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Thank You IA LTAP! Regions & State Affiliates (New Affiliate in TN)

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Presentation on theme: "Thank You IA LTAP! Regions & State Affiliates (New Affiliate in TN)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Thank You IA LTAP!

3 Regions & State Affiliates (New Affiliate in TN)

4 EDC LPA Initiative LPA Implementation Plan Stakeholder Partnering Certification/Qualification Program for LPAs Consultant Selection Strategies for Engineering Services September 24 EDC Exchange

5 Adoption and Implementation by Counties

6 The vision of the National Strategy: A highway system free of fatalities. Envisions an accelerated decline in transportation-related deaths and injuries. An intermediate goal of halving fatalities by 2030, Aggressively work toward a level of zero annual fatalities and few injuries as the norm.

7 Implementation Elements Formal Commitment Establishment of Inter-Departmental and/or Inter-Agency work group Review and consideration of all identified strategies Commitment to data collection and analysis Development of Local Safety Improvement Plan Continuing Education

8 Commitment to data collection and analysis

9 Why is Data Important? MAP-21 “Data Driven” Data Drives Funding Allows for better decision making/resource allocation Saves more lives

10 System Requirements – Roads Coverage HSIP applies to all public roads Data to be collected from: -State owned/maintained roads -Non State owned/maintained roads -Roads on tribal lands -Public roads on Federal lands 10

11 MAP-21 Eligible Safety Data Collection, Analysis, and Improvement Activities Collection, analysis and improvement of safety data is specifically identified as an eligible project within the definition of a HSIP 11

12 Road Safety Data Sources – Working Together with LTAPs Technical Assistance Access to Data Data Analysis RSAs Training SHSP Representation TRCC Research Opportunities Peer Exchanges

13 What can Data Driven Safety Investments Accomplish? Source: Scott Davis, Thurston Co., WA

14 Development of Local Safety Improvement Plan

15 Why Local Safety Improvement Plans? MAP-21 “Plans” Drive Funding Allows for better decision making/resource allocation Saves more lives

16 SHSP Background Development led by the state DOT in consultation with local, state, tribal, federal and private-sector safety stakeholders

17 Minnesota County Highway Safety Plans – What has it accomplished? In Minnesota: Toward Zero Deaths was adopted as a long term vision in 2003. In 2009, MnDOT changed the distribution of Highway Safety Improvement Program funds – from virtually all on State highways to a distribution proportional to the number of severe crashes – basically 50% state and 50% local systems. 17 Source: Howard Preston, PE, CH2M HILL

18 Implementation Elements Formal Commitment Establishment of Inter-Departmental and/or Inter-Agency work group Review and consideration of all identified strategies Commitment to data collection and analysis Development of Local Safety Improvement Plan Continuing Education


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