you say 口は災いのもと ” ◦ “Actions speak louder than words 不言実行 ”  Who is responsible for the continuation of the practice?  Perhaps this will be a satisfactory reason for Japanese companies to introduce English as an official language to the company, or is it? Or perhaps it is time for the Japanese officials to differentiate between interpersonal communication and matters of national and international interest when it comes to the use of tatemae.  How could the advantages of tatemae be kept while overcoming the disadvantages (the arbitrary “unclearness”)?

10  Did the triple disaster happen because this is Japan? ◦ Regulatory Failure plus Irresponsible Management ◦ Incestuous Relationship with the Media ◦ Docile Public  What can we do to avoid another Triple Disaster? ◦ Education program ◦ Information service

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