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TWINNING CONTRACT UA08/ENP- PCA/OT/14 «Support to the development and improvement of the civil servants training system in Ukraine »

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Presentation on theme: "TWINNING CONTRACT UA08/ENP- PCA/OT/14 «Support to the development and improvement of the civil servants training system in Ukraine »"— Presentation transcript:

1 TWINNING CONTRACT UA08/ENP- PCA/OT/14 «Support to the development and improvement of the civil servants training system in Ukraine »

2 How to characterize a civil service system? –« open » or « closed « civil service –statutory or contractual position of civil servants –Distinction between « grade » and « employ » v/ functional grades –recruitment in a body of civil servants or for a precise job –career guarantees (life long job, career development –initial / in service training –…

3 Qualities and competencies expected from civil servants Common concern to all responsible of civil service, whatever the country : how to get civil servants who are : competent loyal disinterested …and change agents?

4 Competence The main factors: recruitment ; to recruit, and also to keep in civil service civil servants with needed competencies initial training: adaptation to the job in service training: improvement of skills carrier management: mobility, capitalisation of experience

5 Loyalty Key factors : Political neutrality Obedience, hierarchical principe Culture of public service

6 Disinterestedness Prerequisite: civil servants paid on a normal and regular basis Sense of civil service Deontology and professional ethics Discipline in civil service

7 Civil servants as change agents Change management in civil service must ensure continuity of the State and of civil services: Keep functioning existing prepare the new management rules Ensure transition between old and new management rules …with the same civil servants!

8 Tools A few tools, shared by all civil service systems: Recruitment methods Initial training In service training Career management (promotion, mobility) Motivation (financial and non financial incentives)

9 In service training The most efficient tool to: Improve competencies Develop the civil service’s culture Develop professional motivation Guarantee ethics and professional deontology Support the changes in public administration

10 The main aspects of an in-service civil servant’s training system Assessment of training needs Definition of teaching targets Quality of educational methods Appraisal of quality of training …and means, obviously!

11 The training system of civil servants in France Strategy developed by the administrations in charge of civil service A huge effort in financial terms : 6,6% of tthe wage bill in State civil service Involvement of civil servant’s trade unions

12 The training system of civil servants in France a network of administrative schools (initial training and in-service training) consistency of training programs good methodology of training needs assessment good methodology of assessment of the quality of training courses special attention paid to the training of trainers

13 The key factors of success of a training policy - I Assessment of training needs: to take into account the main competencies expected of senior civil servants: Expertise Management skills Strategic vision (their relative importance differ during career)

14 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 1 Expert, Technician Manager Strategist

15 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 1 Technician Manager Strategist Initial training Sensibilisation Adaptation to job

16 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 2 Technician Manager Strategist

17 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 2 Technician Manager Strategist Training to stratégique analysis Training to management

18 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 3 Technician Manager Strategist

19 The main competencies expected of senior civil servants – Step 3 Technician Manager Strategist Urgent retraining !

20 Skills expected from civil servants Skills must be organized in order to bring consistency in administrative action

21 To bring consistency in administrative action + + + Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Consistency, effectiveness

22 To bring consistency in administrative action + + - Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Rupture!

23 To bring consistency in administrative action - + + Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Risk of self sabotage

24 To bring consistency in administrative action + - + Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Solution : training!

25 To bring consistency in administrative action + - - Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Desperate situation!

26 To bring consistency in administrative action - + - Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Avoid !

27 To bring consistency in administrative action - - + Know how Sense of duty Behaviours, willingness do do  Risk of frustration!

28 To bring consistency in administrative action In-service training is thus aimed: -To develop knowledge, skills, know-how, behaviours… -To bring consistency in administrative action …and to accomplish strategic goals, among them change management

29 To bring consistency in administrative action In-service training is aimed to: - Senior civil servants (change management) - Experts (« know how ») - Middle management : develop motivation (« willingness to do »)

30 The key factors of success of a training policy - II -Assessment of training needs -Evaluation of training demand -Enhancement of training supply

31 Analysis of training needs and demand Needs and demand are not synonyms : Training demand is expressed by civil servants Training needs are expressed by managers for their teams There is often a gap between training demand and training needs!

32 Analysis of training needs and demand Training needs Training demand

33 Analysis of training demand Analyse de la demande de formation : « entretiens de formation » distincts des entretiens de notation et d’évaluation, si possible, impliquant le niveau hiérarchique N + 1 …et aussi les cadres dirigeants : s’ils ne le font pas, leurs collaborateurs ne le feront pas !

34 Analysis of training needs and demand: example of crisis Besoins de formation Demande de Formation

35 Analysis of training needs and demand: example of ideal situation

36 Training needs, demand and offer: 3 notions that can be slightly different… Training needs Training demand Training offer

37 Training needs, demand and offer: 3 notions that can be slightly different… Then : -Shall we concentrate on the narrow zone of convergence between demand, needs and offer? -Or extend training offer to meet training needs and demand? -And, what to do of trainings that doesn’t fit demand or need?

38 The key factors of success of a training policy - II Relationship between HR management and administrative schools: a clear distribution of competencies –HR management: strategy of training –administrative schools: full responsibility of pedagogic issues

39 Strategy of training Means Legislative framework Assessment of competencies needed in civil service Link between training and career Initial training / continuous training Choice of training institutions (administrative schools, private sector…)

40 Strategy of training Assess the competencies and skills needed in the civil service How to assess the skills and comptencies of civil servants, which approach? –Appraisal interviews –360° evaluation –Professional examinations –Self appraisal –How to pinpoint high potentials?

41 Pedagogic issues Training programs and methods Training of trainers Selection of trainees Linking between initial and continuous training Evaluation of training

42 Relations between HR departments and administrative schools Official relation: participation to the board, supervision, allocation of funds, training objectives… Unofficial relation: common reflection on the content of training / network of administrative schools at national and international levels…

43 Seven key principles of training management To assess training demand and needs To anticipate organisational change and public service reforms Clear distribution of competencies between HR management and administrative schools To ensure equal opportunities in access to training To assess in order to optimise competencies of civil servants To assess training quality To assess training effectiveness

44 Thanks for attention !

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