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By: Alli Van Beveren and Emma Kreill VIOLENCE AND BRUTALITY NOTES.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Alli Van Beveren and Emma Kreill VIOLENCE AND BRUTALITY NOTES."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Alli Van Beveren and Emma Kreill VIOLENCE AND BRUTALITY NOTES

2 VIOLENCE Violence occurs every single day. In modern times, there are wars and fights. Back then there were wars too, but they were over different things. Violence is a behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone. Brutality is savage physical violence; great cruelty.

3 GODS Before Greek Mythology, myths used to describe the Gods as awful violent people. In Greek Mythology, violence was only used when they were making a point or if there was a real reason. The Trojan war was violence used to prove a point. The point was that people and the gods are manipulative and greedy. Three of the Gods were tempted by a golden apple.

4 EXAMPLE: THE TROJAN WAR In Odyssey, Greeks use violence against the Trojans Cause: Menelaus (King of Sparta) is angry at Paris (Prince of Troy) for stealing his wife Helen Under leadership of Agamemnon (Menelaus’ brother), Greeks sailed to Troy Popular warriors: Achilles (Greek), Hector (Trojan) Gods took sides in the war and helped with the violence and brutality The Greeks win and kill all Trojans except for some who became Greek slaves

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